Friday, July 12, 2013

The Media's Shameful Behavior Continues Re: The George Zimmerman Trial

"Report: 89% Of Americans Just Want To Go Home Right Now." The Onion

  • Between us---I'm sick of hearing about this Zimmerman trial especially after the media hardly mentioned anything about the 55 people that were shot in Chicago over the July 4th weekend. The news of those shootings were generally specific to the Chicago media.
  • And it was just a few months ago when the mainstream media---whom I like to refer to as the presstitutes---had to be shamed into reporting about the Gosnell abortion murder trial in Philadelphia. The same can be said about initial reporting on Benghazi and Fast and Furious.
  • We witnessed similar shameful behavior by the media immediately following the Boston Marathon bombings when many media outlets immediately speculated these guys were "lone wolves." No such terrorist animal exists. Or that knucklehead on MSNBC, Chris Mathews, who actually theorized the bombings had something to do with tax day. In addition, many in the media speculated the bombings might have been the work of some "right-wing" fanatics.
  • Not too long ago, I posted a piece entitled, "The Presstitute Media's First Response Is To Shadow Box Against The Truth." I pointed out the main stream media's erroneous wishful thinking is often to immediately blame the right for acts of violence.
  • So what does all of this have to do with the Zimmerman case? A lot. We've witnessed the obsession with this case mushroom to an international story when it's really a local story and should have remained a local story. Unfortunately incidents like this one are not isolated occurrences. Moreover, how often are incidents of black-on-white crime reported and turned into international stories? Rarely. Even more disturbing is the incidence of black-on-black crimes that is reported locally but rarely becomes a narrative that SHOULD be discussed considering the prevalence is so high. The media showdown   boxes against the truth with these events. In other words, they have no cajones for fear of being called racists by the politically correct cowards.

  • As disturbing as the media's behavior is so was Pres. Obama's. He interjected himself (as he's done in the past with other events---recall the "beer summit") into this story when he empathized with the Martin family and called for a national "soul searching." He followed that with the erroneous statement, "If I had a son, he'd look like Travon."  In other words, Pres. Obama elevated the case to a race issue.
  • But it didn't stop with the president. The usual race hustlers like Al Sharpton took it upon themselves to also pull out the too-often used race card. Even CNN to this day refers to Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic." That's as absurd as referring to Pres. Obama as a "white African-American."

  • And how absurd is this media hysteria regarding the Zimmerman case? Even Jon Stewart mocked their behavior several months ago. It's also dangerous as evidenced by wanted posters of Zimmerman as put out by the New Black Panther thugs
  • We are now hearing reports by the media and others that there might be race riots depending on verdict's outcome. More "generated" hysteria and also dangerous.
  • As I also wrote some months ago, the media's job is to be the guardians of liberty and freedom not the guardians of nonsense and gibberish. It's also why they deserve the moniker: Presstitutes.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are We Becoming A Nation Of Knuckleheads?

"Last Time I checked, This Was Still America. But If I'm honest, That Was A While Ago." The Onion

  • Are we becoming a nation of knuckleheads? I ask myself that question several times a day especially after watching the news or almost anything on television. 
  • I asked myself that question yet again several days ago when it was reported J. Lo performed a concert for a dictator. His name is not important considering no one can pronounce it anyway (He's a dictator from one of those countries whose name sounds like it's a goof. In this case, it was Turkmenistan. If more than 10 people in America know this country actually exists, I'd be surprised). Nevertheless, after J. Lo performed and even sang "Happy Birthday" to the thug, her representatives apologized. After hearing that news, I was obliged to ask myself: Do J. Lo's handlers even know about Google? In other words, they could have found out everything they needed to know about the dictator in less than 2 minutes by simply doing elementary research.
  • Of course, J. Lo is not the only celebrity who has performed for creeps. The list is a long one.  BeyoncĂ© and Mariah Carey  performed for the late thug Khadafy. Just a few months ago, Dennis Rodman was buddy-buddy with Kim Jong Un, South Korea's current tyrant. We've also witnessed Hollywood nitwits like Sean Penn, Oliver Stone and Danny Glover who were chummy with Hugo Chavez. During South Africa's apartheid period, many celebrities also performed for that racist regime.
  • More recently, we've seen how many "reality's shows like "Jersey Shore" had (have) huge ratings.
  • And then these same celebrities offer up a countless number of award shows where they keep giving themselves meaningless awards and cheap statues. Yet, even these brainless offerings usually have good ratings.
  • Perhaps nowhere is this vapid phenomena more apparent than watching Barbara Walters doing one of her meaningless interview shows with some of the most shallow celebrities on the planet. Babs still manages to capture some good ratings.
  • The same can be said for politics. We've all heard about the "low information voter." In fact, not long ago, I wrote a piece about those voters at the risk of appearing elitist myself. In short, these are voters who have no interest in what is going on in the world around them unless it's on Jerry Springer or The View. Yet, when former disgraced politicians like Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer re-enter the political game, they're actually treated like serious candidates (In fact, Spitzer is now leading in the polls). We have many citizens who actually believe and support the idea of government telling us what size sodas we can drink or what kind of food we should be eating. We also have people preaching tolerance as long as we agree with their views.  We're either knuckleheads or very forgiving.
  • Unfortunately, we've also been accursed by countless politicians who add new meaning to the word "knuckleheads." These are the same people who continue to spend money we don't have. The same people who reward people for not working with disability checks, Medicaid, food stamps and even free cell phones. The same people who throw billions at a failed education system. The same people who give billions to foreign countries as many Americans still suffer through a 5 year long recession. You get the picture. But with all our bitching and complaining, we continue to re-elect many of these same yo-yo's. Former D.C. Marion Berry comes to mind as well as former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford who was recently re-elected to the House.
  • Perhaps it's even more simple than I think it is. Perhaps we just get what we deserve.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Legal Immigrant's Take On The Immigration Debate

