Thursday, November 6, 2014

Americans Took A Stand This Week---Will Republicans?

President Obama is our first official "blame duck" president...WH Press Secretary Tweet

This week, Americans took a stand. In short, they've made it crystal clear to the Obama administration and to the progressive political class,  we've had enough. We've had enough of your government overreach. We've had enough of your arrogance. We've had enough of your incompetence and dysfunction. We've had enough of your transformation. We've had enough (the same can be said to the main stream media too).

Having said that, just because the Republicans won big, Americans will not be giving them a pass. As most polls indicate, Americans haven't been too thrilled with them either. They've had enough of progressive Republicans too.

The progressive political class failed. They've always failed.  We also know they can't be trusted. How can they be when their first impulse is to lie---about everything.  That leaves only the conservatives to make the play that will drive the nation into the end zone. The only way the conservatives will drive into the end zone will be to follow true and tested core conservative principles. These include---but are not limited to---the following:

  • Follow The Constitution. The writers of that document knew what they were doing. Most were smarter than most living politicians today. In that document, the Founders made it clear that liberty is not granted. It's an inherent right---a fact lost on most progressives.
  • We  must remain suspicious of overreaching government. Fortunately, many Americans finally learned that lesson this week.
  • National security must be a national priority. There are just too many threats out there to do otherwise. This includes supporting a strong military.
  • Economic growth---with a strong focus on a free enterprise and economic liberty. This also includes targeting the unsustainable national debt in addition to pursuing the lowering of taxes, and cutting down on wasteful spending and fraud.
  • We already have a pathway to citizenship. It's called: legal immigration. Uphold those laws. Strengthen our borders. And tighten up our visa application process. No amnesty. (I speak to this as a legal immigrant myself).
  • Continued expansion of diversity within the Republican Party. That's right---continued. The big lie among progressives and their enablers in the media is that the party is not diverse. It is. That was proven again this week with the elections of Mia Love and Tim Scott just to name a few. The many faces of Republican conservative politicians include some of the following: Condi Rice, Gov. Nikki Haley (an Indian Sikh), Gov. Bobby Jindal (Indian-American), Gov.Susana Martinez  Sen. Ted Cruz, Former Rep. Allen West, Sen. Marc Rubio (Cuban-American),  Supreme Court Judge Thomas, and Herman Cain. In fact, diversity in the Republican Party goes back decades. One classic example was Hiram Revels, an African-American. He served as a U.S. Senate from Mississippi following the Civil War. He was accompanied by several of his peers during the same period (you won't find that fact in most history books). Nevertheless, outreach should and must continue.
The outcome for the Republican Party is clear.  They must focus on issues important to conservatives. This also includes growing a spine and stop tip-toeing through the tulips. For far too long, the Republican Party has been perceived as a feckless party of chumps. Today they don't even have to look far for their answers. Scott Walker won elections embracing conservative principles. Oh, and so did one other guy---Ronald Reagan.

Postscript: And will Republicans take on Obama for his immigration orders?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

America Spoke: The Republican Tsunami Was A Massive Rejection Of Progressive Political Policies

Sandra Fluke lost her campaign for California state Senate and Obama didn't even call her. The good news is she finally got screwed...WH Press Secretary Tweet

