Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Progressive Political Class Gives The Green Light To Mob Bullies

College: An oasis of totalitarianism in a desert of freedom...David Burge Tweet

  • It's now clear that the progressive political class has given the green light to mob bullies. And it actually shows that the Occupy movement that started in 2011 learned a few lessons.
  • The first lesson they learned was from watching the behavior of the progressive political class in the last six years. They watched how the elite used the wars against Wall Street, against women, against conservatives, against faith and others with effectiveness. Of course, they had assistance from their enablers in the progressive media. But they learned that bully tactics can work. There was really no one to stop them. Like most conservatives, they understood the Republicans were spineless. So they were no threat to OWS movement.
  • They also studied the bully tactics of the Obama administration. Whether it was using the IRS against conservative groups and religious organizations or pushing through the Obamacare lies (as now reinforced by Gruber himself). The watched how the Obama administration and many Democrats were even able to skirt The Constitution as evidenced by the president's executive orders on immigration or the bullying of some in the nation's press (that story was broken by the AP, Fox News and Bob Woodward himself).
  • From the progressive political class, they also learned that scare tactics can be effective. Who can forget Slo Joe Biden's remarks in the last campaign. He said to a group about Romney:  "They're going to put y'all back in chains."
  • But, throughout all of this, they learned an even more important lesson. They learned the one group that stood in their way was the police. So it should surprise no one why the progressives are waging a war against the police such as proclaiming all cops to be racist. As I wrote in my previous posts, most of the charges they are filing against law enforcement are bogus. They don't stand up to the facts. But the truth and facts have never stood in the way of progressives. In fact, the progressive movement relies on deceit and lies. They are so good at it; they even lie about lying. 
  • So as you watch the reports of these punks and mobs ransacking and running through private businesses, damaging private property and disrupting the holidays for many Americans, know their "holier-than-thou self-indulgence" is phony. Whether it's "moralistic grandstanding" in Congress by the likes of  Feinstein or that nutty-little man, Harry Reid, or the nitwits wearing "I Can't Breathe" T-shirts, their aim is to disrupt civil society. By removing law enforcement from the equation, the anarchists learned there is no stopping them now. 
  • Having said all of this, there is a lesson they haven't learned. Most Americans will only put up with this nonsense so long. As our history clearly illustrates: Don't tread on us. We stand up to bullies.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

As We Torture The Truth, Where Is Our Gratitude?

Obama is adamant that enhanced interrogation techniques did not make America safer, but releasing all the details of those techniques will...WH Press Secretary Tweet

  • On occasion, the police screw up. Also, on occasion, the CIA and our intelligence agencies screw up. But the facts are clear: they all have more successes than failures (successes our intelligence agencies rarely publicize). So where is our gratitude?
  • All of these entities have one goal in common: to keep us safe---safe from all the hundreds and thousands of scumbags in the world that want to do us harm. In general, they do a good job. But you wouldn't know it from the recent news coming out of the mouths of many politicians and from the media. As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post pointed out so well: "Only the truth is tortured."
  • Even more disturbing is this "moralistic grandstanding" we've witnessed in the last few weeks. Sen. Flunkenstein's release of the CIA Report, the contents of which she's known about for years because---like many others in government---she was briefed on those techniques years ago is just one example. As one observer pointed out recently if Flunkenstein had any courage, she would have spoke out about these earlier techniques to stop them. But she didn't. She did it for purely political reasons. Nothing more. Nothing less. 
  • Regarding the critics of the police who now proudly wear those "I Can't Breathe" T-shirts? I should started wearing one of those because I can't breathe through the stench of lies, misinformation and myths that these knuckleheads keep trying to sustain. For example, the Bureau of Justice reported recently that 85% of those requesting police assistance were satisfied with the police response. In the last five months, complaints against the NYPD fell 26% and excessive force complaints were down 29%. In addition, police have approximately 44 million contacts a year with citizens. Oh, one more item. Face-to-face contacts with police were more common among males, whites and younger subjects. 
  • Officer Down Memorial Page reports that 43 police officers have died due to death by gunfire, an increase of 65% over the previous year. Total line of duty deaths now stand at 108 or an increase of 16%. One police officer dies an average of every 58 hours. In addition, there have been almost 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers in the last decade. Since the first recorded law enforcement line of duty death in the late 1700's, 20,000 have been killed. The NYPD has suffered more line of duty deaths than any other police department with 697 in its history. National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund
  • The CIA reports 111 agents died in the line of duty in the agency's history. In 2009, the agency lost 7 operatives in one day from a Taliban suicide bombing in Afghanistan.
  • Yes, Michael Goodwin was correct when he wrote: "Only the truth is tortured." Even more important, where is our gratitude?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Progressives Are Outraged At America {CIA Interrogation Techniques} But At Our Enemies---Not So Much

