Thursday, May 21, 2015

Is It Time To Question The Mental Health Of The Progressive Political Class?

Same week Ramadi falls to Islamic State, Obama is preparing our military for the major threat of...climate change...Razor's Tweet

In the past, I've tried to restrain myself from questioning the mental health of the progressive political class. But I can't any longer.

Yesterday, Pres. Obama spoke to the graduating class of the Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT. The focus of his speech to the cadets was climate change. If anything, his spotlighting of climate change at an academy graduation certainly appears odd if not bizarre. 

Even more preposterous, he actually tied droughts and crop damage from severe weather to the rise of Boko Haram and the rise of ISIS specifically in Syria. I don't know about you, but I do know there have been droughts and severe weather throughout the planet's history, and ISIS is a relatively new and modern threat. 

The Coast Guard is certainly responsible for protecting our coastal waterways. That's undeniable.  But to connect that mission with global warming and relate it to the rise of global terrorism appears to me at least to be both delusional and exceedingly dangerous. In addition, commencement speeches to any academy normally targets genuine real-time threats to national security. And while this president tries to tie global warming to national security, his focus appears absurd in the face of today's threats from Islamist savages. In addition, even those who are concerned about global warming (climate change or whatever new designation created in their warped minds dictates), even they admit the threat is in the far future.

His address to the Coast Guard Academy reminds me of his address to West Point graduates last year. That address was widely panned by many in the media. Writing in the Washington Post that week, Charles Krauthammer wrote: "I think his speech was literally pointless...It was an answer to the chorus of criticism from his side of the {political} isle that its been a weak, rudderless foreign policy, which it has been." Applause from the cadets to that commencement speech was conspicuous by its absence. They also understood Obama was denying America's exceptionalism which he did. He also alluded to G.W. Bush's foreign policy. In other words, in both graduations, the target audience was not the cadets, but his political base---a political base awash in warped ideology.

Both of these speeches reminded me of a political cartoon not long ago. In one frame, a bubble over Mr. Obama's head says: "I'm ending the war in Afghanistan." In another frame over the head of an al-Qaeda thug says: "I'm not." That sums up what the real threats are to our nation.

As he did at last year's West Point graduation, I'm sure he also left the Coast Guard graduates asking themselves: WTF? Four years of busting my ass, and I'm forced to listen to this bullshit?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Punxsutawney Hill(ary) Finally Pops Her Head From Her Burrow

"Wading through the daily deluge of Hillary Clinton news, I feel like I'm reading the police blotter."...Michael Goodwin, NY Post

In the last month, Hillary Clinton played the role of a groundhog sleeping and hibernating in her underground burrow. That finally ended yesterday when she actually took 6 questions (most likely all pre-screened) from the "public." (Recall, the last time she took questions from the "public," it was reported most of that public were Democrat insiders).

Nevertheless, Hillary did see her shadow---a shadow shading some new scandals even as some in the media shed sunlight on the lies, deceit and corruption.

Judicial Watch reported that the Obama Administration knew that al-Qaeda terrorist planned the attack in Benghazi 10 days in advance of that attack. So much for the administration's proclamations that it was the result of a video. In fact, the intention of the attack was in revenge for the U.S. killing of an Islamist terrorist thug in a drone attack. Judicial Watch received these previously classified secret documents from the Department of Defense. More disturbingly, it's obvious now the administration covered-up the real reason for the attack. In addition, the documents also pointed out the connection the "collapse in Libya and the ISIS war---and confirm the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists."

If that news wasn't enough for the groundhog and her minions, the New York Times revealed that Clinton had another email account (as I pointed out in my previous post she had claimed she only used one email account as well as only using one electronic devise. She actually used several different devices). This email account was to communicate with Sidney Blumenthal, the former senior adviser to Bill Clinton. He was a well-known hitman for the Clintons relentlessly going after their political enemies.

Then the Politico reported earlier this week that a federal judge ordered the State Department to start releasing her emails during the period she served as Secretary of State.  Keep in mind. prior to this court order, Clinton and her staff already deleted thousands of her emails.

So Clinton finally made her appearance yesterday strutting like a 300 pound groundhog on a Hollywood red carpet. Like most dull celebrities, she only took a handful of questions for a whopping five minutes. Or as Michael Goodwin pointed out: "She said about as close to nothing as humanly possible." That, my friends, is the Democrat representative running for president: a groundhog in an empty pants suit.

Note: Hat tip to Chris Stigall of the Big Talker, 1210 AM for giving me the idea for the headline of this piece today.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Progressive Transparency Is About As Clear As A Muddy Puddle On A Country Road

Hillary found it easy to: 
Pocket millions
Destroy evidence
Not answer reporters' questions
Then, she wrote a book titled, "Hard Choices."...WH Press Secretary Tweet

It's been increasingly clear that progressives lack of transparency is actually quite transparent. The revelations that George Stephanopoulos donated at least $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation is just the most recent evidence of this lack in transparency by progressives. Of course, Hillary Clinton's destruction of thousands of emails on her private server clearly shows a total lack of transparency by a public official. Even when Mr. Obama promised us he would have a transparent and open government, that promise was broken on multiple occasions. Let's count the ways:

