Friday, September 28, 2012

Ann Coulter Enters The Beaver Den ("The View"); BB Netanyahu Teachers The UN Thugs A Lesson About Red Lines; French SocialistsTo Tax at 75% On Earnings; Piss Christ Is Back & Christians Are Not Rioting; Weapons Delayed For Special Operators in Afghanistan

"I offer my opponents a bargain. If they stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them."..Adlai Stevenson, 1952 Campaign Speech

  • Yesterday Ann Coulter entered the Beaver Den ("The View"), and decimated the yentas. Coulter was kicking their perfumed asses so bad that Whoopi resorted to what every liberal and progressive does when they are losing a debate: they lie and curse. The amazing thing is Ann even won with the odds against her. It was also conspicuously evident, they didn't even read her book, Mugged.

  • BB Netanyahu also entered the lion's den (UN) yesterday, and gave the world a lesson on the dangers of appeasement with Iran. He made his case with this one statement: "Red lines don't lead to war. Red lines prevent war." He added, "At stake is the future of the world...The relevant question is not when Iran will get the bomb, but at what stage we can no longer stop" it. Finally, he came to the point: "To understand what the world woul be like with a nuclear-armed Iran, just imagine a world with a nuclear-armed al-Qaeda."
  • Many of the Tweets yesterday remarked on how lucky Israel is to have a real leader. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The "Stench" At MSNBC; US Economic Growth Collapsed Last Quarter; Can The Polls Be Trusted?; NFL Ref Lockout Over

I haven't seen this many people upset over a piece of tape since the anti-Islamic film came out...Leno referring to the refs bad call last week.

  • Anyone who follows me on a regular basis knows how often I point out the overt bias in the media, the #Presstitutes. So it shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone that almost all the nitwit hosts at MSNBC fell for a bogus story. MSNBC ran with a stupid attempt at satire by Politico which reported that Paul Ryan refers to Romney as "The Stench." In other words, the knuckleheads at MNSBC took a satire and reported it as fact. If ever anyone wanted proof that the presstitutes are in the tank for Obama, this is it.

  • A little more bad news for MSNBC. Mona Eltahawy was arrested earlier this week for spray painting and defacing an anti-Islamists ad in the NY subway system. It appears she believes her freedom of expression give her the right to deny other people's theirs. Oh, yes, one more thing. She's a political pundit on MSNBC.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NFL & Fans Hypocrisy; Low-Wage Work Force Grew 30%; Household Incomes Fell 8.2% Under Obama; Obama's UN Speech Fell Flat

It's Not To Early To Be Pessimistic About  Cleveland Browns...The Onion's sports

  • Yes, this is a political blog, but I find myself obliged to make some comments about the replacement refs and the hypocrisy associated with all the criticisms from both the league, the teams and the fans. What strikes me as truly hypocritical is all this talk about the poor performance of the replacement refs damaging the integrity of the game. Give me a break. When did the NFL ever have any integrity? Take one headline issue. If the NFL really cared about integrity, they would have done something about the concussion injuries years ago. It's long been known that NFL players are susceptible to earlier cognitive impairment. In addition, the NFL has turned a blind eye to steroid use for years. And if the NFL really cared about the integrity of the game, they would have settled before the season started.
  • And regarding the fans, ratings for the NFL are still strong. It means fans continue to watch the games with many replacement refs who can't ref. And this USA TODAY headline really tells the true story: "Blown Calls Don't Faze NFL Bettors." Why? Because that's what the NFL is really all about. The NFL is about gambling and a hard-hitting sport. That's why the League feels they can even get away with refs who should not be on gridirons reffing high school football let alone the NFL.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reasons Why I Cannot Vote For Obama

Headline on front page of NY Post shows Ahmadinejad flashing the peace sign with his fingers. NY Post caption beside this prick reads: "Peace of Sh!t." One of the reasons why the NY Post is one of my favorite rags.

One of the disturbing realities in America today is that real journalism is dead. The Presstitutes in most of media are major suck-ups to Obama. That's a fact that is undeniable. The evidence is now overwhelming. Taking this reality into consideration, it's time I list my reasons I cannot---in good conscience---vote for Obama.

The suck-ups and cult crowd will care less about the reasons I'm about to list. However, there are some who are still undecided who actually think for themselves, and I know they will consider my argument. Many independents fall into the same category. So let's get down to business.

The following are reasons why I can not to vote for Obama (by the way, if you're looking for things like, "He's a Socialist" or any birther related issues, then stop reading now. While I'm on board with some of those type of criticisms especially his "socialist" tendencies (he admitted himself when he said he supports "redistribution" of wealth),  I'm going to make every effort to focus directly on his policies and his job performance, performance and policies I believe have done great harm to the country or will do more harm to the country if he is re-elected):

  • After four years on the job, Obama still sucks at doing his job.
  • After four years of  doing things that don't work, he keeps repeating them.
  • One of his first actions as president was to insult Britain (by returning the bust of Winston Churchill, a gift to the American people by the British government) and Poland (by putting a stop to their missile and nuclear shield program).
  • One of his other initial actions as president was to hire, as Sect. of Treasury and head of the IRS, a man who had not even paid his own taxes.
  • His appointing many unaccountable czars, several with disturbing backgrounds (such as Van Jones).
  • The Fast and Furious scandal and Eric Holder.
  • Shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Relax America: Obama Said Terrorist Attacks Are Merely "Bumps In The Road;" No Time For BB; But Time For Whoopi; Presstitutes & Those Pesky Volatile Polls; IPhone5 Stimulates Economy

Newborn Loses Faith In Humanity After A Record 6 Days...The Onion

  • Most of my regular readers know I usually like to start my blog with either a headline from The Onion or a late-night joke. What most of my readers might not know is how bias both are. For example, The Onion's political pages are mostly all about bashing Romney. There is absolutely no balance in that supposedly satirical publication. Regarding the late night comics, I did a joke count covering about a week. The jokes about Romney and Obama were about 8-1 attacking Romney. In other words, both are cowards.

  • So, did you know that our president---the President of the United States---perceives terrorist attacks where 4 great Americans were killed and the rioting by Islamists in about 16 countries---are only "bumps in the road?" Well, he did on "60 Minutes." That's a disgrace.
  • We know it must only be a mere bump in the road since the president  and First Lady will be appear on "The View." But he has no time to meet with BB Netanyahu but has time to meet with Whoppi.
  • There were reports last week and this week, that the ambassador feared an al-Qaeda hit. He wrote about it in his own journal later reported by CNN.