Thursday, June 16, 2016

What Happened To The Unity, Compassion + Sensibility We Had On 9/12/01?

"We must stop attacks like Orlando from happening"
"What must we do?"
"Disarm citizens to make it easier for attackers."
"Brilliant!"...Josh Earnst Tweet (parody + satire)

After the attacks on America on 9/112001, America was united against our enemy. After this week's attacks in Orlando, we're divisive---especially the political class. What happened to us since 9/11/2001?

Perhaps the answers rests with what Obama said after the attack in Orlando:

  • "We've seen our government mistreat our fellow citizens and it has been a shameful part of our history."  Sir you said this after the attack by an Islamist in Orlando? So it's America's fault? Disgraceful.
  • "Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction?"  Sir, you just made it a political distraction.  Also, naming our enemy matters---a lot.  By refusing to name the enemy, you refuse to determine what drives their ideology and the global connections they have.  
  • "Main contribution of the GOP in fight against ISIL is to criticize me for not using 'Radical Islam.'"  Sir, what was that you just said earlier about "political distractions?"
  • "There are common sense steps that could reduce gun violence." Sir, this was an attack by an Islamist terrorist.
I have a suggestion for the president and company.  Perhaps if you put as much energy to destroy the Islamists terrorists as you put into destroying the Second Amendment--- Orlando, San Bernadino, Boston and other attacks would NOT have happened. Moreover, all of these attacks and more occurred in "Gun Free Zones."  How's that working for you sir?

John Lott, Jr., author of "War On Guns," reported this story recently.  Several months ago, an FBI wire picked up a conversation of an ISIS sympathizer in Detroit.  He started explaining  why he picked a church as a target. He said this (his words): It's easy....Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news."  That's a statement directly from the mouth of our enemy.

Moreover, the enemy you've refused to acknowledge, has open and violent disdain for Christians, Jews, Gays and America.  They refer to us as "infidels."  We should refer to them as radical and homicidal Islamists.  As Kyle Smith wrote: "We're victims of our fear of offending Muslims."  That's why sir---we need a gunslinger as president---not a bystander.

So what happened to us since 9/11/2001?----the election of Barack Obama.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hillary Clinton + The Other Islamist Apologists Take Your Empathy + Stick It Up Your Asses

Pres. Obama will bravely set an anti-gun example and will spend his remaining term without being protected by concealed legal guns...WH Press Secretary Tweet (satire)

"We're victims of our fear of offending Muslims."  That's a byline for a piece in The NY Post today by Kyle Smith. And in a nutshell, it describes perfectly the warped ideology of Islamist apologists as Obama and Clinton have repeatedly exhibited in the past.

Obama's tenure is quickly and thankfully coming to an end. But that still leaves us with Hillary Clinton and her ilk.  And even though Clinton finally defined the enemy yesterday as "radical Islamism" (a tad late Hillary), her speech was typical PC political nonsense.  She, like Obama, still want to restrict our Second Amendment rights. (Memo to both apologists: In the past, Islamists have used knives (Paris just yesterday), pressure cookers (Boston), shoes and underwear (Shoe Bomber and Times Square) and even box cutters (9/11)).

At least Trump didn't hold anything back and voiced some of the beliefs and opinions permeating the American psyche today.  In addition, he reminded us again radical Islam is anti-women, anti-gay and anti-American.  If elected, he pledged to defend America.  We didn't hear that from Hillary Clinton. Instead, her first inclination was to shove The Constitution aside---again.

I'll leave you with this from one of my favorite columnist: "The dead are dead through violence carried out by radical Islam. That is the central truth, and until American leaders admit it and act on it, the slaughters will continue."  Michael Goodwin.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Appeasement + Political Correctness: Giving Aid + Comfort To The Enemy

Instead of crushing the 2nd Amendment Mr. President, how about crushing ISIS...Larry Elder Tweet

On countless occasions, I've made reference to how Islamists----especially ISIS---feels about the LGBT community. In short, they murder them. One of their favorite means is by throwing them off roofs of buildings.  After each time (and there have been many),  I often asked: Why no conspicuous outrage from the LGBT community?  This question was never meant to hold the victims to blame, it was simply meant to question the lack of attention to this savagery.

I've written numerous pieces on the timidity, appeasement and political correctness ravaging our political and social culture when it comes to addressing the threats from radical Islamists.  Yet, it's been apparent this administration has done little to secure our safety from this Islamist homicidal maniacs.  So I ask you to indulge me for a moment to prove my point. The following are just a few examples of those posts:

  • "The Courage of Political Incorrectness or The Cowardice of Political Correctness."  In that piece, I made the point that political correctness can be toxic and dangerous.  I pointed out how political correctness most likely led to the shootings and murder at Ft. Hood. (June 28, 2013).
  • "Our Anemic Response To Islamist Contributions To Peace: One Christian Body At A Time." I asked why the silence regarding Christian genocide. I listed over 10 examples. (August 19, 2013)
  • "Why  Do Islamist Apologists Continue To Genuflect To Savages?" Pointing out how the Obama administration, including Hillary Clinton, continue to make excuses for radical Islam (by never even mentioning the name of our enemy---radical Islamists)  (Dec. 22, 2015).
  • "Obama's Pathological Disdain For Anyone Critical of "The Religion of Peace."  One example included the Obama's disdain for Israel and their response to being attacked by Islamists over and over again. (Feb. 4, 2016).
  • "Brussels, Paris, London, etc. The Consequences Of Genuflecting To Political Correctness."  Pointing out how all we heard was "Al-Qaeda is on the run."  ISIS is a "JV Team."  "We will degrade ISIS."  Tell that to the victims of San Bernadino,  the Boston Marathon bombing and now Orlando, FL. (March 22, 2016).
I think you get the picture. Not only is our administration appeasing the enemy; it's also releasing the enemy (Gitmo).  John Podhoretz wrote it best today: "Obama finds it astonishingly easy to divorce himself from reality he doesn't like---the reality of the Islamist terror war against the United States..."  He later added: "True to form, the president spoke more words about the scourge of guns than about the threat of terror."  In fact, the president still didn't address who the enemy is: radical Islamists.

It's become clear that Obama will be leaving our nation less safe after he completes his failed presidency.  And that will be his true legacy even as his enablers in the media will try to convince us otherwise.