Pres. Obama released more Gitmo detainees to save them from waterboarding so he can drone kill them on the battlefield in about a month...WH Press Secretary Tweet

The progressive political class---including their enablers in the media---is having a field day with the release of the data surrounding the CIA's interrogation techniques. That's expected. It's long been known how they feel about America {Hint: America sucks). In fact, they are showing more outrage at the CIA's interrogation techniques than the barbaric techniques used by our enemies. Oh, for example, like the beheading of Americans on video immediately comes to mind. Just last week, Hillary Clinton said we should "empathize" with our enemies.

For one of the only few times on this blog, I'm going to lend some perspective to this debate in images. In other words, I'm going to give Americans the opportunity to decide for themselves what is worse---keeping some Islamist barbarian responsible for the attacks on 9/11 up for 100 hours or....

(Warning: some of these images may be too disturbing to view for some)

American contractors first murdered, burned and then hung from a bridge

Empathize Hillary?

Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi

Aftermath of explosions at the Boston Marathon

Pan Am 103 in 1988

Attack on Marine barracks in Beirut in October of 1983 killing 241 Marines and sailors

What happened to: Never Forget?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Progressives: The Juxtaposition of Deceit And Ignorance

Certain NFL players are anxious to point out their ignorance as certain members of Congress...Fred Zeppelin Tweet

This week, Rolling Stone admitted to  their own journalistic malfeasance about an alleged rape that took place at a fraternity at the University of Virginia. They only admitted to the wrongdoing because they were caught.

No one should have been surprised that a progressive rag like Rolling Stone was perpetuating a myth. We've seen this kind of behavior all to often with progressives especially recently. For example, many of the marches and protests have nothing to do with race. It has more to do with sustaining a false narrative about the behavior of police officers. You don't even have to take my word for it. Yesterday, Eric Garner's widow said the death of her husband wasn't "a black and white thing."

But  that didn't stop the nitwit Mayor of NYC to demean his own police department. Last week, he declared that he taught his son about the dangers he might face from the police (Mayor de Blasio is married to an African-American). The statistics show that de Blasio should have taught his son to be aware of the dangers his son might face from other young black youth. In fact, the most recent statistics from the NYPD  {July 1 through November 30} report that total complaints against the NYPD fell 26%. Excessive force complaints fell by 29%. And abuse-of-authority complaints are down 22%. In other words, the NYPD appears to be doing a good job.

The NY Post also reported a significant drop in shootings by the NYPD. In 1994, sixty-one people were shot by the NYPD, killing 21. Last year, they shot 26 perpetrators and eight were killed. There are more people shooting and killing each other in cities like Chicago in just a two-week period. For example, last September,  31 people were wounded in Chicago shootings with two dead. That was just over one weekend. As one observer remarked about the protests in NYC over the weekend: "Has anyone noticed how the same police force deemed so out of control and badly trained has thus far manged to handle the protests here with considerable restraint..." NY Post

But my point is not to defend the police. They can do that themselves. And they have a duty to dismiss any police officers who violate the law or departmental policies. The point is the perpetuation of lies by both the progressive political class, the media and punk activists continues in the face of evidence proving otherwise. They assume all police officers are racists.

Remember Bridgegate? MSNBC and other media outlets skewered Gov. Christie for weeks. Just a few days ago, a joint legislative committee found no evidence of wrong doing by Christie. You won't hear much from MSNBC.

In the Ferguson case, the media portrayed Michael Brown as a "gentle giant." That myth was debunked not only by the video showing him strong-arming a small business owner. The myth was destroyed by the evidence in the case.

They have only one agenda and that's to keep fanning the flames of myths and false accusations. Many like Sharpton benefit from more publicity and financial gain. Others simply like to behave as trouble-makers and knuckleheads.

But perhaps there is some hope especially in the black community. The family of Akai Gurley, another victim of an NYPD shooting {a rookie cop who allegedly fired blindly into the darkness of a stairwell}, told Sharpton to stay away from the funeral. They told Al: "Keep your 'circus' away from the funeral." Her sister added, "There is no piece of the pie for Mr. Sharpton here."

Wouldn't it be refreshing if more Americans gave race-baiting thugs and all around pieces of shit like Sharpton the finger? We can only hope---for real common sense change.