Friday, April 26, 2013

Bush vs. Obama: Class vs. Crass-Humility vs. Hubris; Syria: What Will Obama Do Now?

Breaking: Andy Reid Trades First Overall Pick For Bite Of Double Bacon Cheeseburger...The Onion

  • I'm not going to try to defend George W. Bush's policies. I'll leave that to historians. But if there are clear differences between Bush and Obama, they were in evidence at yesterday's opening of the Bush library. It's become increasingly clear this man knows it was never about him (even though his critics said it was). For Bush, it was all about the country. "The United States of America must strive to expand the reach of freedom...It was the honor of a lifetime to lead a country as brave and as noble as the United States," said Bush yesterday. I just can't see Pres. Obama uttering those same words (in fact, it brings to mind what Michelle Obama said upon her husband getting the nomination in 2008 when she said it was the first time in her life she was proud of America).  Contrast this with the current president's obsession with lecturing us, with attacking us (he even did it to the Supreme Court justices in his first State of the Union). So should anyone be surprised that the Bush poll numbers are virtually tied with Obama's now?  Peggy Noonan wrote, "Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 because he was not George W. Bush." Then she goes on to point out, "Mr. Bush is popular now because he's not Obama." In Obama, more Americans clearly see a man who appears arrogant. In Bush, most Americans didn't think he thought of himself as superior. He gave the impression he was grateful to serve the country. Noonan relates a story of an old political operative who visited Obama in the Oval office and came away "worried and confounded" because he felt Obama didn't appear awed by his surroundings.
  • At yesterday's gathering of presidents, the former presidents hit the right notes. Even Pres. Obama's speech was generally gracious to his predecessor. Yet, at one time during the speech, he felt compelled to make it political (when he spoke about immigration  reform and legislation). Once again, an attempt to refocus attention upon himself. Even Politico, not exactly a conservative publication, wrote this of Obama this week: "Hubris in a leader is an obnoxious thing leading to imperiousness in governing...Unfortunately, the president's high-handedness and self-absorption have been accumulating in the last several months..." My only criticism with this piece is the writer is off by 4 years.
  • So whatever you may think of George W. Bush's policies, the fact is he's a good man who always knew it was about the country not about him. Unfortunately, I don't believe we can say the same thing about our current president.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Obama's Magical Misery Tour; ObamaCare's Exemptions For Lawmakers + Congressional Aides; Citizens Have Been Preventing Terrorism

"The air traffic controllers furloughs are the White House tours of the sky." Tweet by Charles Sykes

  • Last March I wrote a piece about what the underlying goals of sequestration (budget cuts) really were. In short, the purpose was (is) to spread misery to a majority of Americans.  The administration targeted cuts in White House tours as well as cutting educational benefits to our veterans. That was followed by cuts to Native American schools. And just last week,  furloughs were imposed on air traffic controllers (one critic likened this to removing stop lights from our roads). So what do I read today? The Obama administration decided to limit pay cuts to our military. Our troops will be getting a "whopping" 1% pay raise. It's the lowest pay raise in 50 years. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration announced it's inspection staff will be cut by 18%.
  • All of the cuts made were not only to spread misery. but they've been done purely for political reasons. The proof is clear: if cuts were made to redundant programs alone, their cost would cover the sequestration cuts and more. If the president just cut out some of his traveling for vacations and fund raising, the savings cost for those could easily fund those areas he's cut. Moreover, Pres. Obama has the discretion to cut from other areas that would not be as damaging as those cuts he's already made, e.g. cutting waste in Medicaid and Medicare alone.

  • And if that does not make you angry already, you need to know the most recent news. Congressional leaders in BOTH parties are now in confidential negotiations regarding whether lawmakers and their aides should be exempt from ObamaCare. Specifically, whether they should be exempt from the insurance exchanges.
  • I wonder how many people realize---after we've spend billions on domestic security in the last decade---it's been ordinary citizens who have helped capture terrorists or helped prevent terrorism. With the Boston bombings, it was a man who found Tsarnaev hiding in a boat on his property. With the Time Square "potential" bomb, it was a vendor who alerted authorities. I'm not writing this to mitigate the great work our security personnel have done in the last decade, but it shows clearly we have citizens who are alert. That's damn good news.
  • By the way, it's now being reported (in USA TODAY) that not only was the FBI alerted about the Boston bombers earlier but so was the CIA.
  • If we needed a reminder of how quickly our stock market can collapse, all you have to do is revisit the hacked and bogus AP Tweet earlier this week that reported there was an explosion in the White House.

