Saturday, December 5, 2015

Questions The MSM Should Be Asking Hillary Clinton

Hillary is a congenital liar...The late William Safire of The New York Times

I'm going to do write a piece that's short and to the point unlike most of my posts. If I had the opportunity to ask Hillary Clinton several questions, they would be the following:
  • Have you ever told the American people the truth?
  • Why is your first impulse to reach for a lie?
  • Why should anyone believe you?
I posed those 3 questions knowing the presstitutes in the main stream media won't and never will.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Is It Time To Question Mr. Obama's Mental Health?

" {Gun shootings} don't happen in other countries." Obama said in Paris where jihadis shot 12 at Charlie Hebdo and ISIS killed 130 last month...Razor's Tweet

Pathological lies coming from the chief executive of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth can result in some serious consequences. Mr. Obama {and Hillary Clinton} have made lying an art form. From " You can keep you doctor" to "I made America the most respected country on earth" to "This administration is the most transparent administration in history"---well, you get the picture. It's not pretty. Add to the lies, the whining, the vindictive behavior and rhetoric and the blaming of others for his own failures, it should surprise no one why most rational Americans have a low opinion of Mr. Obama.

But Obama's recent comments in Paris put him on another level. Perhaps with the exception of Richard Nixon, I don't believe we've witnessed such a  delusional American president. This was clearly evident in Paris this week. For example:

  • He likened terrorism and ISIS to climate change when he said, "And in some ways, it's akin to the problem of terrorism and ISIL."
  • He actually believes we can beat ISIS by fighting----climate change.
  • And he was able to top those delusional statements by proclaiming the mass shootings we have in America don't happen in Europe. Say what? He said this in the city that's still in mourning for the 10 dozen people mass murdered just two weeks ago. He said this on the continent where a lunatic murdered 77  innocent young people in Norway just 4 years ago.
And just as disturbing, Mr. Obama might be the only president who just can't help bashing America and Americans. This came to light as soon as he became president when he embarked on in his apology tour. Whether in the Middle East, Asia or Europe, America is to blame for the world's ills according to this current American president. As Rupert Murdoch wrote so well recently: "We shouldn't apologize for America; we should celebrate America. For a world as it might have been without America is a much, much lesser world."

Obviously, Mr. Obama never learned that lesson. I'd suggest some serious therapy.

Postscript: Since this was posted, there was another mass shooting.  It took Mr. Obama a heartbeat to exploit the tragedy---this from the administration that sent 1000's of illegal weapons to Mexican cartels. We know one of those weapons was used to kill one of our Border Patrol Agents.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Climate Change Conference Has One Agenda: To Shakedown America For More Money

Maybe Pres. Obama would be more willing to fight ISIS if they  name their leaders after hurricanes...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

The title of this piece today is similar to what I Tweeted out yesterday. It summarized what the climate change community's real intentions are.  After all, it doesn't take a scientist to know climate changes every day, every hour and every minute. In this area alone, it was in the high 60's and sunny just a few days ago. Today it's cooler and rainy. By week's end, it will be sunny and in the 50's. So yes, I  believe in climate change because any fool can witness its changes.

I make this claim based on some of the most ludicrous assertions made by many of the leaders in the climate change movement. For example, many have attempted to associate the rise of terrorism to climate change (the term "global warming" was dismissed a few years ago when they realized their data was seriously flawed). As I also Tweeted out recently, please name me one terrorist (with the exception of the environmental terrorists) who blames climate change for their barbarity? I'll save you research time---none have.

Moreover, every single poll rates climate change as one of their lowest concerns. On the other hand, terrorism is always polled as one of the major concerns facing our nation and the globe.

In addition, there's a lot of money and wasteful spending when it comes to climate change.  The U.S. alone spends about $4B across several federal agencies. Their wasteful spending on failed green initiatives have been well documented. When one follows the money, it's clear to see how climate change results in a higher increase in taxes as well as more global spending.  Moreover, it's a clever way to redistribute wealth. And the poor are never beneficiaries of this scam.

Unfortunately, for Americans the train has already left the station. There's a lot of money being dispersed in the name of climate change (just check out Al Gore's net worth). And even reason, facts and truth can't stop it now. So, once again, our national security is at risk because our leadership keeps perpetuating false narratives.

Monday, November 30, 2015

American Colleges Creating A Crybaby Generation: Offended By Everything

"It's interesting to observe the liberal bastion of academia self-immolate at the hands of its own spawn."...NYPost, Letter to the Editor (T.R., Vero Beach, Fl.)

It's also interesting to watch the generation that's lectured us on tolerance morphing into the most intolerant generation in recent history.

Not too long ago, colleges and universities were never "safe places." Instead, these institutions challenged our brains. If those debates hurt someone's feelings, so be sit. Not so today. Today we're observing a generation that can't handle facts that might injure their already fragile psyches. As the editor of a local publication wrote recently: "While it is encouraging to see college students actively involved in issues like civil rights, there is a self-righteous and reactionary element that is disturbing." (Delco Times).

Some examples:
  • Melissa Click, the University of Missouri academic, who shouted "I need some muscle over here" to prevent a journalist from taking photos at a public protest.
  • Smith College banned journalists from a protest when the journalist refused their demands. What were the demonstrator's demands? The media was welcomed as long as the media joined the protesters in solidarity. The demonstrations were intended to bring more awareness to the issues of alleged racism on campuses around the nation.
  • The University of Wisconsin referred to the phrase "politically correct" as a microaggression.
  • A professor at Washington State University declared referencing women/men as females and males was derogatory and oppressive language.
  • Too many colleges and universities declared the display of American flags because the flags are "weapons for nationalism."  In addition, they also declared flags construct "dangerous cultural mythologies and narratives."
I'd continue with more examples. There are literally hundreds but my head would explode if I do.  It's becoming increasingly clear to those who are rationally minded that more and more colleges are plunging into progressive hell dominated by fascist ideas and actions. Their fragile feelings can't handle opposing views and/or opinions. Even more disturbing, these same collegiate tyrants don't realize that mitigating free speech places the right of free speech for everyone in jeopardy.

Stephen Moore of Freedom Works said it best: "A generation that has been told since pre-kindergarten that the highest virtue in life is tolerance has suddenly become the most intolerant in history."