Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney Vs. The Empty Chair; Clint Eastwood Ties Dems & Presstitute's Panties in a Knot; Conservative Women Dazzled; Will Betty White Save Democrats?; The Knee-Pad Media's Racists; Romney Heading To Hurricane Devastated Area; Obama To Texas

"The empty chair would have made a better president than Obama." My Tweet last night

  • I made several observations last night regarding the entire RNC.
  • One is clear: Romney unified the Republican Party.
  • Romney and the other speakers did not shy away from placing Medicare, Bain and the Mormon religion on the front burners. They took it to the Democrats (why not? Dems will be using those issues anyway).
  • Republican and Conservative women were also the stars.  Democrats and liberals will continue to wage a war on conservative women, but, I'm convinced, those attacks will fail. America was dazzled by Ann Romney, Condi Rice, Mia Love (running for a House seat out of Utah. She's also black and a Mormon. You know that drives the Left nuts), Gov. Martinez, Gov. Mary Fallin, and Gov. Nikki Haley.

  • So who will the Dems trot out next week: Betty White and Sandra Fluke.
  • You can be assured of one thing. The Democrats, as they always do, will be trotting out a lot of people they perceive as being "victims."
  • What else will we be seeing? They will, once again, blame Bush (by saying they inherited a mess and will try to attach Romney to Bush).  Democrats will highlight Bin Laden's whacking. Getting troops out of Iraq. They will try to highlight the "rescue" of the auto industry. They will attack Romney and Ryan on Medicare. They will say they are moving "forward." They will target their base with issues surrounding abortion and immigration.

  • The knee-pad media and Dems were not happy with Clint taking shots at Pres. Obama last night. They conveniently forget the 8 years they were making vile jokes about Bush from the Late Night comics to Jon Stewart to Colbert and countless others. Hypocrites one and all.
  • How bad has the knee-pad media become when their fact-checkers are proven to be liars?
  • How bad has the knee-pad media become when the likes of Chris Mathews and others say when Republicans refer to Chicago; it's being racist? (I guess if Sinatra were alive today, he'd be called a racist by these nitwits). By the way, what kind of neighborhood do you think Mathews lives in anyway? I guarantee you he does not live in any downtown or center city of any major American city.

  • "I can assure you I know one country that can't wait for Romney to be elected---Poland." My Tweet last night
  • And who really are the racists? MSNBC chose NOT to cover any speeches whenever a minority Republican took the stage.
  • What do four of the five states that have the lowest unemployment in the country have in common? They drill for oil and gas (N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Oklahoma & Nebraska).
  • New York Public school system had over 20,000 incidents of violence in 2010. It's not any better today.
  • Breaking News Now: Romney will be visiting the Hurricane damaged areas. Pres. Obama is going to Texas. White House reports they have not yet made any plans for Obama to visit that devastated area yet. (ABC News)

Republicans have Eastwood, Norris, Willis and others, Democrats have the guy above.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paul Ryan: Optimism, Confidence, Energy, Strength, Clarity and Humor; Condi Displayed Grace & Guts; Yahoo News Has Some Integrity

"Obama is the first president to create more excuses than jobs."  Tim Pawlenty, Gov. of Minnesota

  • "College grads should not have to live out their '20's in their childhood bedrooms, staring up at fading Obama posters." Paul Ryan last night. The feds are reporting this week that student-loan debt rose to $914 billion last quarter---double 2006 levels.
  • I'm going to leave most of the post-convention speech critiques to the pundits, but I know what I came away with last night. I watched a young Republican Conservative star---Paul Ryan---demonstrate and exhibit optimism, confidence, energy, strength and clarity. And all of this was displayed in one quote: "So here is our pledge...We will not duck the tough issues--we will lead. We will not spend four years blaming others---we will take responsibility." He said later, "We are too smart to know there aren't any easy answers. But we're not dumb enough to accept that there aren't better answers."
  • While many are wondering if Romney will hit a home run tonight, he already did in choosing Paul Ryan.
  • Yesterday, after Ryan's speech, I Tweeted that Slo Joe Biden had to change his adult diapers after listening to the man he will be debating in the fall.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Democrats Pander To Ovaries, Vaginas & Skin Color; MSNBC's Conspicuous Bias Raises Its Ugly Head Yet Again; Ann Romney Hits It Out of the Park; Christie Strikes at Lack of Leadership; Hillary Clinton To Skip DNC; Consumer Confidence Tanks

" How'd you like to go through your life looking like you're perpetually witnessing the docking of the Hindenberg?"...Dennis Miller

  • It's a fact. Democrats pander to ovaries, vaginas and skin color while conservatives debate the real issues facing all Americans today. All you had to do was listen to the outstanding speeches of every RNC speaker last night, and you would come to the same conclusion.

