Friday, March 15, 2013

The Real War: The Political Class vs. The People; Number of People in Bloomberg's Nanny City On Food Stamps Doubles During His Tenure; Another Democrat Lie of the Day

There are reports that Joe Biden will handle foreign policy matters during Pres. Obama's second term. You know it's bad when world leaders are saying, "Can You Send Dennis Rodman instead?"...Fallon

  • We've heard a lot about "wars" in the last several years whether it was the phony wars on women, on class, on race, etc. All of those were simply diversions and distractions used brilliantly by the Obama administration, his campaign and his enabling presstitutes in the media. The real war going on in America is the war of the political class against the People. We see it evidenced with the current debate over gun control and the Second Amendment. We even witnessed many bullying tactics by the Obama administration against some in the media that did not (do not) tow the administration line. Bob Woodward was a recent example. And just last week, we watched the progressives in the Republican Party attack the younger and new Republican members of Congress who simply defended the Constitution and the Republic. So, yes, there is a war going on in America. It's those in political power who don't want or intend to give up that power even if they have to sleep with the "enemy."
  • Yesterday, some Senate Republicans had lunch with the president to discuss the budget. They dined over lobsters. To us, the message was clear: Let them eat crab.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mon Dieu! The Left Is Upset The Pope Believes In Catholic Doctrine; Organizing For Action's Lie Of The Day; TSA Holes: Yo Mr. President: Why So Many White Guys?

Let's Talk About How Fast I Can Run by Oscar Pistorius...The Onion

  • Allow me to put my cards on the table. I'm Catholic. In fact, I'm even a former member of a religious order (as a postulant). That was a lifetime ago for me. In addition, my criticism of the Church has little to do with dogma as much as it has to do with ritual. For example, even as a young seminarian, the kissing of a bishop's ring; I found to be a bit strange. Some of the vestments worn by the Church hierarchy turns me off even today (what's with that big hat anyway?). Regarding church attendance, it's been on and off for me. I do make regular visits to church because I love the solitude and the brief monastic environment. However, I must confess, I don't attend Mass as much as I used to.
  • Having said all of that, I find the criticism coming from the Left of Pope Francis fascinating. It's as if they are upset he actually believes in Catholic doctrine. Mon Dieu! What a friggin surprise! For example, Nick Kristof of the NY Slimes tweeted how "sadly traditional" the new Pope is on sexuality and contraception. The Daily Beast noted disappointment with the new Pope's attitude toward homosexuality. Salon basically said the same but also added something about reproductive rights (code for abortion). Others targeted the issue of gay marriage.
  • These  critics are the same people who preach about tolerance, forgiveness, redemption, serving the poor, and social justice---all of the characteristics we now know are particular to Pope Francis. Everything I've read to date about this new Pope, he appears more inclusive than his critics on the Left. For example, when was the last time any of them washed and kissed the feet of people suffering from AIDS? Well, this Pope has.
  • There is no doubt the Catholic Church needs to reform in many areas. In particular, anything having to do with the sex abuse scandals needs continued attention including any sleazebag Bishops or Cardinals that helped cover-up the scandals. The fact is the Catholic Church as been around for over 2000 years. It's done many things wrong, but in its long history; it's done many more things right especially when it comes to having served the poor, the sick, those with disabilities and disenfranchised among us.

  • The Lie of the Day: As I reported here several weeks ago, Organizing for Action is a political group created by Pres. Obama's top campaign executives. It executive director, Jon Carson, actually wrote in an editorial in USA Today: "We are not a partisan organization..." I swear. You gotta be impressed with the balls these guys have in lying straight into our faces. As Fred Wertheimer, a campaign reform advocate, wrote about this group: "No president has ever done this in the past...If you give a million to this group, you are potentially buying undue influence with the president."
  • TSA Holes (I had to borrow that from a NY Post headline) did it again. As reported last week, some undercover TSA investigators slipped through several screenings with dummy IED's on their person. Well, this week, a man was able to slip a stun gun past TSA screeners at JFK airport. He had used the stun gun to allegedly rape and assault his ex-girlfriend a day earlier.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Obama Administration + Congress Tripping Over Their Own Arrogance; ObamaCare Taxes Double Initial Estimates; $10 Grand Of Taxpayer Money On Talking Urinal Cakes; ObamaCare Even Hits Pet Expenses

