Thursday, December 13, 2012

American Unions Should Take Lessons From Solidarnosc; ObamaCare Legacy: Insurance Rates Keep Rising

A close friend of mine said his doctor gave him less than two weeks to live. But it turns out his doctor is Mayan. He says that to everybody...Leno

  • In 1980,  Solidarnos'c' (Solidarity), a free-trade, anti-Soviet social movement led by Lech Welesa, emerged in  Communist controlled Poland after a long decade of rising food prices and stagnant wages (In the 1970's, about 28 workers were shot dead by government troops during the food riots). The Communist controlled government attempted to repress the union in the early 1980's. It failed. It failed because the non-violent social movement that had a huge impact on Poland's political scene as well as support from most of the Polish people, the Catholic Church, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, Britain's Prime Minister at the time. I know because I traveled to Poland often during the 1980's and early 1990's to visit my family.

  • Many of today's American unions do not have that kind of support. They did decades ago (I was a member of several unions myself). But what are Americans witnessing today? As evidenced in MI this week and in WI earlier this year, unions resorted to violence. This kind of behavior does not bode well for public support.
  • They've also seen how "union leaders have grown beefy feeding on its emaciated body," as Michael Walsh of the NY Post pointed out (Of the top ten unions, their executive salaries and benefits range from $170k per year to over $600k per year). Americans also see and feel how public sector unions are" leaving taxpayers with trillions of dollars and retiree health care liabilities." USA Today.  In addition, today unions make up only 12% of the workforce (about 7% in the private sector). And the reasons are clear. Improved technology and globalization makes non-Right to Work states less competitive. Any surprise that most Right to Work states have higher employment rates than their counterparts? And just two weeks ago, we witnessed Hostess having to lay off 15,000 employees because their unions refused to be more flexible.
  • As USA Today's editorial pointed out so well, "It (union movement) is going to have to change. Showing greater flexibility, and concern for people outside their ranks, would be a good place to start." {"Unions' Woes Are Largely Of Their Own Making."}. 
  • The fact is Americans now realize they cannot afford unions' unsustainable wages, benefits and pensions that now exceed a trillion dollars.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Right To Work Means Freedom & Choice; Right to Work Employees Enjoy More Purchasing Power; Mali Becoming al-Qaeda's New Base; ObamaCare Surprises; 12/12/12

Slovenian 8th-Graders Surprised Even They Outperformed U.S. Students In Science...The Onion

  • Before I begin, yesterday I wrote a piece about the "death of political comedy," pointing out how many comics don't take on Pres. Obama. I just checked the late night shows, there were still 4 or 5 jokes about Romney and one about Perry. As I also wrote yesterday, most of today's political comics are cowards.
  • Let's be clear about what happened in Michigan yesterday (excluding the violence by some of the union thugs), collective bargaining remains. The only change involves freedom and choice for workers. Now in Michigan, as in 23 other Right to Work states, it simply means workers are now free whether they want to join a union or not. It means workers cannot be "forced" to pay union dues.
  • In short, it is now illegal in MI to require financial support of a union as a condition of employment. That equals freedom of choice.
  • Why does the left always resort to violence when they don't get what they want or when they lose? For example, as in political debates, when they lose a political debate---they resort to calling one a racist.

  • Right to Work laws have little to do with economics, but a lot to do with politics. Those union dues largely get funneled into Democrat pockets, lobbying and union executive salaries (ranging from about $170k to over $600K a year among the top ten unions in the nation). OpenSecrets
  • On the other hand, Right to Work laws help employees to a great degree. The University of Colorado reported that in Right to Work states, households enjoy over $4000 more in purchasing power than in non-Right to Work states. In addition, the Bureau of Economic Analysis found that employment grew an average of 12.5% in Right to Work states compared to non-Right to Work states. In addition, Right to Work states residents have an average disposable income of $36,900 compared to NY State, a non-Right to Work state, where average disposable income is $32,800. NY Post
  • While I'm on Michigan (a state I resided in myself for 3 years), more bad news coming out of Detroit (yesterday it was reported only 7% of Detroit's 8th graders were proficient in reading), almost 35% of residents in Detroit are now on food stamps. Also, 257,000 Detroiters 16 or older, are out of work.
  • Mali, in west Africa (bordered by Algeria and Niger) is now considered the new base for al-Qaeda. Heritage Foundation
  • In ObamaCare there are some surprises. For example, if you sell your home and make a profit, you'll likely be paying a new 3.8% tax on the gain. In 2014, when you file you taxes, you will have to show proof that you are enrolled in a health care plan approved by the feds. And, for the first time in American history, the feds will control how doctors treat privately insured patients. So enjoy. Betsy McCaughey, author of "Decoding the Obama Health Law," is former Lt. Gov. of NY State.

  • Today is 12.12.12. For those who are fascinated by numbers, the following QB's had 12 as a number: Terry Bradshaw (for the only 6 time Super Bowl Champs, Pittsburgh Steelers--hooah!), Tom Brady, Jim Kelly (Hall of Fame great, Bills), Joe Namath, Aaron Rodgers, Kenny "Snake" Stabler and Roger Staubach. So if you plan on playing ball, consider #12, looks like a lucky number to me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Progressive Hypocrisy Manifests Itself Yet Again; The Death of Political Comedy: Cowards; Union Bigs Salaries Range From $170k-$600K Per Year

Obama Paranoid Government Is Coming After His Guns...The Onion

  • Progressive hypocrisy knows no bounds. Google has been a long time supporter of Obama. In 2008, its CEO put his full weight behind the Obama, the candidate. They've also donated money to Obama's campaign. Nothing wrong with that. It's their money and their prerogative. But in supporting Obama, one must conclude they also support the president's tax agenda; namely, taxing the wealthy. Why do I bring this up?  Bloomberg News is now reporting that Google sheltered its vast wealth in no-tax Bermuda---up to $10 billion. By doing so, they were able to avoid over $2 billion in world-wide taxes. Again, like any other corporation, it's perfectly legal. Nevertheless, it's the height of hypocrisy.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Obama Invites A Race-Baiting, Alleged Tax Evader To White House; Relax America: Obama & His Staff Have It All Under Control; Revisiting Ground Zero Mosque; RIP To SEAL Team Six Member Who Helped Rescue Doctor

Last week, Native Americans met with Pres. Obama at the White House. There was an awkward moment when Joe Biden walked in wearing a Redskins jersey... paraphrasing Leno

  • If you want some idea how much farther Left Pres. Obama will turn, all you need to do is look at recent White House guests.  Within the last two weeks, he invited the MSNBC crew to the White House to discuss fiscal issues (that alone has to make you either laugh your ass off or cry). One of those he invited was Al Sharpton. Now take a moment to consider this observation. Obama's point man on the fiscal cliff negotiations is Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner, himself an admitted tax evader. Then we have Al Sharpton whose had a history of tax problems himself in addition to being a rabble-rousing, race-baiting thug.
  • And regarding Susan Rice as being nominated for Sect. of State, why the outrage? Look at all the other competent people Obama has placed in positions of power and authority.  In addition to Timmy Geithner, he has Eric Holder, the nation's top law enforcement officer, who lost over 2000 weapons that were freely given to Mexican drug cartels. Weapons that were probably used in murdering some of our own Homeland Security agents.