Friday, May 4, 2012

Osama bin Laden Loved MSNBC {Especially Keith Olberman} and Wanted Slo Joe Biden in Charge; Horrific Employment & Economic News; Obama Supporters: How Much More Damage To America By This Administration's Policies Will You Continue to Tolerate?; Occupy Support Falling in Bay Area

Vice President Joe Biden stayed behind {the president's trip to Afghanistan}. He did not go on this trip. Well, thank God for that. What if there had been an emergency here and Americans needed somebody to come up and say exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time.  Leno

  • Bin Laden's newly released documents don't only show that he was disappointed with al Qaeda leadership, the documents also show that MSNBC was one of his favorite news outlets. He also liked CBS and ABC. Gee, what a friggin surprise!

  • But that was not the only revelation. The documents also show he was upset that MSNBC fired Keith Olberman. In addition, he wanted to take down Pres. Obama and leave "totally unprepared" Slo Joe Biden in charge. Even Osama recognized and understood that Biden is a knucklehead.
  • Have you noticed an interested phenomena in the reporting about al-Qaeda? Al-Qaeda is either stronger or almost dead or dying. I've read several conflicting reports in just the last 2 weeks.
  • By the way, not only have some veteran groups and current and retired SEALs slammed the Obama administration and campaign, but there are reports that more SEALs will be coming forward. Hot Air
  • "Obama is like the newly hired mason who puts in place the last few bricks of a cathedral and then claims the credit not only for building it but also for the architectural design." Dave Becher

  • The employment and unemployment numbers came in today, and they were horrific. The unemployment rate is now at 8.1%. But even more disturbing is this data point: Labor force participation dropped to a 30 year low at 64.3%. As reported here yesterday, employers added only 115,000 last month to their payrolls {It's actually 5000 lower than predicted}. And the real U3 unemployment rate is now at 11.6%.  Almost 30 million are out of work. Zero Hedge and Breitbart

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Obama Campaign's Biggest Diversion Yet: Afghanistan; Myth of Arab Spring Continues: Israel Call Up Its Reserves; Congress Puts Heat on Eric Holder; Homeland Security Knucklehead; Parakeet Returns Home

"Romney Courts Hispanic Vote With Animated Sombrero Wearing Parrot." Onion headline

  • For an administration and country that has not paid that much attention to Afghanistan in the last 3 years(Under Pres. Obama, U.S. military deaths more than doubled in Afghanistan.  Where are the daily body counts in the media? Where are the anti-war fake, phony and frauds? None to be found. None to be seen), the Obama campaign made up for it in the last two weeks. Several weeks ago, I wrote about all the diversionary tactics the Obama administration and campaign (keep in mind: they are one in the same) used to divert our attention from the poor handling of the economy to their dismal handling of foreign affairs. If you recall, the took on a "big dog," the Catholic Church. However, that backfired because people of all faiths also felt they were under attack. Then came the alleged "war on women" by Republicans. That had legs (no pun intended) for less than a heartbeat. So they look around for another convenient diversion or target and guess what? It's the one-year anniversary of the whacking of Osama. Jackpot! So they thought until, as always, they overplayed their hand by taking a tad too much credit for the operation that the tactic even angered current and former Navy SEALs. Oh, but that didn't stop them. Now comes word that documents found in bin-Laden's Pakistan hideout are being dumped into the public domain today. How convenient!

  • Referencing the fake, phony and fraud anti-war crowd, really---where are they? When Pres. Obama was senator, he demigoded against every George W. Bush was doing in the War on Terror from being opposed to Gitmo, the Patriot Act, the Surge, Rendition, Iraq, etc. etc. The list goes on and on. Yet, and I've given him credit for this, he's retained most of those same anti-terror policies..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Special Edition: Occupy Wall Street's Hypocrisy and Violent Behavior

The Onion's take on what  Occupy Wall Street Protesters Demand: "European Style Socialist State So We Can Enjoy The Same Economic Prosperity They Do."

I decided to do a Special Edition covering Occupy Wall Street's history in photos and images. It's said a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll keep this short. The following images will give you a snapshot of the Occupy movement. Keep in mind, much of the media and many progressive politicians have shown support for these nitwits, thugs, and cowards in the past year (look it up. I'm too busy to reference it for you right now). Many of the images are from Oakland and San Francisco, CA, Seattle, NY, Denver and other major cities. And, yes, I've witnessed this nonsense myself. Keep this in mind: they damage the environment. They hurt the 99%, the very people they claim to support. And in many Occupy locations there's been criminal acts such rapes (including gang rapes), thefts, assaults, lewd acts (in at least one case in front of children), public urination and defecation, harassing local residents and businesses and vandalism. ("Occupy Wall Street Consumed By Crime Wave," Yahoo News. Occupy Wall Street's Criminal Rap Sheet can also be seen on

Do the following images represent everyone in the Occupy movement? No, they do not. I've personally had some discussions and debates with some good people, albeit misguided in my opinion. However, I contend if your movement is infected with so many nitwits, thugs and cowards, I have to question the overall credibility of the movement. Moreover, if these people believe it's so bad in this greatest nation on God's green earth, then I would advise them to visit places like Pakistan, the Sudan, Somalia, Haiti, and countless other nations. Then come back here and tell us how bad it is here.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." Pres. John F. Kennedy

Obama Should Follow SEAL Team Tradition: Heroes Don't Brag---Zeroes Do; Whining Occupiers End With A Whimper; Newt To Bow Out; Why Did The Media Bury This Story; Mathews and His Man-Crush On Obama Continues

President Obama has revealed his new re-election slogan---"Forward." That's a good message for Obama. He's telling voters, "Whatever you do, don't look back at all those campaign promises I made."...Leno