The Obama's Dog Still Travels In His Own Motorcade. After Hearing This Vice President Joe Biden Said, "Wait, Why Am I Still Taking The Train?"...Conan

  • More Americans are now coming to the realization the policies of this administration and Congress are largely failures. It's just a shame it took them so long to catch on to the incompetence on so many levels. The signs were everywhere several years ago. It now appears---with the sequestration battle---the administration and the Democrats in Congress overplayed their hand. They tripped over their own arrogance.
  • Even the presstitutes at the Washington Post had to admit this themselves when they wrote today, "The afterglow of President Obama's reelection appears to have vanished..." (Well, presstitutes, welcome to the dance).  They go on to point out the polls showing the president's numbers tanking as have Congressional poll numbers. In addition, it's not helping the Democrats when they want an additional $100B in additional spending and $1T in more taxes.
  • No where is this arrogance more evident than in the most recent reports on government waste. Yesterday, it was reported over $1.5 million was spent on researching why lesbians are fat (They are fat because they eat too much. Can I have that $1.5 million now?). Yesterday, Rep. Senator Coburn reported more waste. For example, we spent $1.4 million of taxpayer money every month to keep 2000 dead people on food stamps.  The National Science Foundation spent $350 grand to help golfers.  And get the duct tape out. Washington spent $10 grand on---swear this is true---TALKING urinal cakes. These are just a few examples of the billions wasted not including the fraud associated with Medicaid and Medicare.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Obama's Sequestration Spreads Misery To Troops + Middle Class Americans; Why Are Lesbians Fat?; Fed Employees Owe Billions In Back Taxes; School Hysteria Re: Gun Control; Poll: Most Trust Republicans Over Obama In The Deficit Battle

Obama Issues Presidential Pardon To Get Biden Out Of Jail For The Third Time This Year...The Onion

  • As many states consider tuition reduction rates for illegal immigrants (e.g. Colorado for one), Pres. Obama's sequestration (budget cuts) spreads misery to our troops and middle class Americans. Just today, the Air Force announced the suspension of tuition assistance for Airmen. This follows the same for the Army and Marine Corps. Just last week, Obama and company decided to close the White House to Americans. Most Americans who visit the White House are middle-class Americans on vacation and tours. In using his scare tactics for several weeks prior to sequestration, instead of targeting real waste, fraud and corruption, the White House proclaimed teachers, law enforcement and First-Responders would lose their jobs. Again, his target was the middle class. We've seen the middle  class shrink significantly under this administration in the last four years. Pew/Reuters

Monday, March 11, 2013

Beware Of Progressive Republicans As Well As Progressive Democrats: They Are Still Progressives; New Record High For Those On Food Stamps; TSA Blunders Continue

TSA To Allow Small Terrorists On Planes...The Onion

  • After Sen. McCain + company came out of their free, tax-payer funded dinner with Pres. Obama last week, they immediately criticized several of their own including Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. In other words, instead of selling out their colleagues for 30 pieces of silver, it only took a free dinner. Even Judas had more class. The lesson here is clear: Conservatives must be on guard against progressive Republicans as much as progressive Democrats.
  • Michael Goodwin of the NY Post said it well. "The world's most powerful loner {Pres.Obama} is suddenly a socializing animal." He points out correctly and have countless others---including Bob Woodward---the president shunned Congress and members of his own party for the past 5 years. He seldom spoke to his own cabinet (so much so even little Timmy Geithner and Hillary Clinton complained about it). In fact, this is a guy who once watched the Super Bowl---alone. But the president learned that demonizing his opponents was not working so well so he decided to reach out---to the progressives of the Republican Party.
  • Remember when Pres. Obama ran on bringing the country together? A new USA Today/Bipartisan Policy Center Poll found that 76% of Americans now believe the country is more divided.

  • As the White House, Democrats and their enablers in the media try to convince us the economy is improving, we have this new threshold today: The Ag Department reported 2012 broke a record for those receiving food stamps at almost 47 million. But it gets worse. December came in at 47,972,000.
  • Are you looking for ammo? Well, you better buy some today. VA gun show dealers announced this week they are out of ammo. By the way, the government is buying up a lot of ammo (not for the military) but for other agencies within the government. I'm not a conspiracy buff, but is it just coincidental that we happen to be running out of ammo as the feds buy millions of rounds?