Friday, September 14, 2012

Has Pres. Obama Lost Control Of Foreign Policy As Well As Domestic Policy?; The Presstitutes Are Suck-Ups To Obama: More Proof; Greek's Massive Debt Load Ruining Their Ruins

"History Does Not Long Entrust The Care of Freedom To The Weak or Timid." Pres. Dwight David Eisenhower

  • "Islam has a very proud history of tolerance." Obama in Cairo in 2009. He called his speech in Cairo that day: A New Beginning. I guess he was giving Mubarek some advance notice.
  • It's time Americans ask themselves a very important and serious question: Has the Obama administration lost control of both domestic and foreign policy? In light of the what's been happening in America (the continued economic mess) and now in the Middle East, the answer to that question has to be Yes. An objective and even casual observer cannot come to any other conclusion. To borrow an Obama phrase---Make No Mistake---the Obama administration is partially responsible for this chaos being unleashed in the Middle East this week.
  • And, as everyone knows, he took it very seriously. The day after the attacks, he flew to Vegas for a fundraiser. Ambassador Steven's body had not yet even been transported home to his family.

  • We now have credible reports (largely from the foreign press, The Jerusalem Post and the IndependentUK) that our own State Department, under Hillary Clinton, was warned in advance of possible attacks upon our embassies. In addition, the anger against the film now appears to just have been a diversion.
  • Another question arises as I write this: Will this be the opportunity for the Obama administration to lay the blame squarely upon Hillary Clinton thereby putting the kibosh to her chances for 2016?
  • Earlier this week, I wrote these events appear like 1979 all over again. Even more so when one considers Carter betrayed the Shah and Obama betrayed Mubarek.
  • How bad has Obama's foreign policy become? Obama said Egypt was not an ally. Jay Carney, WH press spokesman, had to walk that back the next day when he said the word "ally" is a "legal term of art." Say Friggin What?
  • Romney was correct when he said the world needs American leadership now (more than ever).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Implicit Presstitutes Keep Embarrassing Themselves; Islamists Know They Cannot Subjugate Americans and That's Why They Hate Us; Obama's Bounce is History; Household Incomes Fell Again

"...a drone strike killed al-Qaeda's number two in command...This is an area where Pres. Obama can say he is definitely creating jobs."...Leno

  • Once again, the knee-pad presstitutes embarrassed themselves yesterday. Instead of attacking the pricks in Libya who murdered our ambassador, they attacked Romney. In fact, reporters were caught off-mic colluding to attack Romney right before their press conference with him (Big Government). And as they attacked Romney, they appear to have forgotten they attacked Bush for 8 years while we were at war.  As John Podhoretz pointed out so well today: "In the precincts of America's Most High, the worst evil done yesterday was Mitt Romney daring to broach the subject, and use it to criticize President Obama's foreign policy." He continued regarding the presstituties attacks on Romney: "This was an make it illegitimate for Romney to criticize at a moment when foreign policy has suddenly taken center stage." Again, Podhoretz correctly points out this is exactly when such a debate should take place.
  • Remember readers: These Islamic thugs and murderers were not angry over a stupid little film on YouTube (there are literally thousands like it on the Web). It's all about the United States being the last remaining obstacle to their dream of subjugating the "infidel" through terror dubbed as "jihad" wrote Amir Taheri today.

  • Folks, keep your eyes on 60 Minutes. Mark my words. They will be encircling the wagons around Obama in the coming weeks. Why do I know that? One name: Dan Rather.
  • But, if there is a lesson from all of this, it's this: you cannot fight this war against such an insane enemy by leading from behind as Obama has been doing. The question is: Has Obama learned this lesson?
  • Perhaps not. Gateway Pundit is reporting today that Obama will be meeting with representatives from the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet---he refused to meet with Netanyahu. You can't make this stuff up folks.
  • One more thing. In 2008, Obama used the deaths of American troops to hammer McCain. Buzzfeed Politics

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obama Now Morphing Into Jimmy Carter; Obama's 1st Instincts Always Wrong; Breast Implants Trump 9/11 on the "Today Show;" Health Care Costs Rise AGAIN!;

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." JFK

  • I get a sense it feels like 1979 all over again for many Americans.  In 1979, who can forget Iranian radicals who  attacked our embassy and held our diplomats hostage for 444 days until a new sheriff came into town---Ronald Reagan--- to replace the feckless Jimmy Carter. It now appears Pres. Obama is just as spineless and ineffective as Carter was when it comes to foreign relations.
  • What we are seeing is what a policy of "leading from behind" leads to.
  • And one has to ask another important question: what the hell is our security for American diplomats living in these bloody countries?

  • And Obama's first instincts always unmask the person he really is. Once again, his administration apologized to the thugs who attacked our enemies and murdered our ambassador. Allow me to put this in perspective. Imagine thugs breaking into your home, murdering a family member and the first thing you do is apologize to the home invaders for breaking into your home. It was just last week, at the DNC Convention, when the administration's first instinct was to dis Israel yet again. And they followed that disrespect with another just yesterday by not agreeing to meet with BB Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister.

  • "Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel."...Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday. He's telling us: if you don't back us, we're not waiting for Iran to annihilate us. We're going to take action to survive as a nation. That region is about to explode.

