Friday, November 22, 2013

JFK's Death Launched Many Myths Still Embraced Today

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." JFK

  • Like most Boomers, I remember the day JFK was assassinated. I was still in the seminary washing the windows in the hallway that lead to our chapel (even today, anytime I mention I was in the seminary, I always envision my close friends laughing their asses off). Like most Americans that day---especially Catholics---his death hit me like a 90MPH fastball---unbelief, grief, pain and more emotions than most teenagers should experience at that age. The emotional and physical distress was overwhelming.
  • That was 50 years ago. Today, I remind people to teach their children that both Camelots were a myth. Since John Kennedy's tenure in office was so short, it's much to difficult to predict where his presidency would have led. Nevertheless, including the myth of Camelot (created by Jackie Kennedy and the media at the time), JFK's death launched many myths still embraced today.
  • Democrats still clasp to the myth of Camelot as if JFK would even recognize today's Democrat Party. The truth is he would not. Kennedy was a staunch anti-Communist. He believed in maintaining a strong national security. He was steadfast in supporting Israel so much so he created a US-Israel military alliance. While the abortion issue was not a not-button one at the time, Kennedy was pro-life. He believed in lowering taxes. On several occasions, he warned about the expanding power of the federal government. Recall, in his 1961 Inaugural Address he declared, "...Ask not what American will do for you---ask what you can do for your country."
  • In addition, he wouldn't have supported the culture of dependency we've witnessed since Pres. Lyndon Johnson launched his "Great Society" and "War on Poverty" programs. As William McGurn, editorial page editor for the NY Post, pointed out today in his "The War American Lost: Half A Century Of Dependency," those programs did not only result in billions in misspent monies but also in broken lives and blighted potential these programs leave in their wake." In fact, anyone who grew up anywhere near what were called "projects" as I did in the South Bronx, those Soviet style apartment buildings were infested with graffiti, urine, drugs, rats and mostly poor blacks---who awaited patiently for their next government check (because the government created that dependency). This phenomena was not specific to major urban areas either. Appalachia, inhabited by largely poor whites, were stuck in experiencing the same phenomena as Northern blacks.
  • In USA Today, their editorial professes that JFK made government and national service seem noble. They are correct on the latter but not with the former.  Perhaps George Will said it best: Kennedy changed less during his life than liberalism did after his death." After all, JFK didn't say, "Ask not what you can do for your country---ask what your country can do for you."

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Knockout Game Exposes The Cowardice Of Political Correctness

Maybe Obamacare is the government's version of the knockout game...David Burge Tweet

  • I don't like referring to The Knockout Game as a "game." It's not a game. It's an crime and a vicious assault. It's unprovoked violent attacks against innocent bystanders.
  • In the past, I've written several pieces making the case that political correctness can also be dangerous. For example, in 1930's Germany, it was politically correct to condone violence against Jews. In all Communist countries---then and now---their citizens were (are) required to tow the "party line."
  • I also made the claim that it's more courageous to be politically incorrect. Unfortunately, today we are observing cowardice by a large part of the media that refuses to identify The Knockout Game for what it is---mostly attacks by a group of young black thugs who target whites, Jews or other minorities.
  • One of the only players in the major media that showed some guts in reporting the truth was the New York Post. They recently wrote: "The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often, some other member of the group records the event so that a video of that 'achievement' is put on the Internet to be celebrated."
  • The phenomena is not new. Colin Flaherty, an award-winning reporter and author of "White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return Of Racial Violence And How The Media Ignore It," has long documented black mob violence.
  • Even with the recent attention some of the media are giving this phenomena (largely in the local media outlets), most still fail to mention the race of the perpetrators responsible for these violent acts against innocent individuals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obamacare: The Straw That Broke The Administration's Back

Terrified Obama Trapped Inside Website...The Onion

  • Several months ago, I made the claim that the Obama administration "jumped the shark" largely due to the many actions taken by the administration during the government shutdown, e.g. keeping WWII vets out of their own memorial is just one example. In addition, the statements he made during the Syrian fiasco---drawing a red line and then spinning his rhetoric trying to convince us he didn't actually set a red line.
  • It was during the government shutdown when Obama's poll numbers began tanking below 40% approval. At that time, Republicans were not faring any better. Their poll numbers sank as well, and there were many reports about the Republicans panicking. If you recall, Ted Cruz and other Tea Party conservatives were taking hits from the Republican establishment or as I often refer to as Progressive Republicans.
  • That's the point when the Obama administration started losing its mo-jo. But I believe the straw that finally broke the administration's back were the reports of the lies associated with the Obama administration trying to market Obamacare.
  • And nowhere is this more conspicuous than in the most recent CBS Poll---yes, a presstitute's polling. A new CBS Poll reported that only 7% of the American public want Obamacare to "stay in place." A total of ninety-three percent (93) believe changes are needed (48%) or want the law repealed (43%). To add insult to injury for the Obama administration, only 12% of DEMOCRATS want the law to remain as it is.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

