Tuesday, March 15, 2016

There Are No Angels In Politics

Sanders Impresses Florida Voters By Jumping From  Hotel Balcony Into Pool...The Onion

I'm reminded of the time when I was on a business trip in Tampa some years ago.  I decided to go to the hotel bar to have a nightcap.  I asked the bartender if he had some good Scotch. I remember his response to this day: "Sir, there's only good Scotch and better Scotch."

I keep reminding myself of that story during this political season when I think of the Republican candidates. It's a metaphor I believe is fitting (there's only one exception to the that bartender's claim---when it comes to Democrat candidates, the two choices are bad, really bad). Every Republican candidate, even those who have already fallen by the wayside, would be a better candidate than either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Yes, some are more attractive than others. In my case, my preference happens to be Ted Cruz. I like his conservative core principles and his defense of The Constitution.  Yet, I fully understand the appeal of Trump. Kasich an Rubio to a lesser extent. The attraction of all four  to many voters should surprise no one.

As in the current ubiquitous narrative, most of the problems facing America today can be directly attributed to the political class, the elite on both the Right and Left side of the political isle.  The Democrat candidates actually want the electorate to believe America is in need of change even though they've been in power for the last eight years. On the other hand, the Republican Party has abandoned conservative principles. It's becoming increasingly clear they want an establishment candidate nominated. Both Trump and Cruz don't fit that bill.  As Peter Kalikow wrote recently (former publisher of the NYPost):  "The Republican Party belongs to the people who comprise its grass-roots voters, not the party bosses who profess to know what's in their best interests." They behave like whiny little children on a playground. Play by our rules or we're going home. Well, if Trump's surge has taught us anything---it's that the rules have changed. And the elite of both parties better understand this paradigm shift.  If not, they'll be on the sidelines along with Romney and McCain.

If we learned anything, it's that there are no angels in politics.

Postscript:   Since this was posted, we're learning one fact:  Hillary Clinton is no angel.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

In This Political Era, It's Time To Stand Up For America & The Constitution

Hillary's New Slogan:
"If you liked Obama's incompetence, you'll love Hillary."...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

If I were a Trump supporter, I'd be angry too. (I prefer Ted Cruz, a genuine conservative. But that's for a future posting. But know this, my mission---the mission of every rational American--- should be to stop Hillary Clinton).

We already know that the Republican establishment is trying to stop Trump from getting the nomination,  And it shouldn't surprise anyone considering the Republican elite has always pushed back against the will of the people.  They never appear to focus on the real target. One of the other main reasons there is so much anger in America today can be directly attributed to the failed policies of the Obama administration.

So, in addition to the outrage we're witnessing against Trump, let's take a closer look at where this anger should be directed:
  • In 2010, when speaking to Latinos, Obama told Latinos to "punish our enemies." But it's Trump who proclaims violence.
  • Obama declared ISIS a JV team. But it's Trump who makes horrendous statements.
  • It was Obama who claimed the "Iran Deal" would make the globe a safer place. But it's Trump who makes stupid assertions.
  • In 2008, it was Obama who told his supporters to argue with their neighbors and "get in their faces." But it's Trump who makes outrageous statements.
  • It was Obama who said those living in the fly-over states cling to their guns and religion. But it's Trump who makes disgraceful comments.
  • It was Obama---in his first State of the Union---who made  shameless statements against the entire Supreme Court. But it's Trump who makes rude statements.
  • It was Obama who skipped the funerals of Scalia and Nancy Reagan. But it's Trump who behaves disgracefully.
And regarding the violent protest in Chicago this past Friday against Trump speaking, make no mistake---those were radical progressives supported and financed by radical groups. They always appear like roaches crawling out of their hiding places. And it was disappointing to listen to some of the other Republican candidates who appeared to take the side of those nitwits when it was Trump and his supporters who were the victims---victims because their Constitutional right of free speech was infringed.

The only loser in the last eight years has been America. And it's time to stand up for this great nation and The Constitution,