Friday, May 17, 2013

The OOOPS Administration's Hat Trick; Is This The End Of The Fear + Smear Strategy?

A lot of critics are comparing Pres. Obama to Nixon, which is unfair. Nixon's unemployment rate was only 5%...Leno

  • After listening to Obama administrators testifying before Congress in the last several weeks (especially this guy Miller today, the acting IRS administrator); one has to ask how such incompetent boobs got hired in the first place.
  • Almost every one of these nitwits has been trying to pass of abuses of power as simple mistakes. So all of the IRS intimidation, the AP scandal and Benghazi have been just one big, fat OOPS? Well, believe it or not---that's what they want us to believe. They must be targeting the infamous "low information voters" and Obama apologists because any other rational human being would recognize these are what they are: intrusive overreach of government and an assault on the Constitution.
  • The fact is all of this is "targeted" abuse and harassment contrary to what the administration is saying. And one of its goals was to suppress donors donating to conservative groups prior to the election (any wonder why this is all breaking now instead of prior to the election? It's been going on for over 3 years).

Thursday, May 16, 2013

White House Bully Tactics For Dummies; Those Pesky CIA Talking Points

Memo to Low Level Federal Employees: When you see the Obama bus approaching, run like hell. My Tweet yesterday

  • "Remember in the old days when President Obama's biggest embarrassment was Joe Biden?" joked Jay Leno.
  • In February of this year and April of last year, I wrote two pieces focusing on the Obama administration's bully tactics. In both of those posts, I criticized the intimidation of White House against faith-based organizations and the attacks on Obama critics. At that time, even Lanny Davis, a long-time Democrat operative, complained of threats he had received to articles he had written critical of the administration. In fact, even Bob Woodward was on the receiving end of intimidation when he referred to the sequestration as "madness." Following Woodward's revelation, other reporters came forward to say the same thing happened to them. Some of my readers thought I was a tad too critical. I believe recent developments regarding the thug tactics used by the IRS and the government intrusion on the Associated Press vindicated my claims. It's now clear. As Rubio said today, this administration is replete with a "culture of intimidation."
  • "The crowd almost certainly was a mix of individuals from across many sectors of Libyan society. That being said, we do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qaeda participated in the attack." That was one of the emails produced by the CIA regarding the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.
  • The following is the revised email: "The investigation is on-going as to who is responsible for the violence, although the crowd almost certainly was a mix of individuals. That being said, there are indications that Islamic extremists participated in the violent demonstration."
  • The scrubbing is obvious. Reference to al-Qaeda was deleted. In addition, the word "attack" was changed to "demonstration."
  • We now also know that then CIA Director David Petraeus objected to the revised talking points.
  • With Obama and Holder continuing not to take any responsibility for anything, it does remind one of Sgt. Schultz from the old TV show, "Hogan Heroes" when he often said: "I know nothing."
  • In light of what we now know about the IRS attacking ONLY conservative groups, perhaps the resignation of the acting IRS commissioner comes at a good time. He actually wrote this last week: "Mistakes were made, but they were in no way due to any political or partisan motivation." Have you stopped laughing your ass of yet? There is also information contradicting  that lame statement.
  • From the NY Post's editorial today: "Pity the AP didn't show similar vigor when conservatives were hollering about their own mistreatment by overreaching government officials." In fact, over the last three years, the AP only reported on this abuse a handful of times.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Obama's Leadership Failure Leads To Rogue Behavior By Subordinates; "We'll Need A Lot Of Sunshine To Disinfect This Rot"

Sasha Obama Suspicious After Doing A Little Digging Around On Benghazi...The Onion

  • Last week, I wrote a piece about how Obama's "Leading From Behind" leaves a leaderless nation. At that time, I didn't go far enough. With the current reports about the apparent abuse of power by this administration as they relate to the IRS and AP revelations, it's clear that "leading from behind" also results in rogue behavior by subordinates. We've not only seen this behavior countless times from the corruption of state and local governments, rogue police behavior in some police departments (LA + NOPD) and rogue behavior on Wall Street. Most of these stemming from poor leadership at the top.
  • At this point in time, there is no clear evidence that Pres. Obama ordered any of these actions (IRS targeting ONLY conservative groups and the Justice Department's intrusive actions into reporters working at AP as well as the Benghazi cover up). But even if ("if," the administration's favorite word these days) the president had no knowledge of these conspicuous abusive actions, it's becoming increasingly clear there is an atmosphere of incompetence, corruption and arrogance (something I've written about often).
  • And this is not only my opinion. In USA TODAY's editorial, in their piece entitled, "Quest To Plug Leaks Yields Torrent Of Abuse," they ended it with the following:" This administration needs some hard thinking about abuse of power." That sentence makes it clear they also believe there's been an abusive of power in the administration (Of course, this comes after years of protecting this administration. They are late to the dance, but, fortunately, they have a lot of ink).
  • Just as disturbing is the lack of any accountability  and transparency by this administration. Although they now will be forced to be held more accountable, don't count on it continuing.
  • So it now appears the damn has broken (after years of the presstitutes being asleep), but the outcome is still not clear. What we do know is what Michael Goodwin wrote today: "For those of us not shocked by the inevitable, there is a vindication but no satisfaction. Each example of Obama's chickens coming home to roost just makes more obvious how much damage he's already done." Goodwin ends his piece with this: "We'll need a lot of sunshine to disinfect this rot."
  • By the way, I also contend all of the news we've been hearing about sexual harassment and abuse of women in the military, is also a symptom of poor leadership by the Commander in Chief. Sexual assaults increased by 35% from 2010 to 2012.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"First They Came..." No Sympathy For The Devil As The Fawning Media Whines; Critics of Obama: The Administration's Credibility Is Crumbling: Don't Allow That To Happen To Yours

