Thursday, February 12, 2015

How Philadelphia Can Make The Democrats Feel At Home During Their 2016 National Convention

Glad the Pope is coming to Philadelphia ahead of the Democrats. I'd hate for him to sit through their heckling God like the '12 convention...Chris Stigall Tweet (morning host of WPHT in Philadelphia)

Of and on, I've lived in the Philadelphia region and the Delaware Valley for over 40 years. I know the city well. I'm also thoroughly familiar with its historic sites having lived in the Independence Hall area for almost a year. Therefore it's with great pleasure to hear that Philadelphia has been chosen to host the 2016 Democratic National Convention. 

So what better way than to have many of the historic sites in Philadelphia make Democrats feel right at home than targeting those sites specifically to their progressive ideology? Some suggestions:

  • Philadelphia should change the name of Independence Hall to Dependence Hall. After all, under this administration and most of the years Democrats have been in power, poverty and food stamp rolls have exploded. In addition, they want to make community college free and give illegal immigrants many of the same benefits now given to legal immigrants.  Let's not forget all those free Obama phones too. 
  • What better time than to close the Constitution Center? After all, the Obama administration just shoves the Constitution aside to meet its political purposes anyway. 
  • With regard to all those stores that cater to tourists and now carry patriotic and historical items about America, many of those items can be replaced. For example, posters, T-shirts and books about/of  Che, Castro, the late Hugo Chavez and other tyrants can be sold  (most at discount prices). The bobble heads of patriots can be replaced with bobble heads of Obama, Pelosi, Harry Reid,  and throw in Stalin for good measure. All of those replicas of The Constitution and the Bill of Rights can be stored away until the Democrats leave Philadelphia. 
  • Events could include an early May Day celebration as well as parades of Russian tanks and missiles streaming down Market Street.
  • One can even foresee a parade of anti-war demonstrators if you can find any.
  • Another event could include a visit to the Betsy Ross House. Instead of showing her sewing an American flag, flags from the old Soviet Union, Cuba,  Communist China and even a Sandinista flag (that should make NYC Mayor de Blasio feel right at home).
  • The Liberty Bell can be renamed The Repudiation Bell considering many progressives repudiate the principles and values of this great nation. Or it can be renamed The Tyranny Bell.
And  keep in mind---any reference to God or the Creator should be stricken from the record during the course of the Convention. That should put more smiles of the faces of the convention delegates.

America!!! What a country!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mr. Obama: We Need America On That Wall!

Pres. Obama's Hollywood friends will send an acting coach to the WH to help him display at least some outrage at beheadings, burnings, etc...WH Press Secretary Tweet

In the film, "A Few Good Men," Jack Nicholson's character (Col. Jessep) responds to Tom Cruise and his questioning {regarding the ordering of a "Code Red" that resulted in the death of a Marine}: "Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? {Cruise is an attorney}...You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall...I would rather you just say thank you, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post.  Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to..."

I refer to that specific quote because I view the Obama administration as Tom Cruise's character in that film. Putting aside the fact that ordering the "Code Red" was wrong, Jack Nicholson's character made a valid point that permeates Obama's foreign policy today. While leaders like Israeli's PM Bibi Netanyahu are realists about the barbaric actions and  threats posed by the likes of Iran, ISIS, al-Qaeda and all their affiliates, Obama refuses to understand why we need America---along with its allies like Israel---on that wall today. Instead we have a president and Commander-in-Chief who is perceived as weak and entirely unreliable in challenging and meeting the actions and threats coming from our enemies. In addition, it's also clear he holds Israel in disdain, a nation that has been battling homicidal maniacs for over 60 years.

The purpose of manning that "wall" is to provide security for Western civilization. Instead of leading the charge in this war, we have an administration in Washington that even refuses to name them. Retired Gen. Michael Flynn and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency made the same point when he told a Washington conference: "You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists." Robert Gates, Obama's former secretary of defense, went even further when he wrote in his book "Duty," Obama doesn't "trust" the military and "he doesn't believe in his own strategy, and doesn't consider the war to be his."

And this warped mind-set was on exposition earlier this week when Obama--referring to the terrorist attacks on the Jewish Deli in Paris several weeks ago---actually said, the "violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a delis in Paris." 

"Zealots?" "Randomly shoot?" "A bunch of folks...?"---You gotta be kidding us right Mr. President? That scumbag went into a Jewish deli knowing he would find Jews not "a bunch of folks." 

So instead of unleashing hell upon our enemies in this war, the Obama administration continues to try to "make nice" with those psychopaths who think nothing of murdering and butchering innocent men, women and children. You cannot coexist with lunatics. As Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post reminded us last week: "There is a reason the left-wing peace movement in Israel died...Virtually no one in Israel can honestly believe there is a peace to be had these days."