"Citizenship is the most precious gift that America can confer."  Ross Baker, Rutgers University

I'm an immigrant. My parents wisely brought me to America six decades ago. When I think about it (and that's often), I thank God they did.

As an immigrant, I certainly empathize with the millions of people around the world who want to enter this great country---legally (In particular, I have an understanding of why so many Hispanics want to come to America in addition to finding a job and raising a family. The fact is America is as Hispanic as it is Anglo-Saxon. It always has been. If you need proof, just look at all of our cities that have Hispanic names, e.g. Corpus Christi, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, etc. etc.).

But, as I've often said, we have a pathway to citizenship in place already. It's called "Legal Immigration."

Recently the U.S. Senate passed a bill that allows the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants (we really don't know the exact number) to get TEMPORARY legal status. This is where I have a major problem. There are currently approximately just under 5 million people waiting to immigrate to the United States lawfully. In some cases, many of these people have been waiting up to a decade or more. So the obvious question one is faced with answering: Is the Senate's bill fare to those already waiting on line for years?

In addition, there is the under performing economy. We currently have too much labor--- individuals who cannot find work. The official unemployment rate is about 7.6%. The underemployment rate now stands at 14.3%. That's a lot of people out of work trying to find work. In fact, it's about 20 million. So how does giving millions of illegal immigrants temporary legal status help those Americans who are currently out of work? It doesn't. It will make it much harder for them to find work.  Moreover, many economists believe it would also undercut the wages of  workers especially blue-collar workers.

The bill will also facilitate the hiring of foreign students. At first, you might ask what's the big deal. Try this on for size. If you go to the New Jersey shore now you will find mostly foreign students working on the boardwalks, in the gift shops and restaurants. They were able to come here before our students got out of school for the summer vacation. The result? American students have been unable to find summer employment down the shore. The jobs were already taken by foreign students.

The other question one has to ask is this: Do you trust the government with whatever immigration bill they eventually decide to pass? Why would you? We've already seen what is happening with ObamaCare. We also have a track record the last time similar legislation was passed.  In 1986, then Pres. Ronald Reagan signed an immigration bill. It was to call for tighter security on the Mexican border. It also made those immigrants who came to the U.S. prior to 1982 eligible for amnesty. Need I tell you what the outcome was of that bill? In fact, years later Reagan himself admitted  it was one of his biggest mistakes.

To start a pathway to citizenship for those who started the journey by  breaking the law, in my opinion, is immoral and unjust.

I would suggest several important propositions:
  • Enforce the laws we now have in place.
  • Serve those now waiting in line first.
  • Harden  and secure the borders (and that means defining what we mean by "secure." Just throwing more border patrol agents at the problem will not work. We need a very concise and detailed security plan. In my opinion, that should also include a fence).
  • Tighten up the visa system (One of the 9/11 hijackers was on a student visa and the rest were on tourist or business visas. Too many overstay their visas and then get lost in the crowd).
  • Hold sponsors accountable.
  • Make whatever law is passed responsive to the American economy.
  • And this will be a challenge, if not impossible: take politics out of the equation.  Right now, we see both parties boxing over potential voters.  Republicans know they have some serious demographic challenges to overcome (in the last two elections, Republicans received 27-31% of the Hispanic vote while Democrats received 67-71%). On the other hand, Democrats see a potential of maintaining the voting edge over Republicans with Hispanics.

We know immigrants come to America for more freedom and opportunity. And who can blame them? But a nation's sovereignty must be guarded. We do that with a set of rules and laws. If a nation does not do the most elementary work to secure its borders, then that's a nation that encounters the kind of outcomes we are currently dealing with today.

