Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama's Blame Game Continues And So Does Tailspin; Falsehoods Wrapped in Fallacies; Obama Relies on Hollywood for Campaign Strategy; A Sure Way To Stop Those Leaks

President Obama is coming to Chicago this weekend. He's introducing his new economic plan as part of the Just for Laughs Festival...Conan

  • By most accounts yesterday and today, the president's economic speech was a bust yesterday. The critics---even those from the knee-pad media---agree the president just rehashed the same ol', same ol' including blaming the Bush administration. Obama offered little to show how he would improve the economy (One has to wonder who is writing his speeches or guiding the strategy when many of his arguments have failed). How bad was his speech yesterday? Michael O'Brien of MSNBC begged Obama to STOP talking. Even Joe Klein of Time magazine and Juan Williams of Fox News, both huge Obama supporters, were not impressed. And to make matters worse, Ed Rendell, former governor of Pennsylvania and former DNC head honcho, speculated in a Newsmax interview that Hillary might have made a better president (I believe Rendell supported Hillary in 2008).

  • Just announced now: The Obama administration announced that they will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. Can you spell: Amnesty and catering to the Latino vote?  (On a personal level, I support some aspect of granting young illegals some type of way of becoming citizens as long as some strict rules are followed. For example, if someone came here as a child by his parents and joins our military---I'd like to see that immigrant granted permission to remain and become a citizen). Anyway, the president is expected to have a news conference on this soon. It will be interesting to see how the Romney campaign reacts to this news.
  • On top of all this, another huge knee-pad media supporter of Obama, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, in a piece entitled, "Skip The Falsehoods, Mr. President, Give Us A Plan," wrote the following: "...the president gave Americans a falsehood wrapped in a fallacy."---Big Ouch!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Economy: There is No Recovery; Romney Leads In Wisconsin; Unions Are Backing An Anti-Semitic Prick; Facts About Fast and Furious; Lance Armstrong; Madonna Mooned Her Audience; Fly Our Flag Today

Pundits are saying that Pres. Obama is starting to lose support among his own party. To give you some idea how bad its gotten, today Jimmy Carter compared him to Jimmy Carter...Leno

  • As weekly first-time unemployment claims rose yet again last week by 6,000 to 386,000 (and it will be revised up in a few days as it has been about 98% of the time in the last 60 months), it's become obvious---even to many Democrats now---that there is no recovery. Even Carville came out yesterday and basically told Obama in no uncertain terms: stop saying the economy is growing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Commander and Whiner; It's The Messenger, Stupid; Romney Needs To Open Up; Joy Behar Wants Romney's House to Burn Down; Will Holder Go Down?

Authorities said today they've ordered a psychiatric evaluation...Not for Lindsay ---for the idiot who rented her a Porsche (for those who don't know, Lohan crashed a rented Porsche into an 18 wheeler last week)...Leno

  • If there's one thing Americans do not like to see in their leaders, it's whining. And Obama does a lot of it. In Philadelphia yesterday ( a week when he's had more than 6 fundraising events and will end up at Sarah Jessica's apartment in Manhattan) he whined---YET AGAIN--- about what he "inherited." It's not only his critics who are getting tired of the whining, blaming and complaining; it's irritating many Democrats now. It's not low-level dems either. It's those who have power. In the last two weeks, we've seen criticism coming from Bill Clinton, Ed Rendell and many others. Politico is now reporting even James Carville, one of the architects of Clinton's campaign and the one who proclaimed at the time---"It's the economy, stupid"--- is very critical of Obama's messages. He points out correctly that the voters are not convinced we are going in the right direction (as evidenced by every poll to date). And as I wrote yesterday, when household net worth tanked by almost 40% in just the last 3 years, it makes for a very unhappy electorate.

  • Having said all of this, I still find Obama's poll numbers amazing. Yes, they've been slipping. Yet, his poll numbers are still relatively strong for a president who has done a really poor job---in the opinion of many. His numbers still hover around 43-47%. The lessons I take away from these numbers: 1-Republicans can't get too cocky and 2-It's amazing how many stupid and delusional people there are out there.
  • But there is one major reality that is not in Obama's favor right now in my opinion. In 2008, many voted for him, but knew little about him. They decided to give this new guy a shot. The problem he now has is a "record" that's increasingly difficult to run on. Now many Americans have a clearer picture of what this man is all about. It's not 2008 all over again. This is really a new ball game.
  • Foreign countries also appear to be getting a better snap shot of our president. The BBC reported today his ratings internationally are tanking.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

