Friday, June 12, 2015

Progressives Continue To Dishonor & Insult The Memory Of Victims Of Terrorism

Maybe We Should Try Coddling The Terrorist...The Onion

When  Bill de Blasio was elected mayor of NYC, I wrote several pieces predicting NYC would plunge into progressive hell. I also maintained---from the moment he took office---NYC would end up being another petri dish for progressive policies.

My prediction wasn't bold by any means. One simply has to look around the country to see what's occurring in cities where progressives have been in charge for decades. But NYC has always had one big difference: the city has been a haven for people who are well-healed financially. It's also been one of the world's top financial centers. That kind of wealth buffers the city from many of the ills afflicting other metropolitan areas.

But politically it's somewhat of a different story. Even NYC isn't immune from the progressive plague. 

At the time, I warned readers to pay attention to a Melissa Mark-Viverito. She was lobbying to be Speaker of city council. She won that seat.  I also pointed out she had a history of advocating for the release of terrorists. She once lobbied for five Cuban intelligence agents accused of spying on the United States. She also supported the release of the leader of the FALN, Puerto Rican terrorist group. From the mid-1970's until the early 10980's, the FALN was directly responsible for over 100 bomb attacks in Chicago and NYC. In one attack on Fraunces Tavern in the NYC's financial district, four people were killed and 50 were injured.

The leader of the FALN was Lopez Rivera. He was sentenced to prison for 55 years for his involvement in 28 Chicago-area bombings. He also had an additional 15 years tacked on to his sentence for his involvement in a plot to break out of prison.

So why am I bringing this up now?  Because that petri dish is overflowing with nasty bacteria in NYC. On the advice of Ms. Viverito, NYC Council passed a resolution this week urging Pres. Obama to grant clemency to the murdering thug, Lopez Rivera. This is also the same thug who turned down clemency from Bill Clinton---because the deal would have required this piece of dirt to renounced political violence---something Rivera refused to do. (Over a dozen other FALN members agreed to Clinton's terms and were released.)

The actions of the progressive political class in NYC continue to dishonor and insult the memory of victims of terrorism. Considering NYC was ground-zero for one of the most vicious attacks upon America on 9/11---we should not only question their judgement but also their sanity.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Is Mr. Obama's Behavior A Mental Health Issue, An Issue Of Misplaced Priorities Or Incompetence?

The president still does not have a strategy to fight ISIS. The time designated to create that plan was spent on March Madness brackets...WH Press Secretary

Over the last 7 years, I and others have questioned Mr. Obama's competence as well as his warped ideology (progressivism). The following examples come to immediately to mind:

  • Just last week, he said he was the closest thing to a Jew that ever sat in the Oval office. Consider his administration treated Israel and Netanjahu with disdain, most rational Americans know that's absurd, but does he?
  • Mr. Obama also said he made America the most respected country on earth. Unfortunately, he failed to consult with most of Europe, Asia and the Middle East before he made that ludicrous remark.
  • He and others in his administration proclaimed they are the most transparent administration in history. This one even has many in the media rolling their eyes. Just a week or so ago, I pointed out that Obama was given an award in 2011 for transparency behind closed doors. Even the Washington Post found it ironic that the monthly meetings of the Transparency Board were closed to the press.
  • In the roll out of Obamacare, the president famously said if you like your doctor; you can keep your doctor. Unfortunately for Obama, Jonathan Gruber---an ObamaCare architect--admitted, "the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage" in getting the law passed.
  • At the G-7 Summit in Germany this week, he doubled down on ObamaCare declaring all is well with the law. Last October, The Hill reported why only 25% of physicians gave it a passing grade. Physicians, by a 2-1 margin, disapproved of ObamaCare (20,000 were surveyed). This past May, Fox News reported that almost half of the exchanges are failing.
  • Last year, he treated the Bergdahl family to a WH Rose Garden presser knowing that Bergdahl deserted his unit. We later learned 5 Taliban prisoners were exchanged for Bergdahl. 
  • In the last two years since Chris Kyle was killed, his widow said she's never heard a word from Obama or the administration.
  • This week he admitted he has no strategy in defeating ISIS. He said the same thing one year ago. Say what? Imagine if FDR had said the same thing about the Japanese one year after they attacked Pearl Harbor. 
  • It was less than a year ago when Mr. Obama called ISIS a JV team.
  • Obama draws red lines only to be erased and then replaced with red lines drenched in blood.
  • His administration targets income inequality as the middle class shrinks and poverty rates are at historical levels.
  • This is a president who sent representatives to the funerals of Freddie Gray and Michael Brown but not to the funerals of Chris Kyle, Margaret Thatcher or James Foley, the journalist beheaded by ISIS.
  • And who can forget Obama taking smiling selfies at Nelson Mandela's funeral service.
I'm not a psychologist but, on occasion,  I do don my old behaviorist hat. I can't help but ponder the callousness of this man. Even more disturbing, his impulse to initially reach for a lie---to deceive the American people.

