Friday, February 15, 2013

Let's Be Frank: The Presstitute Media Is Replete with Jagoffs; Liberals Are Nipping At The Edges Of The 2nd Amendment; Some Defense Cuts Are Needed; Russians Ignoring J.F. Kerry; Feminist Hypocrisy

"Legally, Mr. Pistorius, You Don't Have A Leg To Stand On." Cartoon Pistorius with his attorney

  • The media always seems to reinforce their low favorability ratings with the public. This week MSNBC and others took Rubio to task for simply taking a sip of water during his response to the president's State of the Union speech. In fact, MSNBC replayed Rubio taking that sip of water 155 times in one day. That network and others have not spent that many hours on the Benghazi or Fast And Furious scandals. These slugs remind me of how they reported the Tea Party in 2010. It was Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow who referred to Tea Party folks as "tea baggers." They giggled like a bunchy of 8 year olds giggling at a classmate who just farted in class.
  • In fact, the presstitutes don't even realize that going overboard like this makes them the butt of jokes. In fact, it's getting to the point it's hard to tell the difference between "journalists" and late night comedians.
  • Yet, not one time did any of these aholes mention that Rubio was the first Hispanic American to respond to a State of the Union speech. Rather, CNN's Wolf Blitzer questioned whether Rubio's taking a drink of water was a "career ender."
  • The media spends days on Rubio as they continue to drink their Kool Aid in their love affair with Pres. Obama.
  • Yesterday it was reported that Democrats in Missouri are proposing legislation to confiscate all guns. Today it's being reported that Democrats in WI are planning to ban ammunition for hunting purposes. In addition to restricting guns in NY state, they are now planning to have gun owners carry liability insurance. These are but a few examples of the liberals nipping the edges of the Second Amendment.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Missouri Democrats Introduce A Bill To Confiscate Firearms; Sequestration Is Self-Inflicted; They Rather Be In Texas

The Pope resigned. I hope it's not steroids...Leno

  • Well, you knew there would eventually be some knuckleheads out there who would introduce legislation to confiscate firearms. Missouri Democrats introduced a bill to do just that. And legal gun owners would have 90 days to do so. In effect, legal gun owners would be turned into criminals if they do not turn their guns in. There's no mention if they are demanding same of criminals with illegal guns.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The State of Dis-Union: Fact Checking The Fantasy; Rubio Auditioning; Immigration Not Only About Politics But Also About Demographics

Tweet from Razor: Rubio drinking water. Obama treading water. MSM carrying water. Americans: Underwater.

  • As I listened to some of the State of the Union last night, it was clear Pres. Obama was not telling the truth on many issues. Even the Washington Post's fact-checkers had a field day. They also pointed out he was not correct when he spoke about creating 6 million new jobs pointing out there are over 3 million less jobs than existed in 2007. He also said we're using less foreign oil. We are but the use of foreign oil started 2 years before he took office. In addition, because of his economic policies and unemployment, Americans are simply purchasing less oil. They can't afford the high oil prices.  He said, during his administration, 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created. But there are 600,000 fewer manufacturing jobs since he took office. Of course, as he harps about the damage sequestration can do, we now know---it was his idea in the first place.  Even Panetta said the automatic cuts in defense will render the U.S. a "second-rate power." There were more, but you get the picture. Bottom line: the speech was a fantasy.
  • Oh, one more item. Once again, as he promised before, he said what he was proposing last night would not increase the deficit by a single dime. We've had four straight years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion.
  • Of course, as posted here yesterday, he said nothing or very little about the record poverty rates, unemployment rates, record rates of people on food stamps, etc.
  • But he did say, as predicted her yesterday, if he has to publish more executive orders---especially with regard to the environment---he will. In other words, he proudly proclaimed he will circumvent Congress. And the Republicans will stand aside like they always do. The fact is we're in this mess because of both parties.

  • Make no mistake. Rubio's response to the State of the Union had more to do with his auditioning for 2016 than for responding to the speech. With a few stumbles, he did well in my opinion.
  • Retail sales came in low this quarter. Most economists blame it on the higher payroll tax deductions.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State Of Dis-Union: What To Expect?; Two Heroes Honored Yesterday: Chris Kyle + Sgt. Clinton Romesha; What To Call An Ex-Pope?; Gun Violence Among Black Youth

"Pope Gives God 2 Weeks' Notice." Headline, NY Post

  • So what to expect from the State of the Union tonight? Several things we do know. The president is unlikely to spend much time talking about the pathetic unemployment numbers (If he does, he'll blame Republicans. And, who knows, maybe even Bush yet again). He probably won't mention that his policies have pushed poverty levels to record highs (Today it's being reported that almost 12000 more people go on food stamps each day). He's unlikely to tell America that ObamaCare will make insurance much less affordable and millions of people will lose their health insurance as reported by the IRS last week. He most likely will not mention Benghazi considering his own Defense Secretary testified last week that the president was AWOL (Panetta said Obama checked in with his staff early during the attack but then checked out and traveling to Vegas the very next day for another fundraiser).
  • So what will he cover tonight? It's clear he'll focus on immigration. It's also very likely he'll talk about gun control considering he's going to pack the House with victims of gun violence (reported by USA Today). He might also mention he'll take more executive actions on gay rights, environmental issues (meaning yet more regulations that stifle economic growth) and housing (The Atlantic). And he will probably talk about the debt as it relates to sequestration (By the way, it was Bob Woodward who outed Obama in his last book reporting sequestration was actually the president's idea in the first place).
  • ABC News is reporting today that one of the heroes who stopped the Ft. Hood shooter and was subsequently invited to the State of Union speech was betrayed by the Obama. Kim Munley said the president broke his promise to help the victims.
  • Several weeks ago, I wrote about the Obama administration + Hillary Clinton stonewalling on Benghazi. Today, Rich Lowry wrote: "The Obama White House is to be congratulated. It has executed one of the most effective stonewalls in recent memory over the Benghazi attack..."

  • Thanks must be extended to the State of Texas. Yesterday they held a memorial for Chris Kyle, the former sniper killed last week.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dorner Becomes Hero To Many On The Left Just Like Mumia, Che, Castro, Stalin And Other Murdering Lefty Thugs; ObamaCare Surprises For Many; More Americans Feel Threatened By Government; Pres. Obama To Exploit Gun Victims

"All 32 NFL Teams Eagerly Lining Up For Chance To Sign Randy Moss, Reports Randy Moss." The Onion

  • Christopher Dorner, the former LA cop who is now on the run from the police for allegedly murdering several people and threatening other police officers, has become a hero to many on the Left. But that news should surprise no one. This is the same crowd who hail Mumia as a hero (Mumia shot and killed Philadelphia Police Officer Danny Faulkner in Philadelphia in 1981 and was convicted of the crime). This is  also the same crowd who proclaim Stalin, Che, Castro, Hugo Chavez and many other Lefty thugs as heroes.

  • Many who supported ObamaCare are now surprised at the consequences of law (also called "The Affordable Care Act"). The law is anything but "affordable." We now know insurance will be a lot less affordable for many (last week the IRS reported it will cost many Americans $20,000 a year for a family of five). We now know fewer people will be insured. And we now know many who have insurance from their employers will lose it. Finally, as reported on this blog for years, there will be a shortage of physicians. In fact, the LA Times is reporting today that California lacks the number of doctors to meet ObamaCare demands. Besty McCaughey author of "Beating ObamaCare."
  • According to Pew Polling, in 2001, 30% of Americans felt threatened by the government. Today? It's 53% of Americans.
  • The state with the highest job creation in the nation is North Dakota. Why?---the fracking boom. NY Post