Friday, October 23, 2015

The Presstitutes In Media Proclaim Nothing To See Here As HRC's Many Lies + Deceptions Were Revealed

Hillary says she takes complete responsibility for Benghazi. "Responsibility Without Consequences." I could learn to like that concept...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

Last September I penned a piece entitled, "As More Information Is Revealed Regarding Hillary Clinton---What Are The Consequences?" Yesterday, we learned there aren't any.

We learned this in the face of evidence that Hillary Clinton knew all along the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist attack (she emailed Chelsea the evening of the attacking stating it was). Yet, she and her staff perpetuated the big lie---that the attack was a response to a video. Catherine Herridge of Fox News and perhaps one of the best journalist today, said: "She told her family it was Al-Qaeda yet she went out for days---even weeks in this administation---blaming this video." Clinton also told the families of the four brave Americans who died defending the consulate, the attack was a response to the video. That lie was deliberate to deceive the American people.

The reason for the deception was clear. It was calculated to protect the Obama administration with the approaching election. At the time, the Obama administration and campaign ran on the premise that "Bin Laden Is Dead; General Motors Is Alive." And married to that claim, Mr. Obama stated "Al-Qaeda is on the run."

But even more disturbing and insulting were Clinton's comments about the four men who died. "I'm here to honor the service of those four men," she said. She also stated she lost sleep over the entire episode. One fact is clear. The families of the victims have certainly lost a lot of sleep since the attack. And to those who today are praising the fact that Clinton was able to withstand the Republican onslaught for 11 hours at yesterday's hearing, I say this: those four brave Americans withstood a terrorist onslaught for over 11 hours because she and her State Department failed to provide the necessary cover during the terrorist attack. The fact is she pretended to be concerned. She pretended to save face for herself and to protect the Obama administration. 

The presstitutes in the media and the progressive political class will continue to cloak Clinton in bubble wrap just as they did with her husband. And it should surprise no one since their warped ideology always trumps the welfare, security and safety of the American people.

Damn! Democrats sure have it good.

POSTSCRIPT:  Since this was posted, the e-mail scandal has erupted as well as the scandals involving the Clinton Foundation.  Yet---still no consequences.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

As Biden Takes A Pass, Democrats Can Be Heard Yelling: "Damn! We're Stuck With The Bitch"

I always respected Joe Biden for being too stupid to be corrupt...David Burge Tweet

Make no mistake. Democrats are not happy Joe Biden decided to take a pass. They know they're stuck with a flawed candidate---someone who still might indicted. And if she is, Biden can easily jump back into the race even though raising money and setting up an infrastructure in every state would be challenging.

So let's take a good, hard look at what Democrats are left with when it comes to their one and only viable candidate for president:

  • We know from several books written about her and Bill Clinton's tenure that she can be a first-class bitch especially when it comes to her interactions with the Secret Service, military personnel and law enforcement. One classic example: When greeted by a Secret Service agent, she replied, "F*ck Off!." (from "First Family Detail..." by Ronald Kessler.
  • We know she lied about the attack on the consulate in Benghazi when her staff and the administration blamed the attack on a video. We also know she lied to the families of those brave men killed in Benghazi because family members are on record she lied to them.
  • We now know she kept a private server and even Pres. Obama didn't know about it. He told the nation that on "60 Minutes."
  • We know she lied about not communicating classified material when she did.
  • Like John F. Kerry before her (when he ran for president), she's flipped and flopped countless times changing her positions on same-sex marriage, illegal immigration, the trade deal and more. As the NY Post wrote recently: "It's whether she believes anything at all."
  • As presidential candidate, she's railed against income inequality as she charged $300K for 90 minute speeches. In addition, she paid her female staff 72 cents to every dollar paid to men.
  • Her Foundation neglected to report $26M in foreign donations and failed to disclose who many of the donors were.
  • As Secretary of State, she personally oversaw a foreign policy that was left in tatters from Syria to Iran to Iraq to our relationship with Russia To neglecting the rise of Boko Haram.
  • We know one of her first impulses is to reach for a lie (kinda like her husband did). Some of these included claiming she was under sniper fire in Bosnia, and even claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
  • We know she's claimed to be one of the most transparent politicians in history. This from the person who didn't tell anyone about her personal server and deleted 30,000 emails.
  • The late William Safire of the NY Times as well as a Pulitzer Prize winner once referred to her as a "congenital liar."
Republicans now have another low-hanging fruit to pick on in Hillary Clinton. But keep in mind, Romney faced off with a president who had a horrific first term in office and he lost. For this reason, I always warn those who don't support Clinton---keep the fork handy but know this: You might not get an opportunity to use it. 

Meanwhile, Hillary can go shopping for more pant suits.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Obama Administration + The Media Are Complicit In Betraying Israel

Russia strikes Syria
China hacks U.S.
Turkey downs Russian drone
Palestinians attack Israel
America mad at evil climate change...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

On several previous posts, I've summarized the Obama administration's non-stop blunders in foreign policy. Perhaps one of the most disturbing aspects of of this failed foreign policy has been this administration's historic betrayal of many of its allies. This has certainly been evident regarding Israel. Moreover, the media has been complicit in this betrayal. In fact, I challenge many Americans whether they even know what's going on in Israel today. And if they do read reports in our media, the news about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is usually distorted.

A classic example of these distortions and lies occurred just several days ago. MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin was reporting on yet another stabbing in Jerusalem. The attacker was shot. However, in Mohyeldin's report, he claimed the Palestinian attacker was unarmed. There was one slight problem. In the actual news video of Mohyeldin report, the attacker was clearly shown holding a knife.

But these distortions and outright lies are not only specific to live shots. As Honest Reporting reported this week, the media lies are also embedded in the headlines. For example:

Four More Palestinians Shot Dead On The Streets...News Middle East
Israelis Kill 4 Palestinians As Violence Surges...USA Today
Palestinians Shot Dead In Alleged Knife Attacks...Sky News 

All of these headlines and many others across the media have this agenda in common: To portray Israel as the aggressor as well as sympathizing with the Palestinian terrorists.

As I did in a previous post, this blog is going to set the record straight. In the last month alone, Israelis have experienced the following terrorism:

  • 41 terror attacks as of several hours ago
  • 75 people have been injured
  • 34 were stabbed
  • 4 shootings
  • 3 car rammings
  • 8 have been murdered
  • The dead and injured include an IDF soldier as well as other soldiers and civilians.
  • The IDF is now reporting that ISIS and al-Qaeda are operating in the Sinai, posing a threat to Israel's southern border.
  • Several days ago, Palestinians set fire to St. Joseph's tomb in Nablus.
And it doesn't end there. Danny Dannon, Israel's ambassador to the UN, in a speech to the Security Council held up a a poster with a diagram of the human body. It was entitled, "How To Stab A Jew." Palestinian children are being shown that poster. In addition, a video with the same title went viral on Arab social media last year. (By the way, if a video entitled, "How To Kill A Muslim" was published, our media would be all over it.)

Innocent Israeli citizens are now paying a heavy price for this incitement and propaganda. Unfortunately, many in the media are to blame.

There is some good news. Israel is not a gun free zone unlike Chicago. Most assailants are shot dead by either IDF security forces or armed Israeli citizens.