  • In our lifetime have you ever witnessed an administration that keeps dropping the silver platter handed to them so often? Or, for anyone who does not understand that metaphor, how about one you will: This crew of incompetents can f**k up a wet dream. This administration reminds me a lot of Jimmy Carter. Jimbo started out with a lot of promise but ended  up a loser (an even worse ex-president).
  • After bin-Laden was sent to meet his 72 virgins, the entire nation was unified in the success and outcome of that operation. From all political sides, Pres. Obama got the credit he deserved (Yes, even on this blog. I've written that I support the many things he's done with the War on Terror. There is no doubt; the man likes to pull the trigger). But what does he do with all that good-will? He decides to keep dancing in the end zone like one of the many dufis NFL players who don't quite seem to understand it's about the "team" not one person.
  • Let me be clear. I don't have a problem with him visiting the troops in Afghanistan yesterday even though, as senator, he was a critic of the military. Nevertheless, I believe it was the right thing to do (some critics still contend it was a political prop). The timing was suspect but that's the role of the Commander in Chief (it was his first in 17 months). He gets a pass from me on that one. In addition, his speech was pretty good in my opinion.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

SEALs To Obama Campaign: Stop Exploiting Us For Political Gain!; Obama's New Campaign Slogan: FORWARD!; Occupy Thugs Doing Their Thing Again

We're learning more and more about the Secret Service scandal. The prostitutes in Columbia even had code names for the different agents they were seeing. The guy who wanted to keep putting off paying? His nickname was Obama...Leno

  • When was the last time you or anyone else heard of any operator coming out of the shadows to criticize an incumbent's political campaign? The answer is probably never. Until this week. Current and former SEAL team operators came out this week in response to the Obama campaign's use of their killing bin-Laden for political gain. Ryan Zinke, a former SEAL Team 6 commander said the decision to go after and kill bin-Laden was a "no brainer." He added the Obama administration is exploiting the operation for his re-election bid. And unidentified current-serving SEAL team member said, "...But the more he {Oama} tries to take credit for it, the more the ground operators are saying, 'Come on, man! It really didn't matter who was president. At the end of the day, they were going to go.'" (Folks, I can assure you, this SEAL team member was speaking for the entire team. They operate as a team. This was not some guy going off the reservation on his own. The SEALs are telling this administration and the campaign---shut it down now!)  UK Mail
  • It was ironic to hear Bill Clinton coming to Obama's defense when it was the Clinton administration who was offered bin-Laden by Sudan in 1996 and turned their offer down.
  • SEALs spent most of their careers in the shadows and this bungling administration continues to shine a light on them. I have to believe, as evidenced by what some other team members have said, they are pi$$ed off big time at the yo-yo's in the White House. Even more disturbing, shining a light on these heroes can put their lives at risk and can put the lives of their families at risk. If you ever want more evidence of how dysfunctional and incompetent this administration is---you have a classic example with this news. And if you want to know what special operators want us to think---read the caption below the image above. It says it all.

  • We also need these guys more than ever now. Seized al-Qaeda documents clearly reveal these murdering thugs are not through with planning their own operations. They are calling the documents a "roadmap" for future al-Qaeda operations that include seizing cruise ships and more suicide bombing attacks including on aircraft. CNN

Monday, April 30, 2012

Obama Campaign's Desperation and Diversitions Continue; May Day: An Occupy Wall Street Holiday; Some Free Advice For College Students; Do Wind Farms Cause Global Warming?; Media PA Honored Returning Veterans

Major breaking news story in The Onion today. This headline summarizes the piece very well: "Report: Typical City Bus Contains No Fewer Than Four Erections At Any Given Time."

  • As the controversy continues surrounding the Obama campaign's use of the whacking of bin-Laden for purely political gain, I listened to two speeches today. One was George W. Bush's speech to the nation after our troops caught Saddam Hussein. Throughout that entire speech, Bush praised our troops and the intelligence agencies for their work in capturing that prick. That clip was followed by Pres. Obama's speech to the nation following the SEALs taking bin-Laden out.  While he did praise others, the entire speech was littered with "I directed Leon Panetta,"  "I met repeatedly with..," "...I determined that..," "Today, at my direction..;" "Over the years, I repeatedly made clear..;" "I, as Commander in Chief,..." I, I, I, I... It's clear from that speech, he probably believed he two-tapped bin-Laden. As his campaign evokes the killing of bin-Laden, he directly contradicted his previous claim that he would not "spike the football" as a result of bin-Laden's death at the hands of the Navy SEALs. What makes the campaign's use of this shameless propaganda even more disturbing is that there was no need to do it. Most Americans, including moi, were thrilled that he gave the "go" to whack bin-Laden. Just as most Americans were satisfied with him giving the go-ahead to take out those Somali pirates months earlier. In other words, there's no need to keep dancing in the end zone. It's over. The prick is dead. You did what your were suppose to do as Commander in Chief, and what any other Commander in Chief---including Romney if he had been sitting in the Oval Office---would have done. Now, go back to the locker room and strategize for the next terrorist thug to take out instead of trying to take out your political opponent with a cheap shot---a diversionary tactic that will not work in my opinion.
  • Hey, it's almost impossible to go a few days without Slo Joe Biden making an ass out of himself. He did it again. He spoke at a campaign event in DC for Turkish and Azerbaijani donors late last week. He didn't get much of a response from the audience, so, Joe being Slo Joe, had to say something. He said this: "...I might add. The dullest audience I have ever spoken to." No Joe, you happen to be the dullest man on earth. That's the problem. With all due respect, you also might be the biggest dummy on the planet too.