We need a common sense solution that encourages assimilation, protects our sovereignty and continues to offer countless opportunities for both Americans and legal immigrants. We can do it. After all, this is America.


Since this was posted, the number of illegal immigrant children entering the U.S. was approximately 50,000 up from about 4,000 in 2009. 

In addition, Republicans, like Democrats, have not done a damn thing about illegal immigration.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Incompetence of this Administration is Breathtaking

"Pres. Obama spoke today on #SmarterGov: Ways to make government smarter, more efficient and more innovative." Tweet from WH

  • After I read that Tweet from the White House yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing for several hours.  And then I started laughing (perhaps I should be crying) again when news broke later in the day reporting the IRS mistakenly posted thousands of Social Security numbers online.
  • But it did not end there. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported yesterday that 101 million people now get food stamps (our overall population is currently about 316M +) at a cost of $114 billion. If you don't find those numbers disturbing, perhaps this number will move you. While there are 101 million receiving food stamps, only 97 million hold full-time private sector jobs.
  • This data follows unimpressive jobs data from last month (did you notice the media played down the jobs numbers last week?). Last month, employment did rise by 360,000. But those were all part-time jobs. Full-time employment fell by 240,000. In fact, underemployment (those working less than full-time) actually rose from 13.8% in May to 14.3% in June. Keep in mind, we're still seeing about 350,000 people filing for first-time unemployment claims each WEEK. Over 12 million remain unemployed while 8 million work in part-time jobs and another 2.7 million juggle temp jobs. NY Post/DOL
  • Of course all of this comes on the heels of the Obama administrating announcing the delay of the ObamaCare employer mandate. More proof the law basically sucks and has some serious design flaws. So serious, Democrats running in 2014 don't want this monstrosity hanging around their necks. Hence, the real reason for the delay.
  • The failure in our Middle East policy also reinforce the incompetence shown by this administration and Congress.
  • But, as I've written about several times, this administration is a genius when it comes to diversions and distractions. Last month, most Americans were focused on the IRS targeting of conservatives, the DOJ targeting journalists and the NSA spying on all of us. What did this administration and the political class do (including Republicans)? They redirected attention to the immigration debate. Poof! Attention diverted.  Very little focus on the IRS, DOJ and NSA these last two weeks--- in my opinion, all more important issues considering they involve more Constitutional concerns.

Monday, July 8, 2013

NYC Political Campaign Becomes One Long Dick Joke; Everything the Obama Adminisration Touches Turns To Sh!t

Wiener's Second Coming...NY Post headline

  • This story goes into the "You Can't Make This Up" file. Disgraced former NY State Gov. Elliot Spitzer announced that he will be re-entering politics. Spitzer resigned as Gov. of NY State in 2008 when he was caught using the services of prostitutes.  This time,  he will be running for NYC comptroller.  This comes on the heels of former disgraced Senator Weiner putting his hat in for the Office of Mayor of NYC. Weiner had to resign because he had this bad habit of Tweeting his weiner to thousands of women. 
  • But wait, this absurdity does not end there. The other candidate for  comptroller is Kristen Davis. She just happens to be the former madam of Spitzer's prostitutes.
  • Folks, the NYC political campaign is turning into one long dick joke.
  • You might have heard the controversy that developed over the fake, phony and back-stabbing fraud John F. Kerry's absence last week while Egypt was imploding. Kerry,  Secretary of State,  was allegedly partying on his yacht (It appears that was confirmed by the Boston news media).  Let me make this clear. I don't have a problem with our political leaders taking some time off to relax and that includes Pres. Obama's penchant for golfing a lot. However, all of this does not have good visuals. Remember, while we were still trying to figure out what the hell was going on in Benghazi, we have no idea where Pres. Obama was at the time. In addition, he flew to Vegas for a fundraiser during that same time period. Adding to that scandal, we don't even know what Hillary Clinton was up to that day, and she was Secretary of State. So when the current Secretary of State is seen partying on his multi-million yacht and appearing not to be paying attention to what was going on in Egypt, Americans have every right to question what the hell is going on. All of this adds to the conspicuous incompetence portrayed by this administration.
  • And to make matters even worse, Islamic mobs in Egypt are now waving the al-Qaeda flag.

  • As reported last week, even ObamaCare appears to be imploding. The Obama administration announced the delay for one year of the employer mandate. That shows the administration screwed up the launching of the law as well as admitting the law has many design flaws. Of course, the one year delay also sidesteps the burden Democrats would have to bear going into the next elections with ObamaCare around their necks.
  • It's now clear everything the Obama administration touches turns to shit.