Mr. Obama, peace will only come when you man that wall.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Media And The Political Class Always Lacerate The Truth

So far Pres. Obama has been right one time in six years---when he said Kanye West is a jackass...WH Press Secretary Tweet

The frenzy in the media over the alleged lies and/or embellishment of news stories by Brian Williams are having me scratch my head. While they are serious and deserving of severe consequences, they shouldn't surprise anyone. Williams is the face of the news media today. The fact is too many either lie, exaggerate or purposely omit the truth in many of their stories. We've witnessed that type of dishonest and deceitful coverage of Pres. Obama's administration (ObamaCare, Benghazi, IRS to name just a few) to news about illegal immigration to the coverage of global terrorism and more.

But I have to urge readers to put these distortions of the truth in perspective. In my opinion, the lies emanating from the political class have a greater negative impact on our lives than do the lies that emerge from the media. 

For example,  Williams appears to have lied or embellished several news accounts. One involved a mission aboard a chopper in Iraq. The other involved his alleged exaggeration of his own reporting during Hurricane Katrina. Most are now familiar with both of those reports. Yet, the leading candidate in the Democrat Party for president has her own baggage. Yes, Hillary Clinton has also been prone to lacerating the truth. Some examples:

  • Like Brian Williams, we now know that Clinton lied about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. She made that claim in a campaign speech in 2008.
  • We also know that Hillary Clinton was one of the many Obama administrators who blamed the attack on our mission in Benghazi on a video.
  • During the attack on the WTC in 2001, Hillary said Chelsea was jogging in the area. It was later reported that Chelsea was actually at home watching television.
  • Clinton Foundation scandal
Those are just a few examples of many distortions told by Hillary Clinton over the years going as far back as the time she served as First Lady.  The nation has also been witness to the countless lies coming out of this administration in the last six years.

While both lacerate the truth much too often, I contend the lies by the political class can be much more damaging to the nation. Hence, Hillary Clinton as president should scare the living crap out of every American while Brian Williams will just be a memory.

Postscript: And now the FBI is investigating her use of private server as well as her denial re: classified emails---which she's denied either receiving or sending.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Obama Administration Chooses Appeasement While Others Choose Courage

Pres. Obama will finally take action against religious extremism. He's declared war against 1,000 year old Christians...WH Press Secretary Tweet @ we know what's best.

  • Last week, I wrote a piece about Pres. Obama's appearance at the Annual National Prayer Breakfast {"At National Prayer Breakfast, Obama Diverts Attention From Homicidal Maniacs To Insulting Christians"}. Of course, I wasn't the only one who took the president to task for his absurd attempt at moral equivalence. It was a trending topic for several days.
  • It was not only trending for its foolishness, but it came on the heels of the burning to death of the Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh  by ISIS Islamist psychopaths. Even more importantly, after the murder of the pilot, much of the Western world and even Muslim nations appeared to be coalescing against Islamist terror. For example, Jordan flew several dozen airstrikes over a three to four day period against ISIS including their barracks, training centers and munitions depots. In fact, I asked myself why weren't we doing more of this. King Abdullah of Jordan was quoted as saying that was just the beginning of retaliation. He said he'll take it to ISIS until he runs of "fuel and bullets."
  • I also couldn't help but thinking this is precisely that kind of language and action many Americans and our own allies would like to see coming out of the White House. Unfortunately, that's not happened. It's even worse than that. As Peggy Noonan pointed out: "He {Obama} is lost. His policy is listlessness punctuated by occasional booms." To make matters worse, Bob Woodward (of Watergate fame) told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that the Obama administration still has no strategy in dealing with ISIS. In addition, he said the military is tired of Susan Rice micromanaging military responses. And within the last several weeks, three retired generals {James Mattis, former head of U.S. Central Command, Jack Keane, former Army vice chief of staff and Michael Flynn, retired director of the Defense Intelligence Agency}, all said Obama's foreign policy is a total mess.
  • Those two points alone should scare the living crap out of every American. And keep in mind this lack of strategy comes at a time period Americans are being killed and the administration wants to keep releasing hardened Jihadist from Gitmo---30% of whom return to the battlefield.
  • Just as disturbing, at a time when the Israelis appear to be the only realists when it comes to dealing with Iran's potential nuclear missile development, Obama treats Israel with conspicuous disdain.
  • So stepping back to Noonan's piece, she points out that this is the time to "...move to kill the Islamic state's mystique. Give them a fight, make them the weak horse, and do everything to bring together the Sunni Arab world to do it...The U.S. would have to lead, push, press, promise and cajole. It would have to use diplomatic and financial muscle..." Unfortunately we have a president who prefers to take on Christians who've been dead for almost 1,000 years.