With Lies Begetting Lies By This Administration: America's Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

A new record was set today in the 100 meters. It was set by Senate Democrats running away from Obamacare...Leno

  • "America's chickens are coming home to roost." Borrowing that infamous phrase from Jeremiah Wright, one can argue it can be used to describe what happens to an administration and a complicit media that's been lying to the American people for the last five years.
  • I recalled that phrase after reading several important stories today. In one, John Crudele, the economic columnist for the NY Post, reported the unemployment numbers just prior to the last election were manipulated. In other words, the numbers were bogus. According to Crudele's piece, Julius Buckmon, an employee with the Census Bureau, said he was told to cook the numbers. In August of 2012, the unemployment rate was at 8.1%. By November, it had miraculously fallen to 7.8%. Even Jack Welsh, former CEO of GE said of those numbers at the time: "Unbelievable jobs numbers...These Chicago guys will do anything." The media at the time accused him of being a conspiracy nut. But he wasn't the only one questioning the data. Wall Street found them hard to swallow as well.
  • This report comes on the heels of an earlier one  showing the Obama administration knew three years ago millions of Americans would be unable to keep their health insurance. Yet, even though they knew that, Pres. Obama and his complicit surrogates (many Democrats) promised Americans would not lose their health insurance with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
  • And the lies don't end there (with this administration, they never do). The Washington Post reported a private consulting company---engaged by the administration to assess the web site---warned the administration that an Oct. 1, 2013 launch "was fraught with risks."
  • All of this and more (don't forget this administration's failed foreign policy) appears to be taking its toll. Whereas in the past, many Obama supporters took refuge in the administration's proclamations of "Hope and Change," they are now seeing those assertions were as false as the promises perpetuated in the last five years. As Michael Barone reported today, the polls are reflecting this change in the public especially with young voters and Hispanics. Both groups now view the Obama administration in a negative light when it comes to its handling of the federal budget, the economy, foreign policy and health care. In 2008 and 2012, Obama had overwhelming support in every category from those same two groups.
  • It appears, the Chickens indeed have come home to roost.

Pres. Obama, America's first Black president, decided to skip the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fewer And Fewer Americans Are Genuflecting To Obama + The Political Class

You know that smiling woman who was featured on the home page of  She asked for her picture to be removed after she was cyber-bullied. She's hiding where nobody can see her---at

  • I've written a number of pieces in the past on the Obama administration's crumbling credibility. But that charge didn't take hold with much of his own base or supporters until the blatant lies of the administration regarding Obamacare were reported more widely. More importantly, it didn't take hold until the administration's lies and incompetence personally affected them. In other words, you can't ignore a cancellation notice from your health care provider when you are in the middle of undergoing cancer therapy.
  • As I wrote several weeks ago, the Obamacare disastrous roll-out simply exposed an inept and ineffectual administration.
  • And this didn't go unnoticed by some of his staunchest allies; namely, young voters and supporters. A new Quinnipiac Poll of young voters ages 18 through 30 found 54% of them disapprove of Obama's policies. But it gets much worse. For example, polling on the president's honesty (or rather lack of) found 51% who said he's dishonest. Sixty-percent disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy while 53% disapprove of his foreign policy. In fact, Michael Goodwin of the NY Post wrote last week: "Poll after poll shows that millions of former Obama-bots now concede his is not worthy of their trust. The magic ride is over and they just want to go home and sleep it off." In other words, more Americans grew sick and tired of Obama's Magical Misery Tour. Paraphrasing another pundit: "The Obama's are everywhere but doing nothing."
  • All of this and more is also showing more Americans and the world at large this administration appears to fail at every turn from the handling of the economy to foreign affairs. In foreign policy alone, we've witnessed one blunder after another in the last several years from the laughable Syrian "red line" declarations to Egypt moving closer to Russia to the Israelis and the French making it clear our approach to dealing with Iran has been seriously flawed.