Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planned Parenthood Must Leave Gosnell Smiling As He Awaits His One-Way Trip To Hell

Planned Parenthood is a federally funded slaughterhouse...My Tweet

In 2013, Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of first-degree murder in the deaths of three infants including 21 counts of illegal late-term abortions. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with no parole. USA Today reported Gosnell killed babies who were born alive. At the time, the reporting of Gosnell's butchery was relatively sparse with the exception of the Philadelphia media.

This week a report and undercover video (by The Center for Medical Progress) surfaced showing Planned Parenthood allegedly generating revenue by selling infant body parts including the heart, liver and muscle tissue of aborted infants. 

Mengele is smiling in hell.

In the shocking video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services for PP while scarfing down salad with a glass of red wine, is shown boasting about how she aborts infants so that their organs and body parts can be later sold. In the video, Nucatola is heard saying "We've been very good at getting heart, lung and I'm not going to crush that part." She added, "I'd say a lot of people want liver..." Her brazenness didn't end there. She also said heads of babies command top dollar. If this video is accurate and truthful, these are very disturbing comments. 

Hannibal Lecter must be smacking his lips.

Based on this video, it appears Planned Parenthood is indeed a federally funded slaughterhouse. In 2014, the abortion agency received approximately $540M in government grants. It's time for Congress to investigate this abortion mill considering Nucatola's braggadocio might have implied some federal laws were broken. It's my understanding federal law prohibits the sale of body parts of aborted babies. There's no justification for these type of barbaric practices. In addition, this alleged trafficking of human body parts shows a brazen contempt for human life.

Postscript: Since this was posted, four more undercover videos have been released---each more monstrous than the previous releases.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

If You Believe Either Iran Or The Obama Administration, Your MH Facility Day Pass Is Hereby Revoked

In a late night phone call, Castro and the Ayatollah actually never spoke. They couldn't stop giggling...WH Press Secretary Tweet 

Let's get one issue off the table right now. The criticism of the Iran deal will largely fall upon partisan grounds. The specifics of the deal will play out over the next few days and even weeks. But one fact is certain: we cannot believe Iran. And, as an American I'm finding it difficult and distressed to also admit: I'm pessimistic about what our own government is reporting about the deal. We'll all have to  patiently await for credible sources of confirmation regarding this deal.

So what are we to believe? Who are we to believe? As a trained behaviorist, I can assure you the best way to predict future behavior is to review past behavior. So let's take a moment to  review Iran's past behavior:
  • We know Iran has a long history of lying about everything when it comes to their nuclear program.
  • We know it's a terrorist regime supporting terrorist groups throughout the globe. For example, Iran has a long history of supporting Hezbollah the very group of terrorists that blew up the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 killing 241 Americans and 58 French peacekeepers. They've also fired hundreds of rockets into Israel. In fact, Iran and/or their proxies has been behind countless others bombings throughout the Middle East.
  • We know Iranian proxies killed over 1000 American troops in Iraq. In fact, anytime you watch an ad by the Wounded Warriors on TV, know that many of our troops and veterans featured were injured by Iranian made IED's.
  • We know that have ties to Al-Qaeda. We also know Iran provided arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
In short, Iran has always been a sponsor of international terrorism. That's an undeniable fact.

We know the Obama administration has a problem with telling the American people the truth as well. Moreover, we also know anytime Obama draws red lines, those red lines eventually become soaked in blood. We've seen that behavior played out in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria and a host of other countries. In addition, J.F.Kerry was the lead negotiator for the U.S. That fact alone should scare the living crap out of every American.

One more important point. Recall what Bill Clinton said regarding North Korea's nuclear program in 1994. At the time, he said, "North Korea will freeze and dismantle its nuclear program." Since Clinton made that statement, North Korea now has a nuclear program including hundreds of ballistic missiles.  

So, once again, I ask: What are we to believe? Just as important, who are we to believe?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Scott Walker: A Quiet Gunslinger On His Harley Not A Bystander

Mounted head in Walker's trophy room speaks up....David Burge---"My full statement on Walker's upcoming announcement that he's running for president-'Scott Walker is a national disgrace.''' David Burge including a Tweet from union leader Richard Trumpka.

Last February I wrote a piece entitled, "America Needs A Gunslinger As President Not A Bystander." And while I have yet to endorse anyone,  I contend that Scott Walker has proven to be a gunslinger and a damn good governor.

Walker walked through progressive hell successfully evading recall efforts by Wisconsin's labor unions as well as vicious attacks from the left (as he's getting again today since his formal announcement). And during all the time, the man never flinched once unlike many Republicans today. He doesn't tip-toe through the tulips.

Walker stood by liberty. He stood by freedom to choose. He stood by the Constitution and he stood by the free enterprise system.

In addition, Hillary Clinton can't compete with Walker when it comes to accomplishments. While she has none (even her own supporters have a hard time thinking of one major Clinton accomplishment), Scott Walker has many. They include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • He's won 11 political races IN A ROW embracing most conservative principles.
  • When Walker took office, he was facing a budget deficit of $3.6B. He turned that into a $900M surplus. He accomplished that without raising taxes.
  • He reduced property taxes. He reduced total taxes by $2B.
  • He's been successful in an overwhelmingly political blue state.
  • When he first took office, the unemployment rate was about 8%. Today it's 4.6%.
  • And while labor unions attacked him (and still do as the Tweet from that nitwit Trumpka shows), his policies actually saved public sector jobs. 
  • He also supports Charter Schools and school choice. He's opposed to Common Core.
  • He's strong on foreign policy issues. For example, he believes in listening to generals in the field. He wants the military to be built up to take out ISIS once and for all. And he's a strong supporter of our military and veterans. He would also stand up to Putin's aggression. 
  • He wants to repeal ObamaCare.
  • On immigration, he wants to close "the back door" and enforce the laws we now have. He does endorse a path to citizenship for immigrant workers. 
  • He rides a Harley.
In the coming months, he'll lay out more of his principles and core beliefs. These, however, appear to be a good start. 

Ronald Reagan once said, "You can't be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy." Scott Walker's track record illustrates clearly he learned that lesson well.