  • Of course, as I've said many, many times in the last year, the Arab Spring is a myth.
  • It's time---and way overdo---for America to lead. And that message should not only be for Americans and Israel, but for thug nations like Iran. This cannot be put off until election day.

  • The type of leadership we need now? Look above.
  • It's amazing listening to the administration and Hillary Clinton talking about "religious tolerance" when all this administration has been doing is attacking religion.
  • In case you missed this news, as the nation commemorated 9/11 yesterday, NBC's "Today Show" decided to bump a moment of silence yesterday to air a segment with Kris Jenner. The topic: breast implants.
  • And on the domestic front, USA TODAY reported family health plans hit $15,745.00 or an increase of 4% (total increase of 13% in just the last 2 years). So much for ObamaCare costing less.
  • And Duke University reported this week that chief financial officers plan on trimming hiring and spending.
  • What exactly does "Forward" mean anyway?


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Let's Never Forget 9/11 Because Our Enemy Will Never Forget

"I can hear you. I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from us soon."...George W. Bush Bullhorn Speech at Ground Zero

  • There will be much said about this day 11 years after September 11, 2001. We will hear phrases like, "Let's never forget" and similar ones. I will leave you with only one today: "Let's never forget because our enemy will never forget."

  • I want our military men and women and our intelligence services to keep hunting these Islamic scumbags to the ends of the earth even if they have to kill them in their own bedrooms.
  • So today, I will suspend with the politics and join me in remembering what our mission is as a country. The Marine general pictured above expresses my sentiments, and, I'm certain, the sentiments of all patriotic Americans.
  • Some of you might find the following images disturbing. If that's the case, don't continue. But remember this, these images are nothing compared to what thousands of Americans experienced that day.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Journalism Is Dead; Dems Cheer Lousy Economy; The GM/Chevy Volt Scam; College Tuition Scam; Rham Emanuel Now Screwing Chicago

Bill Clinton said Pres. Obama inherited a deeply damaged economy. And if he's re-elected, he'll inherit an even more deeply damaged economy...Leno

  • It's no secret that journalism died some time ago (it was in its death throes during the Clinton administration and it died in 2008 when they all became presstitutes for the Obama campaign). But now we have proof. Just look at the image of the ahole above.

  • And just last week, a former CNN reporter blew the whistle on CNN's bias and censorship. Unfortunately, the DNC convention last week overshadowed this story.
  • What does it say for a Democrat Convention when its delegates cheer "4 More Years" for Obama just as the nation crossed the threshold into a $16 trillion debt? What does it say for Democrats to cheer "4 More Years" when 23 million Americans are unemployed and underemployed? What does it say for a party that cheers "4 More Years" just as 48 million Americans hop on the food stamp train? What does it say for a convention that focused on contraception, birth control and abortion when millions of Americans are out of work? It says they are delusional and bankrupt. That's what it says.
  • There are now 2.75 million less jobs than when Pres. Obama took office.  Those between the ages of 16-25 have not seen unemployment like they are now experiencing since 1955.
  • The NY Daily News is reporting today that there are now 19,000 homeless children in NYC shelters.
  • I also have to wonder how Pres. Obama must feel being portrayed as a victim for 3 days.

  • And some advice for Sandra Fluke, the political narcissist used by the Democrats. Remember Cindy Sheehan? Well, when she was no longer of any use to the Left, they abandoned her.

  • It's also no secret that the bailout of GM was a big scam perpetuated on the American taxpayer. It's why the over-used bumper, "Osama is dead; GM is alive," is nonsense. Reuters is reporting this morning the government is losing $49,000 per Volt it builds. But that's not the rest of the story. The rest of the story is this piece of junk cost almost $90 grand to produce. And the Obama administration invested $1.2 billion of tax payer money into this scam. Moreover, the vehicle is not selling. A Chevy dealer in Toms River, NJ, sold a whopping ONE VOLT last year. They normally sell about 100 Chevy's a month. Remember, this is also the same administration that started the "Clunker" program. The consequences of destroying so many good vehicles is now many used car prices have gone through the roof. Simple example of supply and demand.

  • Those of you who have been reading my work for a while know I've often also written about the scam of high college tuition costs. USA TODAY proved my claim.  They point out that 74 U.S. colleges and universities have endowments of more than $1 billion. In addition, from 2006 on, tuition and fees rose 30% above inflation. In 2005, the average student loan debt was $15,600. Now it's $24,300. The scam has finally got the attention of Congress. They held hearings in July asking questions why tuitions have risen so rapidly. I'll tell you why. Have you driven by any major university lately? They never stop building new facilities. In addition, they pay most professors unsustainable salaries NOT to teach. I know. I taught on the college level. I taught a "whopping" 9 hours a week.
  • Some examples of these endowments include Harvard at almost $32 billion. Yale at just over $19 billion. Princeton at $17 billion. MIT at about $10 billion and Texas A&M at $7 billion.

  • Folks, the Left's hostility to Israel is old news. But know this about the DNC's platform last week in initially excluding Jerusalem from their party platform: it was done to appease the Palestinians.  And remember, this administration is no friend of Israel. They wanted Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders. They've also treated Prime Minister Netanyahu very poorly.
  • If you want to see how well former Pres. Obama's chief aid is doing, just look at what is happening in Chicago lately. Shootings and murders through the roof and now a major teacher's strike. Rham Emanuel deserves what he gets. He screwed the country. Now he's screwing Chicago.