  • In 2011, during the government's "Sunshine Week," Mr. Obama was given an award for transparency. The meeting was closed to observers. In fact, even the Washington Post found it ironic that the monthly meetings of The Transparency Board were closed to the press.
  • In that same year, the State Department brief reporters on a new open government partnership with about 30 countries but also insisted that the officials involved not be identified by name.
  • Last year, Jonathan Gruber admitted "lack of transparency is a huge political advantage" after admitting that lack of transparency was important in getting ObamaCare passed.
  • Obama promised federal contracts over $25K would be competitively bid. Never happened.
  • Obama also promised his administration would create a "contracts and influence" data base that would disclose how much federal contractors spend on lobbying. Ditto
  • Perhaps nowhere was the lack of transparency more evident than with the attack on our consulate in Benghazi as well as the great clusterf*ck referred to as Fast and Furious. Of course, Hillary Clinton was also involved in the Benghazi scandal.
  • Earlier this year, the AP reported that the Obama administration set a record for censoring government files with regard to the Freedom of Information Act.
  • A study  by Reporters Without Borders reported that the U.S. fell to 46 in the world for press freedom.
  • As I reported last year and as Katy Pavlich of Townhall reported earlier this year, many main stream media outlets---including  New York Times and The Washington Post described the Obama administration as "control freaks." They also said this administration was the "most closed they've ever covered."
  • The NSA scandal. What more can be said that hasn't been said already. Throw in the IRS and VA scandals too. OOPS!!! And don't forget illegal immigration.
  • And when it came to the Amtrak derailment, progressives immediately blamed the lack of funding for infrastructure. The also placed blame upon Republicans for the lack of funding. What the administration and progressives failed to report is that Amtrak already gets about $1B a year in federal subsidies. Those who criticize Republicans, also fail to tell the public Amtrak will be receiving $7B over the next five years. In fact, American taxpayers subsidize $60 for every ticket sold. It loses $80M a year on food services and about $7M is lost to theft. It's no way to run a railroad. But, hey, keep that to yourself. (NY Post + Breitbart News).
  • And let's not forget, the administration referred to ISIS as a "JV Team." That JV team is now holding large parts of Iraq as well as the city of Ramadi where we lost over 1000 troops and over 8000 were wounded and injured in battle.
  • One more point. Remember those "red lines" that Obama drew? Their now red lines soaked in blood.
  • Postscript: Since this was posted, we now have the $400M ransom---dead of night in an unmarked aircraft.
All of this and more proves progressive transparency is about as clear as a muddy puddle on a country road.

Monday, May 18, 2015

NYC Mayor de Blasio: It's Deja-Vu All Over Again

"Progressivism isn't about progress. It's about progressive rationalization of increasingly stupid ideas"...W. Heisenberg

Over a year ago, I wrote that sometimes my own prescience even surprises me on occasion. 

After Bill de Blasio was elected NY City's Mayor with only a 25% turnout, I warned readers that he would plunge the city into progressive hell. I also referred to his election as yet another petri dish for progressive policies. All one had to do was sit back and watch the bacteria grow. As a former resident of NYC myself, I was well aware of what happened to the City when it was run by progressive mayors. In short, the Big Apple was rotten to the core with murders exceeding 2000 per year. After Republican leadership, murder rates plunged to about 400 per year in a city with a population of just over 8 million. In addition, felonies dropped by 90,000 a year.

The petri dish is now covered with bacteria since he was elected mayor. During his most recent absence from the City (after a swing to the Left Coast where he said he noticed a "hunger" for political revolution---which, no doubt, brought back memories of his past when he mused with great glee about the Marxist Sandinistas in Nicaragua in addition to making his wedding vows in Cuba), he missed 13 shootings, 5 murders, and one NYPD police officer attacked by a lunatic with a hammer. While many New Yorkers keep scratching their head and asking: Where is Waldo?---his behavior and management should surprise no one. It was relatively easy to predict. Allow me to present some of the red flags that appeared before he was mayor and after he became mayor:

  • His conspicuous hostility toward the NYPD.  If you recall, many NYPD officers turned their backs to de Blasio at a funeral of an officer slain in the line of duty.
  • He actually admitted to counseling his own son on being fearful of police.
  • One of de Blasio's top advisers was living with a felon (homicide) who regularly made anti-police rants on his FB page. She was subsequently suspended after pressure from the local media outlets. Perhaps she'll get her old job back: as an aid to Al Sharpton.
  • One of his campaign aids Tweeted "F*ck the police." I believe she is still employed with the city and working on community issues.
  • He---like Mr. Obama---consulted with the race-baiting, dialing-for-dollars thug Al Sharpton on countless occasions. At one townhall meeting, de Blasio actually invited Sharpton to sit on the dais with him and the NYPD police commissioner. It appeared Sharpie Sharpton was conducting the meeting.
  • He attended Al Sharpton's 60th birthday bash last October. It was also attended by NY State's Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Keep in mind, Sharpton still has tax (state and federal) liabilities exceeding $4M.(NY Times)
  • His recently elected City Council Speaker never met a terrorist she didn't like. She lobbied for the release of five Cuban spies convicted of spying against the U.S. She also lobbied for the release of a former FALN leader (Puerto Rican terrorist group). She supported two bills that gave illegal aliens with felony records sanctuary in the city.
Folks, you can place all of this and more in your: Can't Make This Sh!t Up File.

As Nicole Gelinas pointed out correctly in the NY Post, Bill de Blasio is lucky in one respect. He governs a city with tons of money. That's been the secret of its success. For example, Chicago, a city governed by another progressive mayor, Rahm Emanuel and former WH Chief of Staff, is having difficulty overcoming its many problems. And that's largely because it's not as rich as NY City.

Hey, but it's not all bad news. There are rumors that Bill de Blasio is considering entering the 2016 presidential race against Hillary Clinton.  The pants-suit vs. the empty suit---yep Democrats---that's your ticket.