Thursday, September 18, 2014

The United States: A Leaderless Nation

White House Sends Obama To A 3-Day Management Seminar At The Washington Marriott...The Onion

  • In May of 2013, I wrote the following: "Over and over again, we watch this administration react to each crisis over and over again without any clear strategy." Not much has changed since I wrote that observation. In fact, just several weeks ago, Pres. Obama admitted that himself. 
  • At the time, the Obama administration was faced with the Syrian crisis. In response to Obama's erasing his "red line," I noted: "In Syria, it now appears the presidents leading from behind may lead to radical Islamist infiltrating the Syrian rebels." While I didn't know much about ISIS at the time, I didn't realize how prescient I was when I wrote that statement. In fact, several months later, we found out there was no "good" or "right" side in Syria.
  • I'm not pointing those earlier statements out as evidence of my knowledge of geo-politics. It's quite limited.  I'm referring to it to illustrate how disturbing it should be to every American that the administration plans on helping Syrian rebels again. This time to fend off ISIS. And while I'd support almost any action to destroy these homicidal maniacs, I have little faith in supporting any Syrian rebel group.
  • At the time, it also became clear to me and many other Americans, the problem with leading from behind is that no one follows you. And that outcome is playing itself out today.  For example, John F. Kerry recently proclaimed we have a coalition to help us destroy ISIS. Yet, many are asking: What coalition? We've seen evidence that many former coalition members (George W. Bush had approximately 46 coalition members referred to then as the Coalition of the Willing), no longer trust this administration. While it would be foolish to count on most of the Middle East countries & Turkey, even European allies have been hesitant to provide any direct support. Furthermore, relying on J. F. Kerry's rhetoric would be a mistake. He has a long history of tripping over his own rhetoric. In addition, contrary to the opinion of many Hillary Clinton supporters, she didn't leave him much to work with.  Victor Davis Hanson noted last May: "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left office with American foreign policy in shambles." 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Some Thoughts, Some Questions And Perhaps Some Answers

HR Sends Out Reminder Email About Not Scrawling "Revenge" In Blood In Conference Room...The Onion

With all that's happening in the world today, I find myself often confronted with a plethora of thoughts, questions and---on occasion---some answers. Just wondering how many of you feel the same way:

  • Where the hell are all those anti-war folks? Proves-once again-most were (are) fake, phony and frauds. During the Bush administration, it was never about being anti-war, it was about being anti-Bush. 
  • Celebrity culture has a huge contingent of people who are anti-gun and anti-2nd Amendment but you would never know it by the films and TV shows they produce.
  • Have you noticed that the heroes to progressives include many homicidal maniacs and dictators like Che, Castro, Chavez, Hamas and now even ISIS? In fact, I did a little research. There's actually a store that caters to Che items. They sell 2.6 million tee shirts a year.
  • Why did Pres. Obama ignore the threat of ISIS when he knew about their actions for more than a year? The same can be said for Boko Haram. Oh, yes, most of those young girls Boko Haram kidnapped are still missing but haven't seen Michelle and celebrities post too many hashtags lately.
  • If I learned anything in my lifetime, it's this: it's much easier to get into wars than to get out of them.
  • Has any "journalist" ever asked Obama and many Democrats why they lied about Obamacare? 
  • Also, if Obamacare is the answer, why are there so many Americans still uninsured? USA TODAY estimates that there are still about 30 million Americans uninsured.
  • Is VA care for vets improving? Haven't heard too much in the last month.
  • Whenever Donald Trump talked about running for president---did you laugh like I did?
  • Anyone ever ask anyone in the mains stream media (the presstitutes as I prefer to call them) whey they are so conspicuously bias?
  • Most of the Middle East is imploding especially Syria, Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Yemen yet Israel has nothing to do with it.
  • I wonder how many people realize that Islamist are not only cleansing Christians,  but also cleansing other Muslims?
  • Didn't Obama pledge to unite everyone?
  • Do progressives and those who advocate for Americans paying more in taxes know Americans are leaving high tax states in droves?  
  • Billions were poured into Haiti after the earthquake in 2010 and the country is still largely devastated. Anyone ever ask what happened with all the aid and money?
  • Why was there very little looting in Japan after their earthquake?
  • I'm convinced Republican women are tougher than Republican men.
  • Anyone seen Al Gore lately? I don't miss the lying prick but just wondering.
  • Do those advocating for raising the minimum wage know they will be replaced by robots? In fact, in many places, it's already happening. Ever see what it now looks like in an automobile factory? And check out 3-D technology. It's already printing firearms, engine parts, and even human organs.
  • Are czars still on the WH payroll?
  • Anyone ever ask Pres. Obama why he still tolerates such high unemployment among African-Americans?
  • Has Pres. Obama ever accepted any responsibility for all his cluster f*cks?
  • I believe no one has been held directly responsible for what happened in Benghazi and in the Fast and Furious scandal. Actually, the same can be said for the IRS scandal.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Enemy Is Already Within