The headline to this piece asks: Is Obama's behavior a mental health issue, an issue of misplaced priorities or incompetence? I'm starting to believe it might be all three.

Monday, June 8, 2015

I'll See Your Indifference As You Raise Your Detachment & Cowardice

President Obama and the G-7 leaders will now control the planet's temperature. The decision was made right after the Bavarian beer breakfast...WH Press Secretary

Unless you watched the news closely, you might have missed some reports that prove---beyond a doubt---we're plunging into hell.

  • It was about a year ago when Pres. Obama announced he still did not have a strategy to deal with ISIS. At this week's G-7 Summit in Germany, he admitted he still does not have a strategy. But, fear not, he and the other G-7 nitwits pledged to take decisive action on climate change. In their warped minds, it makes sense considering climate change has so much to do with terrorists beheading innocents, crucifying children, brutalizing women and throwing gays off rooftops.
  • But all of this insanity is not specific to the way Obama and other world "leaders" view global events. For example, as referenced above, where are the feminists as women in the Islamic world are gang raped, sexually mutilated, tortured and murdered? Where are the feminists as Islamist thugs like Boko Haram kidnap and sell young women (in one case, a young woman was sold 22 times to different men)? Where are the gay activists as gay men and women are murdered daily in Islamist strongholds? Where are the voices of the so-called human rights advocates as a Christian holocaust and genocide is taking place at this very moment? In fact, where are the human rights advocates as many Muslims are slaughtered by other Muslims? 
  • Instead we witness gay activists turning their attention toward bakeries that refuse to bake wedding cakes for same-sex weddings. Instead the presstitutes in the media consume valuable air-time focusing on a man who wants us to believe he's now a woman. In fact, they've even proclaimed him to be a hero. They've even managed to diminish true heroism. (Refer to my previous post: "Clinton and Jenner Appeal To Those Who Should Still Be Living In Trees."). Instead we see political correctness trumping common sense, compassion, empathy and decency. 
  • Instead of targeting terrorism, the progressive political class and their enablers in the media attack genuine heroes like Pamela Geller. According to them, Geller was not the victim but the terrorists were. 
  • In Fergusen and other cities and towns, we've witnessed the media and the progressive political class perpetuate myths---myths that have consequences including attacking, shooting and the murder of police officers. And the absurdity knows no bounds as those who caused much of the damage in businesses and property are now demanding local and federal assistance to help rebuild those very same areas. We watched as the media, human rights activists and the progressive political class turned a blind eye to the horror taking place in many of our cities. Last month, Baltimore recorded 43 killings--their deadliest month in 40 years. Other major cities have also experienced significant spikes in crime. And Al Sharpton is nowhere in sight.
Last February I penned a piece entitled, "Never Again Transformed Into Over And Over Again." Unfortunately, it appears the 21st Century is not too different from the 20th. Promises made 70 years ago continue to be broken. Sadly and regrettably, it's our own government (and many others) who continue to break those promises.

Hey, someone had to say it.