American Families' Wealth Down 39%; We're Watching A Slow-Motion Car Wreck; Yes, The Dingo Did Eat Her Baby; 25 Years Ago Reagan Put It To The Ruskies

Remember when Obama was campaigning? Didn't he say he was going to close Guantanamo Bay? Apparently, he just meant for renovations...Leno

  • Here at PWZ for more than 3 years now, I've been trying to convince readers that the news coming out about the economy from the White House and the knee-pad media has not been accurate. In fact, on many occasions, we've heard outright lies.  As USA TODAY reports should it be a surprise to anyone that American families lost 39% of their wealth from 2007 to 2010 (the news for 2012 has not been fully vetted yet, but early data shows that incomes have started to slide yet again)? In fact, median household net worth has fallen to 1992 levels. In effect, all the gains of the 1990's and post-2000 have been wiped out. In fact, household net worth peaked in 2007 (Gee, who was present then?) right before the housing bust. The Fed estimates Americans lost $7 trillion in home equity during this period. In addition, after the 2000 recession, family incomes were fully restored in 18 months (and that was after the world's finance center was hit on 9/11). Well, we now know Obama didn't lie about one thing: Change.  But hope left town a long time ago (probably to help Obama slow the rise of oceans and heal the planet).

Monday, June 11, 2012

Intelligence Leaks Lack Intelligence; Shut The F^ck Up!; Barbara Walters: Her Ethics in Question; Will Holder Be Held in Contempt?; Bain Attack Ads Did Not Work; A School Principal Without Principles; The Beatles: 50 This Week; Madonna's Nip Slip

Goldman Sachs Hires Single Morally Decent Human Being To Work In A Separate Enclosed Cubicle...The Onion

  • During World War II, the Allies were able to read German intelligence information thanks to the outstanding work of Polish and British mathematicians. They cracked the Enigma Code. Knowing the Enigma Code enabled Allies to fool German forces prior to the Battle of Normandy, one of the main turning points of WWII that led to the defeat of Germany. The breaking of that code was kept secret for over 30 years. If reports coming out of The New York Times and Congress are accurate, the Obama administration has been able to keep our  sensitive intelligence secrets secret for about 5 minutes.

  • In just the last year,  sensitive national security leaks from the administration and our government detailed the operational raid on the killing of bin-Laden by Navy SEALs. Leaks also led to informing the entire world that Pres. Obama has a "kill list."  And within the last two weeks, leaks informed the world we helped create the Stuxnet virus that attacked Iran's nuclear program.
  • Many are speculating the release of the leaks have been purposeful to prop-up Pres. Obama as a hard-nosed war-time president. And it's not only Republicans taking the administration to task for these leaks, it's also Democrats, liberal Democrats at that. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said, "I've been on the Intelligence Committee for 11 years, and I have never seen it this worse." And Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) said he plans on holding hearings about the leaks.  How angry are many former government officials? This angry. Former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, told National Security Advisor Tom Donilon to "shut the f%$k up."

  • Whatever the reason for these leaks, one thing is absolutely certain: they harm our national security. They also place our covert agents in danger. In addition, Iran knowing about our involvement in creating the Stuxnet virus can be used against us---virally (I think I just made up a new word). In the opinion of many, these leaks amount to treason.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Are We Witnessing An Implosion of the Obama Campaign?

"There was another drone attack ordered by the White House last night. They sent Joe Biden out to give a speech.  He was just droning on."...Leno

  • I think it was Plato who said, "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."  I sense if Plato were alive today he just might be referring to the Obama administration and campaign. As Peggy Noonan (former speech writer for Pres. Reagan) wrote this week, " one even looks to him for leadership now {referring to Obama}. He doesn't go to Wisconsin where the fight is. He goes to Sarah Jessica Parker's place where the money is...There is now a house-of-cards feeling about this administration...He isn't even trying to lead, he's just trying to win"

  • Just last week, Pres. Obama actually said, "The private sector is doing fine." As soon as he uttered those words, the nation had a collective laughing fit since many Americans know over 23 million are out of work. In addition, the longest sustained unemployment rate over 8% since the Depression.
  • Even more embarrassing for the Obama campaign when Obama tried to blame Republicans for not passing any jobs bills, he conveniently forget Congress passed about 30 already.
  • At the very same time, he had to take a good part of his press conference and try to convince Americans that the leaks did not come from his executive staff.  Well, someone is lying because his statement is in direct conflict with a piece that appeared on the NY Times. The paper pointed out they interviewed "current and former advisers." OOOOPS! We have a problem.