Thursday, October 9, 2014

Progressives Want Open Borders Even If It Kills Americans

BHO ordered additional screening measures at airports. Right after the TSA gropes your privates, they'll now take your temperature...David Burge Tweet

  • There's only one reason progressives want open borders. It comes down to soliciting future generations of people voting for the Democrats. But you don't have to believe me. Progressives have been touting this message for years. 
  • For example, SEIU VP Eliso Medina said this at conference in 2009: "We reform immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventual new voters...We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term."
  • This summer Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill) said essential the exact same thing. In other words, regardless of the risks involved in having open borders, the illegal immigrant activists have a long term agenda. As stated earlier, it's to get more voters.
  • So what are those risks? We already experienced the first phase of those risks on 1993 and 2001 with the attacks on the World Trade Center. We also know from our own Border Patrol that drug cartels have been sending drug cartel gang members across our borders by the thousands. In fact, U.S. Border Patrol 2013 data from the Southwest Corridor shows they apprehended almost 415,000 people trying to cross that part of our border. That might appear to be an impressive number until you look at what the apprehension numbers were in 2004, 2005 and 2006. In each one of those years, apprehensions were over one million. During Pres. Obama's first year as president, those numbers decreased to 540,000. 
  • FBI reported that alien drug cartels now operate in more than a 1000 U.S. cities in 2009 and 2010. Moreover, their operations have only been increasing. 
  • This past August, Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chair of the Joint Chiefs, declared that "open borders and immigration issues" have made Europeans and other foreigners who have joined ISIS "an immediate threat" to the United States and its allies domestically. CBS News 
  • This past June we witnessed thousands of unaccompanied children and young adults from Central American countries to enter the U.S. illegally. As of today, we don't have good data on where exactly these children are located. But we do know this. The cost to school districts is becoming an additional burden to have these children educated. In other words, it's become a massive, unfunded mandate for school districts. Of course, the additional costs will be passed on to taxpayers. Yahoo News
  • And if that's not the only disturbing news. The CDC issued a "health advisory" two weeks ago that these same children could be spreading the EV-D 68 virus that's being found in many schools in the country. At this time, they are only in the investigation stage in making any determinations. (Illegal immigrant advocates point out that rates of vaccinations for children coming from Central America are relatively high. UNICEF. In short, it's still too early to make the jump from these children to the spread of D 68. Nevertheless, it does require close vigilance).
  • Two days ago, U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, SOUTHCOM commander, said of the people captured crossing our southern border, a large percentage are from W. Africa. As a result, he said they are keeping a close eye on the EBOLA crisis. 
  • So could EBOLA cross our borders? The CDC said it's unlikely. But then there was Thomas Duncan who died from EBOLA in an American hospital this week.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Progressive Political Class Keeps Flipping Americans The Bird

Breaking News: The White House announced that Pres. Obama has cancelled his October fundraising trip in Dallas due to scheduling conflicts...Walter Cronkite Tweet

It's undeniable now that more Americans feel the political class just keeps flipping us the bird. Or, to put it in polite terms, more people feel we've been treated with disdain.

I believe two recent events prove this assertion. 

With regard to the Ebola outbreak, our government keeps trying to tell us that the highly contagious disease is hard to get. We know that's not true. Ebola is a viral WMD. It's killing 5 people an hour in many areas of Africa. Also, initial reports of the Spanish nurse who contracted the disease indicate she may have removed a glove and touched her face. The circumstances of her contracting Ebola is still developing.  And even though we have the best health care system in the world, Mr. Duncan still didn't survive the ravages of the virus.

And then there's the fantasy bubble in which many progressive celebrities reside. This week Ben Affleck found himself in a controversy he created. As a guest on the Bill Maher show, he complained about the intolerance shown toward Muslims. Perhaps Ben needs to review the latest FBI data on religious based hate crimes. In 2012, hate crimes against Jews was 63%. Muslims were victims of 12.5% of alleged religious based hate crimes. The fact is many progressives like Affleck can't handle the truth about Islamist.

This contempt shown by the progressive political elites manifested itself in the last six years alone with just a few of the following examples:

  • Exploiting alleged class, race, gender and religious warfare. For example, on MSNBC alone, the words "racism" and "slavery" were attached to their Ebola coverage.
  • Their first impulse is to lie. We've seen that play out in the numerous scandals over the last six years from Obamacare to Benghazi to the VA scandal and countless others.
  • Six years of spinning bad economic data. We've seen this as evidenced by the middle class shrinking, more people dropping out of the workforce,  more people in poverty, more Americans receiving food stamps and more of the total workforce becoming a part-time one.
  • Spying on not only many Americans but also on the press.
  • We've seen that the progressive political class has only three weapons in their arsenal: intolerance, identity politics and lies.
  • And as the nation confronts one crisis after another, the leader of the progressive political class spends more time at fundraisers and golf than in the Oval Office. In addition, few officials responsible for these cluster f*cks have been held accountable. Another example of their disdain for us.
We're a nation facing some very serious challenges and threats both domestic and foreign. Unfortunately, leadership in all levels of our government is lacking. And even more disturbing, the progressive political class keeps treating all Americans with outright derision. Michelle Malkin once wrote, "Progressives will sacrifice anything to their ideology---even children." She's half right. She should have added: "even Americans."

Postscript: Since this was posted, Obama flipped Americans the bird again by vetoing the Keystone Pipeline and pushing for the Iran Deal. In addition, Hillary Clinton and her ilk flip Americans the bird every day with her conspicuous hypocrisy, unethical behavior and perhaps even illegal behavior.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hollywood Remains A Haven For Anti-Second Amendment Hypocrites

Joe Biden is the perfect choice to negotiate with ISIS. Mainly because the enemy knows they'd be no point in beheading him...WH Press Secretary

Hypocrisy is a way of life for many in Hollywood. It's a perfect example of really dumb people who do the things they tell others not to do. I pointed that out about two weeks ago showing that very same behavior exhibited in the climate change debate.

That very same hypocrisy is clearly evident in many Hollywood celebrities who continue to demand more gun control. But you wouldn't know it by the films they make. Also, let me be clear. I personally like many of the films.  Below is an example of some of the more egregious two-faced nitwits.

Liam Neeson who once said in an interview to The Independent: "I am totally for gun control in the United States."

Ten years ago, Matt Damon gave an interview to The Sunday Herald. He said, "I hate guns. They freak me out." This from the guy who made several Bourne films (films I can watch over and over again) as well as The Green Zone and Saving Private Ryan to name a few.

George Clooney starred in such movies as The American, Three Kings, The Peacemaker and Out Of Sight once made fun of Charles Heston (head of the NRA at the time). Clooney poked fun at Heston's Alzheimer diagnosis.

Yep, Arnold was once a big supporter of the Second Amendment. That changed when he entered politics. In 2003, he told a Time interviewer, "I'm for gun control. I'm a peace loving guy." As governor of CA, he also supported the Brady Bill.

 Jamie Fox, who starred in one of the most violent films of all time---Django Unchained---made a PSA advocating for greater gun control.

Jeremy Renner, who also made a PSA advocating gun control, starred in such films as The Bourne Legacy, Mission Impossible, and S.W.A.T.

Yep, even this guy.

Others include ---but certainly not limited to---Mark Wahlberg who starred in The Shooter (damn good film), and Cameron Diaz who starred in A Life Less Ordinary

Denial is a river one can only find in Hollywood.