Friday, October 2, 2015

Another Mass Shooting At A Gun Free Nirvana Zone

Don't politicize the murders into which the president quickly injected gun control politics...Razor's Tweet

I always find this fascinating. Anytime there's an active shooter in some gun free zone, we're always awaiting men and women with guns to arrive to neutralize the threat. That should raise the next logical question: Why not have armed security personnel in these gun-free nirvana's? 

Of course, that question will never be asked because it makes too much sense.It also disrupts the real agenda of the gun control crowd: Namely, they want to see every American disarmed---even law abiding citizens. In fact, it wasn't too long ago when that obese hypocrite---Michael Moore---actually called for the disarming of police officers. And don't for a second believe his warped suggestion is not shared by many in the gun control movement. It is.

Of course, the reaction to mass shootings is always predictable. While the most reasonable among us ask to pray for the victims, the exploitation of the tragedy begins almost immediately as we witnessed from Mr. Obama yesterday. The misguided like Obama demand more gun control; they always neglect to report the responsibility rests with the shooter. After the shooting in South Carolina this past summer, the knuckleheads at the Daily Beast actually wrote in a Tweet: "Gunman killed more people last night than every ISIS wannabe." I wonder what he would have Tweeted if he reported on the 50 shootings that occurred in Chicago alone in just the last two weekends? Or for that matter, when Pres. Obama actually said, "Gun violence like this doesn't happen in other countries." Apparently, the the lunatic in gun-free zone of Norway must have not crossed his mind. That prick shot and killed 77 unarmed young people.

Just as disturbing, we watch the rush to judgement to advance a political agenda that always targets (pun intended) our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

One fact is certain. Another active shooter roamed yet another gun free zone---zones that invite lunatics to prey on unarmed victims. If gun control actually worked, then why aren't Chicago, Detroit. Baltimore and other cities with restrictive gun rights the safest in the nation? Moreover, in almost every case of a mass killer, there have been signs indicating the shooter was disturbed in some way. In the recent Oregon incident, there are reports he posted warnings on the Internet the day before he decided to murder innocents on that campus.  

Just once, let's stop with the exploitation of the victims. Let's focus on the real reasons for these mass shootings. Because we do know this. They haven't been the work of responsible gun owners. They've been the work of  lunatics who know their victims will be unarmed

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Obama Administration Was Sucker Punched By Putin--Yet Again

We commend the Russians for joining us in Syria to fight our #1 enemy, climate change...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

In my last post, I made the claim that Putin outflanked Obama again. And it now appears that observation has panned out. Within just two days of Obama meeting with Putin at the U.N., Russian aircraft launched an air assault in Syria. In fact, the Russians onlygave us a few hours notice of those air strikes. Some reports indicate it even took the Pentagon by surprise.

Unfortunately, there's one conspicuous problem. All credible reports from the region indicate that the Russians did not attack ISIS forces. Rather, they attacked rebel forces fighting the Assad regime and ISIS. If we were flies on the wall in the Oval Office, we would have heard Obama and company utter just one word: OOPS! (An exclamation that perfectly summarizes their foreign policy in the last seven years).

In September 2013, I posted a piece summing up the Obama administration Syrian policy. In short, I wrote: "Assad remains in power and gets away with murder." At the time, Amir Taheri, writing for the NY Post, made this prescient statement: "In a blink of an eye, Obama has shrunk into second fiddle to Putin." Even Marco Rubio was more perceptive than the Obama administration. Several weeks ago, he predicted this: "The Russians will begin to fly combat missions in that region. Not just targeting ISIS, but in order to prop up Assad...{Putin} is trying to replace us as the single most important power broker in the Middle East." Not bad for a guy whose only running for president.

It's become more apparent that our feckless foreign policy is no longer feared by our enemies. If the last seven years of failed foreign policy initiatives don't convince you, perhaps this will. Just yesterday, Palestinian president Abbas proclaimed he will no longer abide by the Oslo Agreements with Israel. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu was correct in his immediate response to Abbas when he said the Palestinian posture will now "encourage incitement and unrest in the Middle East."

Perceived geo-political and military weakness has always invited thugs like Putin and others to rattle their sabres. In addition, since America is also perceived  as no longer being on that "wall," the bad guys believe they can just climb over it and fear no consequences.  Ralph Peters recently wrote: "We have no president---we have a scared child covering his eyes at a horror movie. And Putin knows it." Unfortunately so do most of our allies and the host of other global thugs.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Putin Appears To Have Outflanked Obama Again

The good news. Some of Obama's threats still strike fears in their target's hearts.  The bad: It's not the hearts of America's enemies...Benny Avni, Middle East columnist

(Someone doesn't appear to happy in the image above)

It was September 2012. Pres. Obama drew his red line against Syria. A year later, he erased his red line. Now, there's a new red line---a line soaked in blood. In other words, the road to the chaos we are now witnessing in the Middle East (including the rise of ISIS) can be traced backed directly to the incompetence of Mr. Obama and Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State. In the subsequent years, Obama and John F. Kerry have not fared much better. Since Obama erased his red line, we've seen the following occurring in the Middle East and elsewhere:

