Friday, May 11, 2012

Liberal Media's Ugly Double-Standard Attack on Romney; Obama Campaign's Bullying Tactics; Hollywood's Hypocrisy: A Long History of Black Listing Gay Actors; Bill Clinton Called Obama An Amateur

President Obama came out in favor of same sex marriage. He said he hoped his support would make it easier for gay people to get married and for John Travolta to get a massage...Conan

  • In high school some of my classmates and I decided to pull one of many pranks on another classmate. We went to the Post Office, took out a change-of-address form and changed his address to somewhere in Japan (I was living in Philadelphia at the time). That was 1966. In college, as part of rush week, we took one of the rushes and hung him over a bridge  by his feet. The bridge spanned a ravine. That was 1967. I bring this up just in case I ever run for political office and The Washington Post decides to run a hit-piece on me. I just saved them hours of research time.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama's "Evolutionary Conversion" on Gay Marriage: All About The Green; Did You Know The Troops Are Fighting For Obama?; Distractions, Distractions, Distractions; It's Perspective Stupid; Danica Patrick: A Distraction I Can Live With

"Obama Blasts Obama's Evasive Stance On Gay Marriage." The Onion headline the day before Pres. Obama endorsed same-sex marriage.

  • "I'm a Christian. I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman, " Obama in 2004 and repeated subsequent to that year. In less than 4 years, Pres. Obama threw his religious beliefs under the bus. Since he has a long habit of doing this---he did it to his grandmother and countless others---his "evolutionary conversion" should surprise no one.

  • But I wonder how many people know that in 1996, as an Illinois State senator, he supported gay marriage. Oh, yes, he did. It appears he evolves a lot. (CBS Political Hot Sheet, "Same Sex Marriage An Awkward Issue For Obama").
  • In USA TODAY's editorial {"Obama Gay-Marriage Shift Mirror Nation's Evolution"}, the paper wrote, "..., the president of the United States jumped off the fence he has been straddling for several years and said that he personally favors gay marriage..." Sorry USA TODAY, he was pushed off by Slo Joe's blunder this week (although some are also saying this was all calculated. Should this decision backfire, guess who will be holding the bag? Slo Joe Biden). 
  • There are only two reasons Obama came out now. One, it's all about money, about campaign fundraising. And what's the other?  He can raise millions from his gay base---a base that's been less than enthusiastic about him but who have a lot of Green---including the Hollywood crowd (Bette Midler must feel like she died and went to heaven). It's already being reported he raised over a million bucks 90 minutes after his conversion (BuzzFeed). So contrary to the progressive media and Democrats who are today saying this was a courageous decision on his part, it has nothing to do with courage. It has all to do with buckets full of money.
  • There is one area in this debate where I do agree with Pres. Obama. I believe decisions about same sex marriages should be left up to the states.
  • But I 'll leave this with the LGTB base: Pres. Obama said nothing about legalizing same-sex marriage.
  • By the way, don't you find it interesting and certainly contradicting that most polls now show that a majority Americans do support gay marriage (latest Gallup by a margin of 50 to 47%---still within the margin of error so it's about even); yet, when it comes up for a vote it's lost in every state, sometimes by wide margins? What does that imply? It implies those polled are not telling pollsters the truth.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Slo Joe Biden's Diversion Blunder; Tea Party Alive and Well; Cleveland Five Plotters Were From Occupy; More Props To The CIA; Prisoner Almost Beats Obama in W. Virginia

Joe Biden said the sitcom "Will & Grace" made America more comfortable with gay people. Biden also said the sitcom character Urkel made America more comfortable with President Obama...Conan