In a recent interview to trade Obama for British PM David Cameron, the US threw in Pelosi, Biden and Detroit.  US phone calls were not returned...WH Press Secretary

I've been massaging my beard for many years now. It's always in response to the political class and the media trying desperately to convince us that Jihadist are not yet in America. In response to ISIS, how many times how you heard statements like: We have to stop them now so they won't be coming here?

The fact is they've been here for decades. Allow me to give you some examples. 

I'll start with the most recent murder on our soil of college student Brendan Tevlin in NJ. Tevlin was shot to death in his vehicle on June 19th of this year. Ali Muhammed Brown admitted to killing Tevlin. He also admitted to killing two others prior to murdering Tevlin. After being apprehended, he said of the Tevlin killing that it was a "just kill." He added, "My mission is vengeance." He carried a notebook full of Jihadist notations.

But let's not stop with the murder of Brendan Tevlin, let's take a look at an entire litany of actual attacks on American soil and planned attacks by the Jihadist next door. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
  • The 2000 Millennium Plot. Terrorists planned on attacking LAX and The USS The Sullivans. The plans were foiled by law enforcement.
  • 9/11 on WTC
  • The 2002 LA Airport Shooting. An Egyptian national, who immigrated to the US in 1992, opened fire at Israel airlines El Al customer service counter. He opened fire on a crowd of people, killing two. He was taken down by an El Al security officer.
  • In 2002, Jose Padilla (also known as Abdulla al-Muhajir). He planned a dirty bomb attack.
  • The 2006 Sears Tower Plot. After planning the attack in Miami, seven conspirators were arrested. Five of the plotters were US citizens. The FBI set up a sting. The plotters thought they were being funded by al-Qaeda.
  • In 2006, Naveed Hag, an Islamist, shot six women and killed one at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.
  • The Fort Dix Plot of 2007. Six Islamist planned to attack Fort Dix and kill as many soldiers as possible. One of the plotters was a naturalized American citizen.
  • The 2007 JFK Airport Attack Plot. This was an alleged plot to blow up jet-fuel tanks and pipelines at JFK. Of the 3 suspects, one was a US citizen and native of Guyana.
  • In 2007, Seattle Jihadist, James Ujamm, pleaded guilty to terrorism charges. He planned on establishing a terrorist training compound in Oregon.
  • 2009 Ft. Hood Shooting. Nadal Hassan, a U.S. Army major at the time, shot and killed 13 people at Ft. Hood. He injured 30 others. As I've written about in the past, this may have been one of the first killings directly as a result of political correctness. Authorities knew of Hassan's sympathies for Jihadist. He openly expressed admiration for Anwar al-Awaki, operations planner for al-Qaeda. In 2011, al-Awaki was dispatched by a Hellfire missile to meet his awaiting 72 virgins.
  • Other plots included attacks on the NYC subway system, the Boston Marathon bombings, and several plots on other American cities.
They're here. They've been here. In fact, the NY Daily News recently reported that more than 100 Muslim American extremists are now being trained by ISIS. 

The enemy is already within.

Postscript: Since this was written last week, the FBI reported 40 AMERICAN ISIS terrorists have returned to the U.S. 

Also, Islamist groups also control large parts Nigeria, Kenya, Somalia and other parts of Africa. Moreover, they're planting their flags in cybersapace. 

Sydney learned they have the enemy within as well as France just this week.

Another thug threatened to behead Boston cops.

And Garland, TX, learned this lesson by taking swift action against the two terrorist thugs.

Sources: Michelle Malkin, FBI, NYPD, Homeland Security, NY Post,  NY Times, NY Daily News, Washington Free Beacon and more.