Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obama's Promise Of Transformation Converted The Gov't Into A Thugocracy

If you like your candy, you can keep your candy. I'm sorry your current bag plan has too many Snickers. Snatch...David Burge Tweet

  • I've reported on the Obama administration's bully tactics on several occasions. They haven't stopped.   CNN reported this week that the Obama administration is putting intense pressure on health care insurance CEO's to keep quiet about the problems with Obamacare. In his speech yesterday, the president was already blaming insurance companies and Republicans.
  • In all of these current revelations about Obamacare and the NSA snooping on our allies, one can almost hear the presstitute media weeping. We first watched the media shredding tears when Bob Woodward---of Watergate fame---reported getting heat for referring to sequestration as madness. Also at about that same time, Lanny Davis, a long-time Democrat operative and apologist for Bill Clinton, complained of threats he received to articles critical of the Obama administration. Earlier this year, Real Clear Politics reported the president went so far as to "instruct" reporters on how to report on his {Obama's} positions.
  • The pressure on the main stream media worked. After all, they are part of the same political class. But two events appear to have changed even their attitude toward the administration. Or, to put it more bluntly---which is probably closer to the truth---they could no longer avoid the stories.
  • Obama's lies regarding Obamacare {You can keep your insurance + doctors period} are now in full view for the nation to see. In addition, reports like the one from Forbes today that the Obama administration knew in 2010 that 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their health plans under Obamacare are almost impossible to avoid.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Long Casualty List Of The Obama Administration's Cluster F**ks + Some Deadly

Obama: 'Second Term Will Be Like Breaking Bad Times Homeland Plus The Sopranos'...The Onion

As I wrote several days ago, I believe Obamacare has exposes the lies and deceit of this administration better than anything else in the past. While I also believe much of what is occurring with Obamacare is deliberate (namely, the main goals is a single-payer health care system), it's also now undeniable we're observing an administration that is seriously corrupt, incompetent and dangerous. To reinforce my claims, allow me to list just a few of the most egregious scandals and cluster f**ks exposed in the last five years:

  • Obamacare. What more can be said that has not already been said?  But one of the major reasons Obamacare qualifies as a scandal is this: Americans were lied to over and over again by the president himself, his administration and his surrogates. As I mentioned above, their intent all along has been a single-payer health system. Don't take my word for it, Obama, Reid and others are on the record proclaiming their support for such a system.

  • Fast and Furious. This scandal was not only limited to our own government losing track of arms sent to drug lords in Mexico, but it also turned deadly. We lost at least one American Border Patrol Agent to this scandal, Brian Terry. In addition to the murder of Terry, Univision News (the Hispanic news agency) also reported that some of those guns were used in at least one massacre in Mexico where 16 young people were murdered attending a party. They exposed that story in their piece entitled, "The Untold Story Behind 'The Fast And Furious' Scandal).
  • Benghazi. I've written much about this scandal. Without being repetitious, all you need to know is we lost four Americans in Benghazi because of a wide-range of systemic problems prior to, during and after the attack on the consulate. That has already been well established.
  • The IRS Scandal that uncovered the IRS specifically targeting and harassing conservative groups including Tea Party organizations. Note: Since this was posted, now the IRS reported they've actually lost significant emails.
  • The Department of Justice tracking the movement of Fox News reporter James Rosen. Rosen's parents were even tracked. In addition, Associated Press (AP) reporters' phone records were collected. Also, during her investigation of Benghazi, CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson reported someone hacked into her computer--NSA?

  • The Generals Services Administration (GSA) scandal: It was revealed GSA spent almost a million dollars on one conference in Las Vegas in 2010. This was one of the few scandals when an administration employee---the GSA administrator---actually resigned.
  • The Green Initiatives scandal that included companies like Solyndra. In short, the government pumped billions of dollars of tax payer money into companies they knew would not be profitable.
  • The VA Backlog. While the Veteran Administration's has reduced their backlog of over 900,000 disability claims in the last several months, it remains a problem. Note: Since this was posted, more cluster f*cks have emerged regarding the VA.
  • The Government Shutdown. During the shutdown, we witnessed our own government spreading misery and pain to its citizens including its veterans. Recall, it was a Park Ranger himself who told the press during this period: "We were told to make life as difficult for people as we can." (Reported in Powerline + The Washington Times).
  • The NSA Scandal: Edward Snowden leaked documents showing the NSA, as part of its anti-terrorism program, collected the phone records of millions of Americans. In addition, he also leaked information on PRISM, a program that data mines the internet and social media sites. This past week it was revealed we tapped the phones of 35 world leaders (Quite frankly, I don't care about that. They are not protected by our Constitution. We are. Countries have been spying on each other for centuries. This is old news).
With three more years left with this administration, how many more cluster f**ks will we witness?