  • I've often written about the Obama campaign's diversionary tactics. To some degree, they work. They deflect the public and the media from the Obama administration's failed policies. However, leave it up to Slo Joe Biden to screw up a wet dream. It now appears his diversionary comments regarding same-sex marriage backfired (as did the administration's attacks on other issues). Yesterday, major democratic strategists starting ripping the Obama campaign regarding Obama's "evolving" position on gay marriage. "He should man up and say, 'This is what I believe,'" said Ed Rendell on MSNBC. Robert Zimmerman, a DNC member, said, "It's long past due for the president to stop evolving and start leading on the defining civil rights issue of today." (Gee, they just discovered this president lacks leadership?). Even James Carville, Clinton's guru, told the Democrats on CNN they need to wake up.
  • As I've written on many occasions, this president lack leadership skills because he wants to play both sides of many key issues. He's also making every decision based on politics instead of any real core beliefs . He'll most likely support same-sex marriage if he's re-elected. Recall what he said to the former president of Russia several weeks ago on an open-mic. He asked Russia's president for "space." He said he'll have more "flexibility" after the election. He and the Democrats have also put the plethora of funding problems associated with Medicaid and Medicare in the parking lot either leaving it for a second term {God forbid} or leaving it for Romney to deal with. And few, if any, Democrats even mention our unsustainable debt now approaching $16 trillion.
  • As I wrote yesterday, how many diversions does this administration have left? At this rate, they should run out before the summer campaign season. Then what?

  • Delicious irony: Yesterday N. Carolina voted to ban same-sex marriage. Democrats will be holding their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another Obama Diversion: The Gay Marriage Debate; Romney Leads Obama By 5 and by 10 Among Independents; Great Balls of Fire: More Underwear Bombers Busted; Cher Puts Progressive Talking Points Into One Tweet: An Amazing Feat By A Knucklehead; Obesity Plague

Obama Launches More Realistic "I Have Big Ideas, But We'll See How It Goes" Campaign Slogan... The Onion's Political Headline of the day

  • I've written several pieces on how the Obama campaign uses diversions to deflect and redirect attention from the president's many failed policies. They did it again this past weekend using Slo Joe Biden. In short, Biden said he is "absolutely comfortable" with gay marriage. In fact, several of Obama's chief staff have come out in support also. No major revelation with one exception, Pres. Obama. He's never come out and supported gay marriage directly. He's said his position is "evolving." (he knows how long evolution takes so he knows it can buy him some time). It's classic Obama---wants it both ways. It was his reputation in the Senate.  Meanwhile, the media was all over Slo Joe's Meet the Press statements. Meanwhile---we witnessed everyone taken in by another diversion. Meanwhile, I have a question: Can you run out of diversions?
  • The latest Gallup Poll shows the country is about split on gay marriage. 50% say it should be legal and 48% say it should not. The other 2%---who gives a sh!t. They are the same people who can never make up their minds.
  • Rasmussen's Daily Tracking Poll has Romney leading Obama 49 to 44%. That's outside the margin of error.
  • Also, in the George Washington University Battleground Poll just out, it's a horse race with Romney edging out Obama, 48-47%.  But among Independent voters, Romney has a 10-point lead over Obama.
  • One thing I'm confident about---Cher would not be pleased with the recent polls. She Tweeted this week the following: "If Romney gets elected I don't know if I can breathe same air as him and his Right Wing Racist Homophobic Woman Hating Tea Bagger Masters." You got to give her credit for one thing: she managed to put many of the progressive talking points into one Tweet. Twitchy

Monday, May 7, 2012

4 More Years? Why?; Empty Seats Greet Obama; Slo Joe Biden Smacked Down; Attorney Panders to Terrorists; Obama Campaign Mostly White; France Makes Left-Hand Turn; Back-Lash Against NFL Hard Hitting

Well, as you know, Pres. Obama was in Afghanistan last week, as part of his big "Did I mention I killed bin-Laden?" tour...Leno

  • As Pres. Obama officially started his campaign tour (he actually started the day he was sworn in), I heard chants of "Four More Years!, Four More Years!." When I heard those mantras,  the first question that popped into my mind was: WHY? The second was: Are you people friggin insane?
  • While those chants were being heard greeting Pres. Obama in Ohio last Saturday, Pres. Obama was also greeted by something usually unheard of for any president: empty seats. Ohio media and Buzzfeed are reporting about 5,000 of 20,000 seats went unfilled at Ohio State University.

  • Slo Joe Biden was smacked down this week. That should surprise no one, because Biden is such a knucklehead. However, it was surprising considering it came from the main stream media. David Gregory of Meet the Press reminded Slo Joe and the viewers that Biden was one of the few who was against killing bin-Laden. Yet, two weeks ago, he implied that Romney would not have pulled the trigger for the operation.