"When President Obama was in Texas {last week}, he told people to 'Remember the Alamo and forget about Benghazi."...Leno

  • With more news breaking about the Feds seizing Associated Press (AP) phone records, it reminds me of that famous quote following the rise of Nazis prior to WWII. Although there are different variations of the quote, it's called, "First They Came."
  • Paraphrasing the quote, "First they came for the Communist, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew...Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me."
  • This must be how many in the media feel today (In fact, the CEO of AP said this yesterday: "I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to a massive and unprecedented intrusion by the Department of Justice into the news gathering activities of 'The Associated Press.'" This is a media---I often refer to as "presstitutes"---who have covered FOR this administration and Democrats instead of covering them. Many of these same media types whining today have been enabling this administration for years. So now they are suddenly surprised at this turn of events? Michael Goodwin of the NY Post wrote several months ago in his piece entitled, "Obama's Obedient Lap Dogs" the following: "For more than four years, the fawning mainstream coverage of the president has been a national disgrace. The only standard was a double standard..."
  • And while I will continue to have little  respect and sympathy for these people, the fact is the actions of the Justice Department might be a violation of the First Amendment.
  • And this comes on the heels of the IRS targeting conservative groups for the last 3 years. My questions to the IRS are these: How much taxpayer money was spent on these investigations and how many in the IRS were involved? I cannot believe it only involved "low-level" employees as they reported. It had to involve supervisory personnel.
  • And critics have to be careful in speculating whether Pres. Obama was involved in any of these (anyone who reads my work regularly knows I don't take soft shots at this administration). Remember, this administration's credibility is crumbling. Don't let it happen to yours.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Obama Administration's Crumbling Credibility--Whatever Credibility They Had Left

"Dennis Rodman would have done a better job than Hillary Clinton."...My Tweet last week

  • Remember when Watergate first broke, it was described as a "third rate burglary?"  In fact, the Obama administration is now blaming the IRS scandal on a bureaucratic glitch. Same excuses used by this administration when it came to  the Benghazi and Fast + Furious scandals. Don't these political class nitwits every learn?
  • If you read my pieces on a regular basis, you would know I've questioned the credibility of this administration and Congress for a long time. Even before Benghazi erupted, there was the Fast + Furious scandal and the "leading from behind" failed strategy used by this administration from the economy to foreign policy.
  • But now comes word that the IRS appears to have conducted a partisan attack on conservative groups including the Tea Party and groups criticizing how the country is run.  I believe this IRS story will have stronger legs than the Benghazi scandal because the IRS touches virtually every American. IRS alleged invasive abuse is much easier to understand that what happens in foreign policy.
  • What adds to this scandal in making it "chilling" (as even some Democrats described this current scandal) is exactly the actions the IRS took against these conservative groups. For example, not only did the IRS demand a list of donors  from these organizations, they demanded lists of family members, detailed information about their political views and associations and even demanded resumes of employees.
  • Most Americans know the IRS and the government can be terminally nosy, that's not a surprise. But when the government becomes more intrusive into our lives---even our personal lives---on occasion, we also witness  low-information voters (the stupids) and liberals raising their eyebrows (progressives, on the other hand, generally support this type of government over-reach). Keep in mind, it was the ABC presstitutes who broke the story about the Benghazi CIA talking points being edited at least 12 times. Pigs fly when they have a good reason to.
  • I've never used the "I" word (impeachment) but the behavior of the IRS does have some historical significance: "The abuse of the IRS resources, including the collection of 'confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and {causing} in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income-tax audits or other income-tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner' were cited in the second article of impeachment against Richard Nixon." National Review
  • "She is in charge. Why couldn't she do something about it? I blame her," Pat Smith, the mother of slain Sean Smith, one of four Americans killed in Benghazi.
  • Peggy Noonan on Jay Carney's White House press statement on Benghazi when he said, "Benghazi happened a long time ago." She wrote: "Think of that. They can't give answers when the story's fresh because it just happened, they're looking into it. Eight months later they don't have anything to say because it happened so long ago...Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think you can get away, forever, with that."
  • The hypocrisy of the "tolerant" Left knows no bounds.  DailyKos, a progressive outfit, is trying to get Limbaugh off the air. They recently wrote in promoting the "Stop-Rush" campaign: "Decent folks who believe in tolerance and equality are no longer powerless against Limbaugh's efforts to spread intolerance...Stop Rush is making a major impact..." Now think about that. A group that promotes "tolerance" and equality wants to shut Rush up.