Thursday, January 8, 2015

While The Terrorists In France Attacked Free Speech, The Media Remains Lost In A Fantasy

"We need to stand up for the right to satire."-'edgy' late night talk show host too chickenshit to make an Obama joke...David Burge Tweet

  • Yes, indeed, the terrorist in France attacked free speech. And the media is now trying to convince us that they will defend free speech to the death. While some have---too many, especially in the American media---would not.
  • In fact, many media outlets (AP, The NY Daily News + others) were so outraged by the attack on Charlie Hebdo, they decided to run the satirical cartoons. JUST KIDDING. They censored the satirical cartoons as well. In other words, in pointing out the horror of the attacks on free speech, they decided to take the side of the Islamist. Their rationale for their gutlessness is not to offend Muslims. The reality is they are cowards and hypocrites.
  • These are many of the same cowards so offended by what the terrorist in France did earlier this week, they continue to use terms such as "militants" to describe Islamist. In fact, if we were able to eavesdrop on one of their editorial meetings, I'm confident you would hear something like this: "Hey, what do they have against us? We've been trying to convince our readership for years that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam."
  • The fact is the attacks in France and throughout the globe should have taught them no one is safe---even the pretenders in the media and entertainment.
  • The media and journalism today has largely failed in its mission to convey the truth. In many cases, they go as so far as to omit the truth. Their malfeasance is breathtaking. As I've written about in the past, one does not have to go further to prove this claim than by simply reviewing the coverage of the Obama administration and even Hillary Clinton.
  • And keep in mind, it's today's media that actually has a thug like Al Sharpton as a host on one of its networks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

As Cartoonist Take On Islamist, The Leadership In The West Remains In Denial

John Kerry: We will never surrender our freedom of speech to these various people I would rather not name...David Burge Tweet

In March of 2012, I wrote a piece entitled: "French Appeasement Results In Innocents Being Murdered." I wrote the following:

  • "Let's be clear. France bought this upon themselves for their so-called 'tolerance policies.' ( I was referring to an Islamic fanatic who murdered a Jewish family and several French police officers). They have appeased Muslim fanatics for years...There are actual 'no-go zones' in Muslim communities where even French police fear to enter. You might recall, in 2005, French Muslims rioted and destroyed over 9,000 vehicles and several hundred buildings..."{note: this still goes on even today}. 
So I wasn't surprised with what happened in France earlier today. In fact, I expected it. I expected it because the leaders in the West---including our own---have for too long depended on appeasement while in denial about who and where the enemy is. As we all now know, the enemy is already within. Britain learned that lesson not too long ago when one of its soldiers was beheaded on a British street. They also learned that lesson in July of 2005 when terrorist bombed their public transport system. Spain learned the lesson in 2004 when their trains were bombed. Sydney learned that same lesson when a group of Islamist stormed a cafe and held customers hostage last month leaving three dead. And we learned that lesson on 9/11 as well as during the Boston Marathon.

We are currently living in a world where political correctness is murdering our citizens ( the Ft. Hood massacre comes immediately to mind). We are also living in a world where our leaders don't have the guts to be political incorrect. And we're left with cartoonist who appear to have the guts lacking in our own leadership. 

These cartoonist paid a high price today for their courage. Our own troops have paid a high price for their courage as well in taking on these modern-day savages. In fact, the West has become so warped in their political correctness, they take our own intelligence communities to task but our enemies? ---not so much.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Mayor De Blasio: Respect + Trust Is A Two-Way Street

How to squander moral authority: Ferguson protesters disrupt, shut down town hall honoring 100 year old WW2 vet...David Burge commenting on a factual story.

Sometimes I even surprise myself at my own prescience. Since the election of Mayor de Blasio in NYC, I made several predictions about his progressive policies and the outcomes of those policies:

  • NYC will plunge into progressive hell (and why all of America should take notice).
  • NYC: Another petri dish for progressive policies.
  • Progressive rhetoric and actions submerging America (and NYC) into a bloody hell.
Let's examine the relationship between Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD for a moment. 

There's been some criticism of NYPD turning their backs to the mayor. One of the reasons the criticism is falling on deaf ears among most Americans is quite apparent-It was Mayor de Blasio who turned his back on the NYPD and the police for many years. His history of hostility and insults toward the police has never been a secret. In addition, it always comes around to the company he keeps.  For example:
  • When de Blasio was campaigning for mayor, a Kicy Motley was working on his campaign. A year earlier, she tweeted out: "F*ck The Police." She currently works for the mayor on community issues.
  • When de Blasio was a public advocate, he had a staff member who posted: "Kill The Police." That staff member resigned shortly thereafter.
  • He's confided in the race-baiting thug, Al Shartpon, on NYPD issues. In fact, de Blasio even invited Sharpton on the dais with NYPD Commissioner Bratton at a town hall meeting. Obama also invited Sharpton to the WH on at least 60 occasions.
  • De Blasio admitted indoctrinating his own son to be fearful of the police.
  • One of de Blasio's top advisers, Rachel Noerdlinger, was living with a felon. One of his crimes included homicide. But it didn't end there. The guy had a habit of making anti-police posts on his FB page. De Blasio knew of her relationship with the thug. Noerdlinger is now on leave of absence.
  • Just recently, Mayor de Blasio reappointed a judge who freed two punks who threatened NYPD officers. They made their threats few days after the murder of the two NYPD officers. She freed them without bail.
All of this and more should surprise no one. That's why the corrosive atmosphere in NYC should be warning sign to the rest of the nation. 

If you examine the crime rates of most American cities run by the progressive political elite, you come to only one conclusion: they don't put a high value on law and order. And by the progressive political elite, one must include the media. Since the Ferguson riots, they've been sympathetic to the punks not the police. They've been so sympathetic, they've even perpetuated myths such as "Hands-Up; Don't Shoot!" among many others.

Unfortunately, these are the role models held up by the progressives. The stupids among us always fall for it as evidenced by progressives being re-elected in most of those cities time and time again.

There's a more important lesson. As I've written in the past, the progressive political class will always reach for the lie first. They'll do it even if they have to use incendiary rhetoric. It's how they stay in power. Unfortunately for many Americans today, we find ourselves having to live with the consequences of such irresponsible leadership.