  • We've watched as ISIS filled the vacuum left by American troops in Iraq. In September of 2014, I penned a piece entitled, "A Vacuum Creates An Invitation To The Bad Guys." It's not that I was prescient. It's simply that I know history. And history is replete with geo-political thugs taking advantage of weakness and appeasement. Examples include the Soviet Union, the Communist in SE Asia (Vietnam and Cambodia) and a host of other examples. In fact, John Podhoretz wrote correctly at the time: "The president decided America was through with the war in the Middle East. The vacuum his fecklessness has created is sucking us back in---in a far worse tactical and strategic condition than we were before."
  • Keep in mind, ISIS is not the only group of homicidal maniacs preying on innocents. Al-Qaeda remains a force to be reckoned with as well as Boko Haram who keeps murdering and kidnapping Christians throughout the Nigerian region. Those Michelle Obama hashtags should have long been replaced with one shot, one kill.
  • We also know Islamist are a threat to our homeland. This was in evidence on 9/11,  Ft. Hood, the Boston Marathon and other attacks by Jihadists.
And back to Syria. It remains a total mess. Even more disturbing, Putin appears to have outflanked Obama in Syria. And it hasn't occurred overnight. In March 2014, The NY Post published its editorial with this observation: "V. Putin has taken the measure of B. Obama. He's found Jimmy Carter." Allow me to add. Putin has also found Jimmy Carter at the UN and EU. After Obama and Putin spoke and met at the UN yesterday, Benny Avni wrote: "The baton was officially transferred Monday to the world's new sole superpower---and Vladimir Putin willingly picked it up." And typical of a former KGB thug like Putin, he prefers to be feared rather than liked. It wasn't too long ago when I wrote America needs a gunslinger, not a bystander. Unfortunately that advice was not taken. 

But don't even take my word for it. A little more than a year ago, Gen. Mattis, former head of U.S. Central Command, testified to Congress that the U.S. was not adapting well to the changes in the Middle East. In addition, retired Gen. Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told a conference that "You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists." Even Leon Panetta, the former CIA Director as well as Secretary of Defense under Obama, said in his memoir: "President Obama avoids the battle, complains and misses opportunities." In addition, Putin wants to be in Syria for one reason only---to expand Russia's influence just as China is doing in the S. China Sea. If he has to slaughter ISIS (a good thing), he'll do it. But his intent is to make Russia a bigger player in that part of the globe.

We are now directly observing the consequences of a failed foreign policy---a foreign policy that is not only bad for America but it's also bad for other nations. (Any wonder why Israel is so anxious when they are surrounded by over 300 million people who want to wipe it off the face of the global map?).

I leave you with the end piece in the NY Post editorial today: "Obama is determined to leave office as the president who ended America's wars. Yet everything he does to that end merely emboldens the world's most ruthless aggressors."

Where's a Ronald Reagan when we need him?

Postscript: Since this was posted yesterday, Putin send his Air Force into Syria---this less than 24 hours after meeting with Mr. Obama. In other words, Putin flipped Obama the bird---again.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Be Thankful Of Social Media: It Unveils The Deception & Lies Of The Political Class

NASA has reported that the desolate, hopeless, uninhabitable, bleak terrain of Mars is evidence of an ancient civilization of liberals...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

Be thankful for social media. It's role in our everyday lives is enormous. It's role in politics is just as prodigious. This was in evidence with John Boehner's announcement that he will be resigning from Congress next month. Let's not kid ourselves. He resigned because conservatives made is exceedingly clear he was ineffective as a leader. He was part of the problem.

Having said that, if anyone believes everything will be fine once he leaves office---you don't understand the problem. The same can be said when Mr. Obama leaves office. The problem is pronounced: The political class continues to have contempt for the will of the people. One glaring example is Hillary Clinton. Even with all of the baggage she's carrying and her tanking poll numbers, she continues to remain a candidate for the highest office in our nation. She, like many in the political class, keeps flipping us the bird even though her legacy is more stained than Monica's blue dress.

Fortunately, we now have social media that helps us unveil the deception and lies of the political class. And even though social media can have both good and bad outcomes, it's patently clear it helps reveal the truth as well as the facts. The political class can no longer hide behind the closed doors of Congress and make their sleazy deals in the cigar smoke-filled back rooms. As recently as two decades ago, our sources of news were largely limited to newspapers and television. Not anymore. Today's technology enables us to search a myriad of alternative news sources. To list just a few examples of news stories that would have been buried in the past (while the media  continues to try to bury or omit aspects of news, social media makes it more difficult to do so):

  • While the attack on our consulate in Benghazi would probably have been reported, the specifics of what really happened behind the scenes would have probably remained a secret.
  • The Fast and Furious scandal would never have seen the light of day. Ditto for the IRS scandal.
  • The main stream media would never have uncovered the lies of ObamaCare. It took social media to bring them to light.
  • Incidents like what occurred in Ferguson ("Hands-Up; Don't Shoot) would have remained a true story.
  • The Tea Party would never have had the impact it had on two major mid-term elections.
  • The foreign policy failures of this administration would have been mitigated by the main stream media. In fact, even today, most of the sins of the media are sins of omission. They simply don't report on significant stories that might endanger their progressive political ideology. Social media helps fill those gaps in reporting as in the recent Iran Deal.
  • Genuine conservatives such as Ted Cruz and a handful of others would rarely get an opportunity of face time in the main stream media. Again, conservatives now have access to social media outlets.
  • In fact, today's media actually pretends to be ethical, honest and credible. We now know that from social media.
  • The nation would never have known that Harry Reid is just a miserable prick.
  • Look how long Brian Williams and Dan Rather survived in their professions before social media revealed their deception.
  • The scandals surrounding the VA would barely have been mentioned by any major media source.
  • We would never know the extent of the problems associated with illegal immigration.
  • It wasn't the main stream media that broke the Monica-Clinton scandal. It was the fledgling Drudge Report. Newsweek and others decided to take a pass on the scandal. One could make an argument that Drudge gave birth to the political social media.
These are just a small sampling of how social media helped unveil the deception and lies of the political class including their enablers in the media. It also helps us defend the truth with facts. Michael Good of the NY Post once said of the many scandals of the Obama administration, "We'll need a lot of sunshine to disinfect this rot." Social media is one way of doing just that. As I wrote some time ago, social media is the "alarm and muster" system of the modern age. Paul Revere would be proud.