  • And if we need another reminder of our out-of-shape many Americans are in, check out this disturbing stat: In NYC alone, the percentage of those with diabetes has grown from 4.2% in the early '90's to almost 11% now. NY Post
  • In many of my posts, I've taken shots at Hollywood celebrities over the years. Quite frankly, many deserve it. But check out this week's post. We honored those celebrities who served our country with honor. Go here:  Credit when credit is due.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Benghazi: Did Hillary Lie?; Proof: Progressives Have No Shame---Just Ask Charlie Rangel; American Taxpayers Now Funding Terrorists; PC Again Gone Mad

Shocked Dzhokar Tsarnaeu Always Thought Classmates Were Great Judges Of Character...The Onion

  • Not too many weeks ago, I wrote a piece entitled, "The Fairy Tale That Is Hillary Clinton." In short, I summarized her list of accomplishments. It was a short list considering there were none. In addition, her tenure as Secretary of State during the Benghazi attack left many questions unanswered. In fact, questions arose whether she was aware of the security threats prior to the attack (staff in-country warned the State Department on multiple occasions of continued security threats prior to the attack). Questions also arose as to who the person or persons were who came up with the claim an anti-Muslim film was responsible for the attack (later shown to be bogus). A report by the House Republicans yesterday found fault with the State Department and with Clinton's response. "Senior State Department officials knew that the threat environment in Benghazi was high and that the Benghazi compound was vulnerable," said the report. Hey, but what difference does it make at least according to Hillary?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Presstitute Narrative About The Boston Bombings: What's The Big Deal?; Is Obama A Vengeful President?

Matt Drudge on the flight delays because of furloughed air traffic controllers: How about some shared sacrifice and delay take offs of Air Force One.

  • Now we're seeing a very disturbing narrative coming out of the progressive side of the political isle regarding the Boston bombings. Chris Mathews (always one for making a complete fool of himself) said what difference does it make if the Boston bombers were motivated by Islam? Yo dick wad, it makes a difference to the thousands who have been murdered by radical Islamists and their families.
  • These are the same creeps and their enablers who, as John Podhoretz wrote so well about today {"A Beautiful, Beautiful Terrorist"}, keep referring to these two as "beautiful" boys. and "very polite."
  • These two domestic terrorists also teach us all another lesson. Just because some immigrants become citizens, it does not mean they share American values.
  • We have a president who keeps counseling us on not rushing to judgement every time radical Jihadists attack innocents (about 99% of terrorist activities) yet, as I pointed out yesterday, their immediate speculation is that the right is responsible.
  • And for those who keep proclaiming these two bombers were only amateurs, in addition to killing four innocent people and maiming dozens of others, they managed to shut down a major American city for an entire week.

  • For many of these people who continue to be in denial, they fear Islamophobia more than they fear real radical Islamist terror. In fact, Ralph Peters who has been writing about terrorism for over two decades now, points out that Chechen terrorists make Mexican drug cartels look like Franciscans. If you recall, they carried out some of the most horrific terror actions in history. One involved taking a school hostage in 2004, and it resulted in the death of almost 400 many of those children. In 2002, they took hostages in a Moscow theatre that left almost 200 people dead.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Presstitute Media's Impulse Is To Shadow-Box Against The Truth

Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of Idiots...Author Unknown

  • "April is  big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary. There's Hitler's birthday. There's the Oklahoma City bombing. The assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco..." That was reported by Dina Temple-Raston of NPR. And it clearly shows she's an idiot. What did Columbine have to do with the right-wing? And the Branch Davidians? They didn't attack anyone. In fact, you can make an argument they were killed by a left-leaning government. Pres. Clinton was in office and Janet Reno led the attack on the their compound in Waco when 76 men, women and children perished.

  • Then there's the proclamation from a genuine certified fruitcake, Chris Mathews. He said, "Normally, domestic terrorist, people, tend to be on the far-right."
  • But not to be outdone by these lunatics, David Sirota of Salon wrote, "Let's hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American." By the way, what kind of sick loon do you have to be to say something like that?
  • The fact is very clear. Our present day media does a lot of wishful thinking every time one of these attacks takes place. Their very first impulse is always to blame America and the Right. They've been wrong every time. And that's a lot of times. They include, but are not limited to, the 1993 WTC attack, the 2001 WTC and Pentagon attacks, the 2010 Time Square bomber, the Ft. Hood shootings and the most recent Boston Marathon bombing.
  • Once again, allow me to remind everyone, since 9/11/01, there have been almost 21000 Jihad attacks world-wide. And just this past Sunday, 185 people were reported killed in Nigeria in an attack led by ISLAMIST terrorists. Folks, far-right wing fanatics have a lot of catching up to do.
  • To steal a phrase from Michael Goodwin of the NY Post, our media keeps "shadow-boxing against the truth."