Oh, one more item:  With all of these scandals and more, only one administration official has either resigned or been fired.

Postscript:  Since this was posted, another major cluster f*ck: the release of the Taliban 5. And we've also learned the leader of ISIS was released by us in 2009. Gruber admitted Obamacare is one big lie. And Mr. Obama released his new immigration policy---subverting Congress. And Iran and Putin keep flipping Obama the bird. And to add insult to injury, the Obama administration is patting themselves on the back for making a deal with the devil---Iran, a global terrorist state.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Logic, Reason, Data + Facts Show Obamacare Is A Deliberate Hoax

The White House now says the Obamacare website will be fixed by the end of November. So if your doctor has given you only three weeks to live, sorry pal...Leno

  • "White House Knew Millions Could Not Keep Their Health Insurance." That's not a headline from a conservative news site. That's a headline from MSN subsequent to a story NBC broke yesterday. In other words, as Obama and his administration were proclaiming no one would lose their health insurance and doctor, they were lying. In fact, NBC reported that buried deep in the Obamacare regulations of 2010 (regulations that Pelosi apparently neglect to read), it stated 40-67% would not be able to keep their policies largely due to the normal turnover in the insurance market. That means the administration knew that at least 40-67% of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their health plans.

  • So as most of us are fixated on the broken Obamacare web site, it's now clear the Obamacare marketplace is also a disaster. (By the way, the spin from the WH and surrogates yesterday via Twitter is that the insurance companies are to blame. In addition, David Axelrod, former senior advisor to Obama, said yesterday that Obama's promises meant "most" people will be able to keep their health plans. Pres. Obama never qualified any of his statements with "most.").
  • Data and facts can often make one feel miserable. With Obamacare, the misery and pain is now a reality. For example, Credit Suisse (as reported by American Enterprise Institute) completed a survey of 36 federally funded exchanges, including six state exchanges. It found the following: Aetna is offering health plans in only eight of the 42 states. In Florida, Aetna was only operating in half of Florida's regions.  Humana is only in 14 states. And even in those states, it's not in all regions. The final tally by Credit Suisse found that more than half of the country's 2,500 counties now have only one or two insurance companies offering health plans.
  • Moreover, adding to the misery, only 38% of non-profit hospitals in the country have signed on with any Obamacare plan. The NY Post is also reporting today that 44% of NY State physicians are not participating in ACA.  In fact, 77% of physicians reported they have yet to receive a fee schedule. And one physician pointed out that he's already seen denials of medication and denials of referrals.

  • So, using reason and logic and the marketplace, the outcomes we are now witnessing are inevitable. When you have less competition in the free-market system, you end up with higher costs. In this case, health plans have become more costly. And millions continue to lose their health insurance.
  • After reviewing the data and facts, one is inclined to ask the following question: Was Obamacare a hoax imposed on the American people? That's the question the presstitutes in the media should be asking today.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Depictions Of Betrayal: Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS, Depressed Economy, Failed Foreign Policy + More

White House Thrilled With The Number Of People Who Thought They Signed Up For Healthcare...The Onion

  • It's certainly more clear now---with massive reams of evidence---that the Obama administration and it's enablers in the political class lied repeatedly to the American people in the last five years. I'm not naive. Most politicians lie. Most presidents lie ("I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski," Clinton and "Read my lips: No new taxes," Bush 41). But this administration appears to be unable to ever tell the truth on anything.
  • In the very beginning of the administration, the promise of the stimulus was to light a fire under the economy including creating jobs. After billions of dollars spent, unemployment and underemployment remain at disturbingly high rates. Also, as reported last week, now 90M people are no longer in the workforce. That's a bump of 10M people in just five years.
  • Other promises made included, but were certainly not limited to,  closing Gitmo, cutting the deficit in half, denying he set a red line for Syria, denying American exceptionalism, promising the Russians he would have more flexibility after he's re-elected, excluding lobbyists from policymaking, and reducing earmarks.
  • But perhaps no where is this more evident than in the healthcare law (Obamacare) and the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.
  • Regarding Obamacare, the administration---largely Obama himself and occasionally his surrogates like Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman and others---promised Obamacare will pay for itself,  promised you can keep you current health care plan as well as your current physician (in just the last several weeks, millions have lost both) and promised premiums would not rise. These were fundamental promises to the American people. These promises were repeated over and over again in the last three years. And they continue to be repeated. In fact, their lying is so pathological, they've even lied about the Obamacare computer rollout which everyone now realizes is one major cluster f**k. In fact, it's been my contention that Obamacare has actually opened the eyes of many Americans to the deceit and dishonesty of this administration.