  • So what did that all "tolerant" MSNBC network do last night? They did not cover any of the speeches given by Rep. Artur Davis, a black American, Mia Love, a black candidate for the House of Representatives, Ted Cruz, a Latino American. Do you notice the pattern? They didn't want the country to see how diverse Republicans ACTUALLY are. Instead they felt compelled to air commentary by Rachel Maddow, E Schultz, Chris Mathews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt...all suck ups to the current administration. I wonder if they would have covered any of the great black Republicans in the image above?

  • While I'm on media bias, it was reported this week, the public editor of the New York Times resigned this week. He said the Times is a "hive" of like-minded liberals.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chris Mathews Is An Ahole; Tolerant Left Would Like To See Hurricane Kill Republicans; 2016 Film Still Smoking At The Box Office; If We Go Off The Economic Cliff, Expect This; States Now $4 Trillion in Debt

Lance Armstrong Lets Down Single Person Who Still Believed Him...The Onion Sports

  • I'm now convinced the Democrats and their surrogates in the knee-pad media have more race and class cards in their deck than the Bellagio in Vegas. Chris Mathews pulled the race card out again yesterday on Morning Joe's MSNBC (have you noticed how MSNBC has morphed into a mental institution?). Mathews and his ilk don't even recognize the fact that pulling out the race card obsessively is racist. Moreover, Mathews and his peers have all criticized Herman Cain, Allen West and other esteemed BLACK conservatives in the past. Does that make Mathews a racist? In addition, they've made vile and hateful attacks and remarks about conservative women. Does that make them sexist and misogynist? (It does).

  • I wonder how much money Mathews and his ilk have given to charity. We know Romney gave away over 19% of his salary (while Biden gave a whopping 1.5% {Snopes}). We know his gave his inheritance to charity. We know, after two-sons of a Boston-area family were seriously injured in a car accident, the Romney's offered to pay their colleges expenses. We know when a neighbor's 12-year-old son died, Romney organized the effort to build a playground in the boy's name and led a crew to ensure it was well maintained.  We know when a neighbor's house caught on fire, Romney organized neighbors to run in and salvage their belongings.  We know he spent 2 years in missionary work. We know he passed up a salary of $135,000 a year when he was governor of Mass. We know as he was saving the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics he passed up a salary for 3 years and even donated $1 million of his own money to the Olympic cause.  So I ask you, Chris Mathews: what the f&^k have you done lately?

Monday, August 27, 2012

2016 Documentary: Breaking Box Office Records; Obama & Dems Say Romney Is Extreme: Say What?; Obama Has Millions of Fake Twitter Followers; #BlackConservativesForRomney Do Exist; Republicans Declare A War For Women; Swing States Swinging To Romney; RIP Neil Armstrong

"The difference between liberals and conservatives is that liberals need conservatives to defend their freedom and support them economically." Tweet by JCorb

  • 2016: Obama's America topped the box office this past weekend beating all new films. It has now become the top grossing documentary of the year (excluding nature docs).  However, I did find a comment interesting on Yahoo regarding the film: "Don't need to see a movie to see this Prez sucks...seeing it daily."

  • Pres. Obama and his surrogate like Wasserman Schultz (pictured above) keep proclaiming that Romney is "extreme." Let me see if I understand this. The president does not think that 26 million Americans who are either unemployed or underemployed is extreme? The president does not think that over 45 million Americans on food stamps is extreme? The president does not think some of the highest poverty rates in U.S. history are extreme?  The president does not think a $16 trillion debt is extreme? Give us a break Mr. President. If anyone has been extreme, it's been you and your administration's failed policies.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Obama's Last 4 Years

"Pres. Obama released his new campaign slogan..."Forward." That's a good message for Obama. He's telling voters, "Whatever you do, don't look back at all those campaign promises I made."...Leno


It's said pictures are worth a thousand words,  so I thought I'd review President Obama's last four years in images.

(Note: the economic record is actually worse now. Above are June's numbers)

(An Obama surrogate and chair of the DNC)