Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hiillary Clinton's Legacy Is More Stained Than Monica Lewinsky's Blue Dress

Pathological: Dead broke Hillary dodged sniper fire with her immigrant grandparents in Tuzla...John Nolte Tweet

Perhaps it's something in the DNA of most progressives. Their first impulse is to always reach for a lie. Hillary Clinton is no exception. Many politicians lie but she takes lying to an art form. In her long political career (including as First Lady), we've been subject to:
  •  Filegate, Cattle Futures, missing Rose Law Firm billing records (that suddenly appeared in the WH two years after they were requested),  Bill Clinton's lies (as she enabled him), Bimbo eruptions, and more.
  • Her claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Just one minor problem: Edmund Hillary did not climb Mt. Everest until several years after Mrs. Clinton was born.
  • The now infamous lie that she was under sniper fire when visiting Bosnia during the Balkan War. She wasn't.
  • After the planes hit the WTC towers on 9/11/01, she said her daughter---Chelsea---was jogging near the WTC. She wasn't. In fact, she wasn't jogging at all at that time. 
  • Several years ago, she said she was the most transparent person she knows (that statement is kinda weird too). Unfortunately, her most recent email scandal proves otherwise. Oh, and remember the statement about using only one device? Weeks earlier, she admitted using several different devices. OOPS!!!
  • Benghazi.
  • Ignoring the rise of Boko Haram.
  • Shady Clinton Foundation especially regarding foreign donors. In addition, her husband appearing to benefit while she was with State.
  • Her bizarre statements about leading a revolution against the 1% when she's been the leading voice of statism and progressive corporations for the last 30 years.
  • In her wake as Secretary of State, the Middle East is a nightmare from Syria to Yemen. And, quite frankly, she didn't do better dealing with Russia, China and N. Korea either.
  • Dick Morris, a former Clinton aid and principal architect for the Clinton-Gore reelection strategy, summarized many other Hillary Clinton lies in his long post-Clinton era career.
And the most recent lie?  In a speech in Iowa yesterday, she misrepresented (kind for lied) the immigration status of her grandparents.  BuzzFeed reported her claim that all four of her grandparents immigrated to the United States was false. In fact, census records show only one did---her paternal grandfather. She probably lied about the immigration status of her grandparents to engender herself to the immigration crowd.

The late William Safire of the NY Times and Pulitzer Prize winner once referred to Hillary Clinton as a "congenital liar." He made that charge almost 20 years ago. He was right then. Little did he know, it would also be her legacy.

Postscript: New email scandals. And now including a criminal FBI investigation. And it's over 300 e-mails that might have been classified. Keep in mind, this is what she said not long ago: "I did not e-mail any classified material on my e-mail." It's also being reported she may have had a back-up server. And breaking this week (120/16), the Inspector General found the highest level of classified information on her server. Folks, the server is the smoking gun. And more recently FBI Director Comey accused her of reckless behavior.  In addition, we now have what appears to be a play-to-play scandal through her foundation.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

About One Year Ago, Michelle Obama Launched Her Useless & Ineffective "Bring Back Our Girls" Hashtag

I'm Pretty Sure I'm Carrying Out God's Will...The Onion on Boko Haram's leadership

Yes, it's been a year since Boko Haram kidnapped  276 school girls from a boarding school in Nigeria. After the news broke of the young girls taken hostage by Boko Haram, Michelle Obama launched her hashtag---#BringBackOurGirls. As expected it went viral. I also wrote that whatever works in freeing the girls, I was all in. But since that kidnapping, 200 or more of those girls are still missing. This was also the time when Hillary Clinton's State Department still refused to designate this homicidal maniacs as a terrorist group.

At the time, I suggested in a piece that a .50 cal between the eyes of the kidnappers would have been more effective. In others words, it was time to arm those hashtags. I believe a review of history would reinforce my advice:
  • To this day, Boko Haram has been responsible for multiple murders, bombings, kidnappings and car bombings. Their favorite targets have included, but have not been limited to, churches (usually burning the churches to the ground), schools, police stations and even weddings.
  • Most of their targets have been Christians.
  • Since 2000, Boko Haram has been responsible for several hundred attacks.
  • During the span of the last 15 years, they've been directly responsible for killing thousands. Last January alone, they murdered over 2000 in one day.
I also mentioned at the time that confronting global terrorism with hashtag diplomacy was a perfect example of style over substance. In other words, the hastags probably made many people feel good---feel like they were doing something. But much like the AIDS lapel ribbons of old (some that grew to the size of hubcaps), feelings don't solve the problem. Good intentions don't save lives. Only actions do. Unfortunately, progressives have never learned that lesson. One observer at the time said: "How sad that a nation that produced the Greatest Generation who saved the world from fascist tyranny, has reduced to walking softly and carrying a big hashtag in the face of Islamic terrorists?"

So I'm left with urging the powers-that-be once again: ARM THOSE F*CKING HASHTAGS FOR GOD'S SAKE!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Hillary Clinton: A Bag Lady In A Mao Pants Suit

Hillary's economic doctrine: Money shouldn't be earned, it should be funneled...WH Press Secretary

In the past several years, I've written a number of pieces about Hillary Clinton. On March 25, 2013, "The Fairy Tale That Is Hillary Clinton" took off quite well. That was followed by another well read piece on May 13, 2014, entitled "Hillary Clinton The Perfect Progressive Politician: Good At Nothing; Bad At Everything." An just last month, "Hillary Clinton Falsehoods Wrapped In A Fable" was also well received.

The only reason I reference those articles is to discipline myself from re-hashing Clinton's history and legacy. Feel free to take a few moments to revisit those posts. With the announcement this past weekend regarding the launching of her second presidential bid, it's important to point out the baggage she brings into this race compliments her already disturbing and weak legacy. More importantly, she's playing it safe because---well---she's devoid of any meaningful accomplishments as U.S. Senator from NY and as Secretary of State.

In just the last year, we've also seen that not much has changed in the last four years. For example, Hillary Clinton is entering this race on the heels of an email scandal. More Americans are also becoming suspicious of her finances especially having to do with Clinton Foundation. This is particularly laughable in context of her announcement yesterday claiming to be a "champion" for all Americans. Keep in mind, this is a person who regularly gets about $300 grand for one speech that is not to be more than 90 minutes long---her requirement. In addition, she must be provided with a private jet---again, her requirement. (NY Post) This is in addition to both she and Bubba purchasing two homes with costs in excess of $4M. (not including his former office in Harlem, NY and now her new campaign office in Brooklyn, NY). All of this even as she said in an interview several months ago that they were "dead broke" when Bill left office. Her average net worth (not including Bubba's) is estimated to be just a tad over $13M. Dave Manuel. Then again, this is someone whose always had challenges when it came to telling the truth.

Of course, even more troubling, her tenure as Secretary of State with the Obama administration was a total disaster. The chaos we're now witnessing in the Middle East and other parts of the globe had its roots during her time in office (e.g. Ukraine, Nigeria with Boko Haram, a terrorist group her State Department refused to recognize as a terrorist organization and the explosion of ISIS).

In short, we're going to watch Hillary Clinton focus primarily on cultural issues rather than on any of substance. Because like her husband before her, it's always been about style over substance. She and progressives understand the low-information voters are dazzled by style rather than meaningful core principles. She knows this because she also knows that's how Mr. Obama was elected twice.

Postscript:   Even though Comey did not follow thru with recommending an indictment (I suspect he knew the DOJ would not indict),  he did indict her in his own way.  Too early to tell now, but I believe it will hurt her. In addition, the Clinton Foundation revelations might also inflict injuries.