Thursday, September 25, 2014

From The Myth Of The Arab Spring To The Burning Embers Of Autumn

The president is concluding his day by attending a private NY fundraiser. You've got to admire a president who can't be distracted...WH Press Secretary

  • In the last two weeks, I penned two pieces specific to the threats we're facing from terrorism. I reminded readers the enemy is already within {9/15/14 "The Enemy Is Already Within."}. In it, I listed many of the terrorist attacks against Americans in just the last two decades that began with the 1993 first WTC attack (there were attacks against Americans well before 1993).
  • I followed that up with a piece entitled, "How Will Obama's Media Cover Obama's War." (9/23/2014). In that piece, I offered up questions that were directed at George W. Bush during his tenure, and whether the media would be asking Pres. Obama some of the same questions. For example, what is the exit strategy {for Syria}? Another---What will you {Obama} do to prevent civilian casualties? I'm sure you understand the implications of those questions.
  • I bring up those two posts because---like many Americans---I believe most of Mr. Obama's rhetoric remains hollow when it comes to fighting terrorism. On multiple occasions, we've watched Mr. Obama trip over his own rhetoric  (a polite phrase for: his first impulse is to lie). We've also witnessed a president who has a long history of poor judgement. In fact, Peggy Noonan listed a host of examples from Obamacare's lies  to Libya to Obama's  drawing and then erasing his red line against Syria two years ago to his statement about lacking a strategy in the war against ISIS. All of these actions leave many Americans confused and insecure. I believe one can add Obama's speech to the UN this week as both weak and poor judgement in many respects. While he correctly attacked Russia for its actions against the Ukraine and the threats from ISIS and al-Qaeda, he failed to even talk about Iran's continued intentions to possess nukes. Instead he invoked Ferguson to show America has ethnic problems too. WTF?  First of all, the UN is not the place for expressing those views on an internal incident. In addition, 90% of those UN attendees had no idea what he was talking about. And 50% of those are representatives from dictatorships. What happened in Ferguson pales in comparison to what many of those countries do to their own people.
  • Peeling all of this rhetoric back, the only outcome that counts will be whether Mr. Obama keeps his commitment to destroying ISIS and their ilk. We don't want to hear any more statements about "managing" the threat. Americans want to make sure Obama finishes the job of hunting these maniacs down and killing them---all of them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How Will Obama's Media Cover Obama's War?

The obsolete phrase of the day is "illegal war." David Burge Tweet

Most mornings, I walk to the neighborhood diner for my breakfast pick-me-up and newspaper (Yep, hard to give up the hard copy). When I started my walk, I was surprised that I didn't see thousands of anti-war protesters lining the streets proclaiming, "Get us out of Syria" or "Syria is an illegal war." 

And that started me thinking (yet again). How will Obama's media cover Obama's war?

Before I begin, I want to make it clear I support our attacking ISIS and its affiliates in Syria. To paraphrase Robert Duval's character in "Apocalypse Now"---there's nothing better than smelling the heads of terrorists exploding in the morning. 

So let's turn to the media for a moment. Will they be asking some of the following question of Pres. Obama?

  • What is your exit plan? (no war has "exit" plans unless Bush for them).
  • Pres.Bush had a coalition of over 40 countries, we have five at this moment---all Arab states. Why?
  • How much will this war costs considering we have a massive debt? (if "debt" even comes up).
  • By bombing Syria, will we be creating more terrorists?
  • By bombing Syria, will we be upsetting the entire region?
  • With the elections coming up in less than 2 months---is this attack on Syria political?
  • What will you do to prevent civilian casualties?
  • Are you duping America into another war?
  • Aren't we bombing Syria for oil?
  • Are the Koch brothers behind this?
  • Did you bomb Syria because of your crumbling poll numbers?
Considering---as Michael Goodwin of the NY Post wrote last week---politics is now masquerading as journalism, I'm just askin'.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Face Of The Climate Change Hypocrites

Report: Only Way Nation Will Pay Attention To Climate Change Is If Julia Roberts Dies In Hurricane...The Onion

                                                           For how long? One Minute

I'm not going to spend any time on climate change (formally called "Global Warming" unfortunately "global warming" lost its allure when most of the nation was covered in record snow fall, ice and cold weather last winter. In addition, the globe has warmed and cooled on countless occasions prior to any humans living on the planet---even prior to their driving gas, guzzling, bad ass flamethrowers). 

No, the purpose of this post is to just show the faces of the climate change hypocrites (formally called "Global Warming" but I repeat myself). And while Hollywood and D.C. appear to be ground zero for many of these fake, phonies and frauds, the fact is almost everyone who proclaims global warming is a real threat appears to be misguided (now called "Climate Change" because...well, you know that already).

And I want to make it clear, I don't resent the fact that most of the few listed below are super-rich. God bless 'em (especially DiCaprio---who happens to always be surrounded by some beautiful babes). The fact is these two-faced hypocrites always lecture the rest of us on how we should live our lives. It's time to take them to task for their conspicuous phoniness. 

  • The award for the "king" of hypocrisy is none other than Al Gore. When Al Gore was was grooming himself as the savior of the planet, it was reported one of his homes used more than 12 times the amount of energy as the average typical home. Even the folks at Fact.Check reported, "The Gore house back in the day was an energy gobbler." I can also assure you, Al Gore does not fly coach.

  • Michael Moore, who made a career out of trying to impress upon others he was an "every man," owns 9 homes according to his divorce papers as reported by the Detroit News several months ago.

  • Leonardo DiCaprio has been appointed the leader of the climate change movement.  In fact, he joined in the Climate Change March this past weekend. This is the same guy who partied on a $400 million yacht just to watch the World Cup. He does a lot of that. In fact, like many of these hypocrites, he flies in private aircraft. They burn about a gallon of fuel each minute. Oh, and these super yachts?---only about $500 of fuel each 10 minutes. When DeCaprio was asked about his yachts at the March yesterday, he suddenly lost his hearing.

  • Several years ago, Sheryl Crow advised all of us to use only one square of toilet tissue during our bathroom breaks. She, like many other rockers, tours with several tractor trailers, buses and other vehicles. 
These a just a few examples of many folks who keep telling us just to eat the cake.