Wednesday, May 25, 2016

State Dept: Hillary Clinton Broke Records Rules: More Drip, Drip Or Just More Yawning

Hillary Clinton Broke State Dept Rules: Color Me Shocked...Mia's Tweet

Last week, Michael Walsh of The NY Post listed all of Hillary Clinton's speeches. He pointed out correctly that Ronald Reagan was savaged by the media and democrats for several speeches after he left office to the tune of $2M.  As of March 2015,  Hillary Clinton received a total of $21.6M for about 100 speeches since April of 2013. She made $225,000 for most of the speeches with one totaling $400 grand.  This does not include the almost $27M Bill Clinton received to date. The audiences for her speeches included, but were not limited to, Wall Street, the entertainment industry, pharmaceuticals, health care and a variety of associations and foundations. And I won't even go into the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.  As reported, those Clinton initiatives received "contributions" from dictators and some very bad global players (as reported in a new documentary entitled, "Clinton Cash.").

I bring this to your attention because these are the very same people who raise the issue of "economic inequality" as well as attacking those very same institutions that paid her handsomely.  In fact, if you consider those Americans working for minimum wage, it would take them about 15-20 years to make what Hillary made in just one speech.

And today we have breaking news that Hillary Clinton broke government records rules.  This was a an audit report from the State Department's inspector general.  The audit also reported that Clinton's server (private server which is yet another issues) was "attacked." In addition,  the audit found Clinton never sought approval for her personal account nor did her staff seek guidance form the State Department in setting up her account. She also refused to be interviewed for the audit.

Keep in mind, Clinton said on several occasions she didn't break any rules, laws or regulations regarding her private server and emails.  Then again, her first impulse is to always reach for a lie.

So the question remains. Is this another drip, drip or just another big yawner? ---Considering Hillary Clinton never suffers any consequences.

Postscript:  And now we see conspicuous pay-to-play involving the Clinton Foundation and yet---yawns, yawns and yawns and no consequences.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The VA Secretary Likens Wait Times At The VA To Waiting In Line For Cinderella's Castle

"If the government can't even treat its veterans properly, how can it handle healthcare for everyone." NY Post Editorial

As I've made clear in the past, my experience with VA providers has been good. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the wait times or even getting appointments in a timely fashion.  Just this week, I had an appointment at 1:30 p.m. and didn't leave the facility until 4 p.m. And that was a good day. There have been several occasions when I didn't even see my provider until 3-5 hours after my appointment time. Also, during those times, there are at least 30 vets or more in the same waiting room. The systemic problems don't end with just wait times. At the particular VA clinic I need to attend every 2-3 months, they rarely answer the phone. On many occasions, the phone rang and rang for over 30 minutes with no one answering.  You bring this issue up to them, yet no one does a damn thing about it.

So it came as no surprise to me (and I'm sure other veterans) at the comments made by the VA Secretary  Robert McDonald today: "When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? Or what's important? What's important is, what's your satisfaction with the experience?"

Yo Sparky!  We're not talking about some make-believe carnival rides. In addition, Disney doesn't usually neglect the needs of its customers as the VA has done all too often.  It was just last year when the Lincoln Center for Policy Research reported that "36,000 combat vets" were stuck on hold because the appointment process was broken. They also reported that over 100 VA facilities were implicated in manipulating waiting lists. To add insult to injury, few VA employees were held accountable. In fact, some were even given bonuses.

It's way beyond time for someone to do something about these continued systemic issues. But we already know that. Too many veterans have even died trying to navigate this inefficient and inadequate system of health care.  What say you Mr. Obama?