Friday, November 21, 2014

On Immigration, Obama's Shameful Insult To All Americans

If he's {Obama} gonna pretend to make the law, we should pretend to obey it...David Burge Tweet

  • I'm going to ask my regular readers for their indulgence for a moment. I've used the following story on several occasions.
  • At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a woman asked Ben Franklin, "Well,  Dr. Franklin, what have we got a Republic or a Monarchy" Franklin replied without hesitation, "A Republic if you can keep it."
  • Today many Americans are asking the same question of the government considering the shameful and dishonorable actions of the nation's chief executive, Pres. Obama. Last night, he acted on his own authority by by-passing Congress on immigration. And we know it's not the first time he's engaged in this type of lawless action.
  • Even just as disturbing is the reaction of many Americans. In short, their praising the fact the president of the U.S. shoved the Constitution aside yet again. But, in addition to most Americans who do not support what he did last night (as evidenced by most polls), there are at least four other communities that he insulted. 
  • The first includes those immigrants who have been on the legal and righteous path to citizenship. They've just been informed that at least 5 million illegals will be jumping ahead of them in the path. These are people who have spent several years and a lot of money to become legal citizens.
  • The second group includes African-Americans. Last night's announcement does absolutely nothing to help the millions who are still out of work. In fact, it will now make it much harder for them to find employment. 
  • The third group includes Hispanics themselves. Many of them are doing it legally. Many are now at the end of the line. And I might add, to those illegal Hispanic immigrants, the Obama and the progressive class cares nothing about you. You are only a vote to them---nothing more; nothing less.
  • And finally, many of our veterans---especially those homeless---are witnessing illegal immigrants getting more attention to their plight than the plight of those veterans.
  • It's also painfully obvious that even Pres. Obama does not believe a word he said. For years, he advocated against the very actions he proposed last night. 
  • It's now in the hands of the Republicans. They need to take the initiative to advance "a sensible, pro-growth, pro-immigration policy on their own," as referenced in the editorial of the NY Post today. There is of course their past history of fecklessness. They talk a good game but keep tripping over their own rhetoric. Only time will tell what they plan on doing.
  • And all Americans need to heed the warning of Dr. Benjamin Franklin.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

On Immigration---Will Obama Put An End To Our Constitutional Form Of Government?

Come back King George III, all is forgiven...David Burge Tweet

  • Today will probably go down as a day of infamy. It is anticipated Pres. Obama will offer legal status to  an estimated five million illegal immigrants. No one really knows the real number. It's more likely higher than being report. Nevertheless, the reason it will go most likely go down as a day of infamy is clear: It now appears Pres. Obama will violate his oath of office and shove the Constitution aside yet again.
  • In July of 2013, I posted a piece entitled, "A Legal Immigrants Take On The Immigration Debate." Some of that article was my own family's path to citizenship---the most precious gift a country can confer. 
  • Also in that piece, I pointed out we already have a pathway to citizenship. It's called legal immigration. I ended that posting by suggesting several important propositions including, but not limited to, the following: Enforce the laws we already have in place as well as securing our borders. I also suggested tightening up our visa system pointing out at least one of the 9/11 hijackers was on a student visa and too many overstay their visas and then get lost in the crowd.
  • The irony in all of this is that Pres. Obama himself---on numerous occasions---was on record against what he plans on doing tonight. In fact, in terms of his anticipated action today, he said (more than once): "That's not how our democracy works. That's not how our Constitution is written." Nevertheless, it appears he will assault the Constitution yet again (he's done it with Obamacare on several occasions some of which came into the sunlight with Gruber's own revelations last week).

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Americans Should Give Thanks To Gruber For Revealing The Con

The rumors are false. Gruber's great grandfather did not design the Titanic.  Only the hull...WH Press Secretary Tweet

