Friday, April 13, 2012

Progressives: Admit It; You Just Hate Women; Rosen's Comments Were No Accident; Eric Holder Is A Disgrace; New Jersey Loves Christie; Slo Joe Biden: The Cheapskate; Ozzie: You Can't Be That Stupid; Florida Looks To Another Summer Trial

Harvard Law School will be offering a class entitled, "Understanding Obama" while Barnum and Bailey Clown College will be offering a class called, "Understanding Biden."...Fallon

  • This dust up created by Hilary Rosen's attack on Ann Romney should be a surprise to no one. The attacks by Progressives upon women and moms, especially conservative women and moms (and motherhood), is nothing new. Palin, Bachmann, Coulter, Ingraham and many other conservative women have been demeaned and degraded by Progressives for years. In fact, in 1992, another Hillary, Hillary Clinton, said of  stay-at-home-moms, "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas..." The wife of that fake, phony and back-stabbing fraud, John F. Kerry, Teresa, said of Laura Bush, "...But I don't know that she's ever had a real job..." (This from a woman who inherited her vast wealth after her former husband, Sen. Heinz, died tragically in a helicopter/plane crash collision).

  • But after listening to the pundits for the past 24 hours regarding Rosen's comments, I think many are missing another message that was attempted to be floated out there by her comments: this was not only an attack on traditional motherhood; it was also a side-shot at Mormonism. Mormons have strong family values, a tradition most Progressives dislike. And Progressives have been searching for a way to attack Romney's religion (like they did in 2008). This was the start in my opinion, but it back-fired. In fact, Rasmussen's latest poll that came out yesterday shows Obama and Romney even, 45-45. It'll be interesting to see if future polls show the gender gap closing as a result of this fisaco. In addition, a current Fox Poll shows Romney inching ahead of Obama with "registered" voters 46-44%. That's only the second time a Fox Poll had Romney ahead (that's for the benefit of all those who believe Fox is in the tank for Romney).
  • And don't believe all these Democrats and others who are now distancing themselves from Rosen's comments, including Pres. Obama. Rosen's shot across the bow was not an accident. It was pre-meditated. It was calculated. How do I know that? Not only does their past behavior prove it as evidenced above, but Pres. Obama himself said this a week ago: "...I was teaching. I was practicing law, I'd be traveling. And we didn't have the luxury for {Michelle} not to work." Note the use of the word, "luxury." That says it all.
  • By the way, how many moms did Hilary Rosen insult? Census data from 2009 reported that 23% of women are SAHM's. In addition, 61% are Latino and foreign born---ooops!!!
  • This morning on "Morning Joe," Joe Scarborough tried to distance Rosen from the White House until a guest, Peggy Noonan, had to remind him that Rosen had visited the White House at least 35 times and met personally Pres. Obama at least 5 times. To give you some perspective on how much access these Progressives have to the president, during the same period, Gen. Petraeus had meetings in the White House 9 times (Malkin has a great piece showing exactly how many times Rosen visited the WH and with whom).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gov. Christie Spanks Progressives and Obama; Tax Facts; Taxes Do Kill; 9/11 Trial Date: 72 Virgins Await; Romney vs. Obama: Let The Games Begin; Lack of Diversity in Obama Campaign Staff

Keith Olberman is suing Current TV for $70 million. That comes out to $10 million per viewer...Leno

  • Rotund NJ Governor Chris Christie wasted no time in spanking progressives and the Obama administration for the conspicuous dangers associated with an entitlement society. Yesterday he pounded out the truth regarding the visions of progressives vs. conservatives. He said the government is now telling us "To stop dreaming, stop striving, we'll take care of you...That will not just bankrupt us financially, it will bankrupt us morally..."

  • In contrast, the Obama wants to "invest." That's code for stealing more money from all of us (not only the rich) in the form of higher taxes to accommodate the entitlement society. In addition, Pres. Obama and the Democrats want to push what they call the "Buffett Rule." In short, they want the rich to pay more taxes, something they already do contrary to what they are telling us. 10% of U.S. homes with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes while 47% of Americans pay NO TAXES. In 2011, households with incomes over $1 million paid almost 30% while those with incomes between $50-75 grand paid about 15%. Those making between $40 and 50 grand paid about 12%. And those between $20-30,000 paid 5.7% in federal taxes.  When the Obama administration talks about the rich not paying their "fair share," he's referring to the tax on their dividends and capital gains which are taxed at 15%. He's not taking into consideration the taxes they pay on their salaried income. Congressional Budget Office, IRS and Tax Policy Center

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Carnage of Black-on-Black Homicide; Justice Department's Distorted Logic; Women's Beach Volleyball: Bikinis To Remain; More Part Timers Getting Full-Time Jobs; The Market Rally Just Might Be An Illusion; Occupy Crowd: Still Stupid

Best Buy announced it will be closing 50 stores in the U.S. and opening 50 stores in China at the same time. Remember the old days when we just sent jobs overseas? Now we're sending the whole store...Leno

  • I, as well as many others, often question why the the outrage over black-on-black homicide in this country is not as great as the black community's outrage over white thug(s) killing blacks as just happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma last week. To my surprise, DeWayne Wickham a journalist I rarely agree with, nailed it this morning in USA TODAY. Wickham comes from the left side of the ideological isle. He's a well respected and admired leading black journalist of his generation. He writes for the Baltimore Sun but also contributes to USA TODAY. I give him more passes than I would ordinarily give a raging progressive because he also happens to be a Vietnam veteran.
  • Wickham, in his piece today {Black-on Black Violence: Where's The Outrage?} points out correctly while blacks only make up 12.6% of the population, they make up about half of the people murdered each year. And if that's not disturbing, consider this statistic: "More blacks were murdered in the United States in 2009 alone than all the U.S. troops killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to date," according to Wickham. He refers to this slaughter occurring in the black community as "a carnage without response." And he asked a question I've often asked black leaders: "So why won't these leaders take to the streets with equal fervor to stop these genocidal killings of blacks by other blacks?" He answers his own question: "Because "the loss of black lives...don't register on a racial conflict meter." Hear that Sharpton?
  • In case you missed the news because of the Easter Weekend, the UN's Human Rights Council Chief said the UN should investigate the Trayvon killing. Remember, these are the same knuckleheads who allowed over 8,000 men to be murdered under their very noses at Sebrinica during the Balkan Wars. And who are and have been some of the nation members on this "illustrious" human rights council?  How does Uganda sound? If that's not enough, then what about Cuba, Saudi Arabia and yes, even Libya. Gee, that has to make Trayvon's family feel a lot better. Agence France Presse
  • If you recall, several weeks ago those thugs, felons and cowards---The New Black Panther Party---put out a bounty on Zimmerman's head.  Wouldn't you know it---the other thugs, felons and cowards---Neo-Nazis---are now patrolling Sanford, FL. Stupids like to hang out with each other. History is replete with this phenomena. NY Post