  • The U.S. Constitution and America were the big winners last night. A majority of the American people voted put an end to big government. They finally came to the realization that big government is incompatible with freedom and liberty. The Republican tsunami last night was a massive rejection of progressive political policies. As John Podhoretz correctly pointed out today, the Republican victory was "wide and deep." In other words, Republicans finally opened up their can of whoop ass.
  • The American people---overwhelmingly---voted against Obamacare, against open borders for illegal aliens, against incompetency, against failed foreign policy initiatives and against lawlessness by the progressive political class. In other words,  the elections showed that Americans want to crush the policies of the Obama administration. In addition, don't kid yourselves, Hillary Clinton also lost big. In every place she and Bill Clinton appeared to show support for Democrat candidates in the last several months, those candidates lost.
  • And for one time at least, Pres. Obama was right. Last week, he said his policies were on the ballot. His policies were overwhelmingly rejected.
  • Having said all of that, I believe it's much too early to believe we can rely or trust the Republican Party. Keep in mind, in 2010 with the support of the Tea Party, Republicans also won big. What happened just two years later? Obama won a second term. In the past, I've written several posts about the fecklessness of the Republican Party often referring to it as a "mirage." They appear to be a party that all to often tip-toes through the tulips.
  • If they learned any lessons with this election, it's these: Most Americans do not want Republicans to enable any progressive policies in the future. And, conservative principles always win major elections for the Republican Party. Not only did we see that with Ron Reagan's blowout (winning 49 states) but Scott Walker won three out of four elections in just the last four years focusing on conservative core principles.
  • If you need more proof.  Mia Love of Utah and Tim Scott of S.C.---both black, conservative Republicans---won. Mia Love was the first black female Republican to be elected to Congress. And Tim Scott made history making him the first black candidate to win a state wide race in the South since the Civil War. That's powerful diversity that even progressives can only dream about.
  • I'll leave you with this. After the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, a woman asked Ben Franklin, "Well, doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Frankly replied politely, "A republic, if you can keep it." Let's pray Republicans heed Franklin's advice.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Our Crib Sheet For The 2014 Mid-Term Elections

Nation's Roommates Debut New TV Spot Insisting "Elections Are Bullshit."...The Onion

In my previous post {"Voting Guide For Democrats + The Progressive Political Class"}, I encouraged Democrats to continue voting for Democrats + the progressive political class if they like the direction of the nation (the progressive political class also includes many Republicans).

So today, less than 24 hours before the mid-terms it's time for a crib sheet every voter can use when they close that curtain in the voting booth. It's not complicated. It's actually self-explanatory. In fact, much of this is not new but cheat sheets often nibble at the edge of our brains when we have to make critical decisions. Here we go:

  • Transformation that resulted in unrestrained exercise of power
  • The use of phony wars on gender, race and class
  • An administration and progressive political class whose first impulse is to reach for a lie
  • Fast and Furious
  • Benghazi
  • IRS scandal
  • VA scandal
  • NSA scandal-the rise of the "surveillance state" 
  • Obamacare's broken promises
  • Stimulus bill that only enriched donors, unions and political cronies
  • Lack of transparency (even his enabling press bitches about it)
  • The conspicuous use of the "blame game" rather than taking responsibility for failures
  • Designating Ft. Hood shooting as "workplace violence"
  • Keystone Pipeline and no coherent energy policy---in fact, a counter productive policy
  • The destruction of the coal industry especially in KY + W.VA where thousands have already lost their jobs and careers
  • Historical high rates of poverty 
  • Border security, illegal immigration and amnesty
  • NSA scandal
  • GSA scandal
  • Eavesdropping and seizing records of journalists.
  • Billions wasted on energy initiatives such as Solyndra and dozens of similar "investments"
  • The rise of ISIS with the admission of the administration it had no strategy in confronting these terrorists
  • The release of 5 Taliban terrorists
  • Failed foreign policy (Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Israel, etc)---including J.F.Kerry's diplomacy disasters (and Hillary Clinton before him) and the failure to predict Putin's intentions
  • Inappropriate remarks about Israel's PM (calling a certified war hero a "chickenshit")
  • America's loss of standing and prestige throughout the globe
  • Importing Ebola into America
  • Appointing an Ebola Czar whose a political hack and is largely AWOL
  • Allowing a race-baiting, alleged tax-evading thug like Al Sharpton into the highest levels of municipal, state and federal government
  • "You didn't build that" even though millions of Americans did.
  • Failing to reduce the national debt (now approaching $18T)
  • Average student loan debt now stands at about $25K per student
  • Pres. Obama's "leaderless" leadership style (it's now way beyond just "leading from behind).
  • Dozens and dozens of cases of alleged voter fraud largely by democrats and their operatives
There's certainly many more but you don't want to raise suspicions by standing in the voting booth too long---after all, the New Black Panthers wouldn't like that.