  • In my last two posts, I pointed out several solid, undeniable facts: Gruber vindicated the Obamacare critics (like myself), and Obamacare exposed the lies and deceptions of the Obama administration, the progressive political class and the media.  Gruber went further. He did all Americans a "solid." He revealed the con and scam perpetuated by the Obama administration upon the American people.
  • But for many of those  critics, much of Gruber's comments and revelations were not a surprise. We had been warning voters for over six years now. 
  • For example, in May of 2013, I penned a piece entitled, "How Obama Conned His Own Voters" (keep in mind, when Gruber accused Americans of being stupid, he was actually referring to those voters as well as supporters of the administration not the critics). In that article, I listed all of the cons used by the administration from proclaiming more Americans were better off (when poverty rates reached historic levels) to the broken Obamacare promises. 
  • That piece was followed in January of 2014 by a posting entitled, "The Three Card Monty Administration." In short, I pointed out how the Obama administration and the progressives treated millions of Americans as suckers (some through their own fault).
  • As many are now stating, Gruber is the gift that keeps on giving. He's shown how the progressives turned deception into an art form. In one of his many videos where he was incapable of keeping his mouth shut, he admits to purposely mislabeling parts of Obamacare to hide the truth behind the law. This came shortly after his admission that the "lack of transparency is a huge political advantage" while blaming the stupidity of the American people. 
  • And there are many other videos where he admits deception. Having heard some of those, I couldn't help coming to this conclusion: The Obama administration, Democrats and the media knew this guy was flapping his gums about lying about Obamacare---yet they never bothered to duct tape his mouth, to rein him in. In other words, they approved of his false statements. One conspicuous proof of this was in Pres. Obama's own words. While he tried to distance himself from Gruber this week stating he was just an "adviser," another video popped up showing Obama praising Gruber and actually saying he'd {Obama} stole ideas from him "liberally."
  • Perhaps the Chicago Tribune summarized it best: "Arrogance Plus Deception Equals Obamacare Ask Gruber."

Monday, November 17, 2014

Gruber: Exposing More Than Just The Lies And Deceit Of The Obama Administration, Democrats & The Media

Naming someone the "architect Of Obamacare" is like naming somebody the "architect of the rest stop bowl clog...David Burge Tweet

Obamacare's poll numbers are racing against Obama's to the bottom. Gallup's most recent numbers show Obamacare approval at 37%. Gruber's revelations will drive those numbers even lower.

The main purpose of this post is not to report what many Americans already know. It's purpose is to clearly show Americans were warned over and over again of the lies and deceit emanating from this administration and the Democrats in the last six or more years.  In order to reinforce that claim, I'm going to list some headlines of my articles that were posted on this blog in the last few years. Take a moment to read the following carefully (they will appear in no particular order):

  • Obamacare Critics Vindicated (posted shortly after Gruber's disclosures)
  • Obamacare Exposes The Deceit, Dishonesty And Lies Of The Obama Administration (over one year ago today)
  • Progressive Democrats Keep Spitting On The Constitution (7/12)
  • The Obama Legacy: Frightening (11/12)
  • The Obama Era: The Age Of Stupid (2/13)
  • How Obama Conned His Own Voters (5/13)
  • Obamacare Sticker Shock (6/13)
  • The Failure And Pain Of Progressive Policies (7/13)
  • Obamacare Casualty List Grows (9/13)
  • Obama Administration And Congress Keep Tripping Over Their Own Arrogance (3/13)
  • Depictions Of Betrayal: Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS, Depressed Economy And More (one year ago)
  • Logic, Reason, Data And Facts Show Obamacare Is A Deliberate Hoax (just over a year ago).
  • 2013: The Year Of The Big Lies
  • Obama And The Political Class Are Masters Of Double Talk As Well As Lies (Feb. of this year).
  • Obamacare Is Really A Mirage: It's There But It Really Isn't There (Last March)
  • The Progressive Political Class To Americans: You Are Stupid (Last March well before Gruber was caught running his mouth).
  • Obamacare Supporters: Delusionists Continuing To Believe In An Illusion (Last April)
  • The Media's Sins Of Omission (This past July)
  • The Progressive Political Class Keeps Flipping Americans The Bird (October of this year).
Was I prescient? No, not really. I was merely reporting on how many Americans felt about the sleaze pervading the D.C. beltway. More disturbing, this shows (as well as Gruber's epiphany) that this administration and the progressive political class (including most of the media) have been exploiting Americans. And like Gruber, even profiting  from the lies and deceit.

If there is any consolation to all of this, it's the outcome of the 2014 mid-terms. More Americans took a stand and rejected the warped progressive policies of the last six years. It's now in the hands of the Republicans to pick up the baton and protect the Republic.

PS: Don't be surprised at the media's neglecting to report on Gruber. When they look at him, it's like gazing into a mirror.