Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Progressive Agenda: An All-Out Assault On Facts, Truth + American Institutions

In May of 2016, BHO welcomed Black Lives Matter to the WH for an exclusive visit. Occupy Wall St and the Black Panthers must have been busy...WH Press Secretary Tweet (parody)
The NY Post reported today that NYC Mayor DeBlasio said of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement: "Black and Lives Matter is a force for good..."  I'm not making this up. He actually made that absurd ludicrous statement. No wonder, a once great city, is now plunging into progressive hell with this dummy in charge.

Nevertheless, many agree with his assessment of BLM even though almost every event and protest they lead results in violence---especially violence against police, the very same people who protect them at these protests. Just as disturbing, leadership from the White House is conspicuous by its absence.  Mr. Obama continues to distort the facts about the police and their alleged "racism."  This does not mean there are no racist cops but his facts are wrong.  In previous posts, I outlined a report from The Washington Post.  In short,  WaPo found there were 965 police shootings in 2015 resulting in death. Of those, 90 were unarmed and a majority were white.  In addition, unarmed blacks accounted for less than 4% of fatal police shootings.

This data was reinforced by a new study out of Harvard. It found "Cops are more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white---and far less likely when they're black."  In other words, both studies found NO SYSTEMIC RACIAL BIAS.

But, as I stated in my earlier post, the truth and facts are just a casualty in the progressive war on all of America's institutions. Police are just one target. Others include, but are not limited to, the military, our Constitutional form of government, religious affiliation (unless it's Islam), education, the criminal justice system (being played out right now), the 2nd Amendment, tolerance, conservatives (e.g. The IRS scandal), American Exceptionalism and Free Speech (as we're witnessing on our nation's campuses today).

If fake, phony and frauds really cared about what happens to blacks, they would be marching and protesting in Detroit, Chicago, LA and other American cities where blacks are murdering one another at alarming rates.

By designating BLM as a "force for good," progressives prove they have absolutely no political courage---none.  And that includes the man sitting in the Oval Office today.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Progressive Agitators Don't Want Issues + Problems To Be Resolved

GOP rally erupts in violence by leftists: Blame the GOP.
BLM erupts in violence by BLM: Blame everyone else....Razor's Tweet

Let's be clear. Progressive agitators don't want issues and problems to be resolved.  If they did, they would have diverted their attention to the killing and murder of blacks by other blacks as we witness in Chicago almost every two hours each weekend.  Their ideology is so twisted, so distorted, so vile even the murder of five Dallas police officers didn't deter these dangerous misfits from causing more violence this past weekend.  As I've written about in the past, their ideology is based on perpetuating false narratives---a political agenda that is also exceedingly dangerous.

The democrats, especially Obama and Hillary Clinton reinforce this behavior with their inflammatory and all too often, deceitful rhetoric. For example, after the Dallas police chief (a damn good cop) laid out the motives used by the Dallas shooter himself (e.g. his hatred to white cops and white people in general),  Pres. Obama actually said this from Warsaw: "It's very hard to untangle the Dallas shooter's motive..."  In addition, as in the Martin and Brown cases, Obama and others claimed racism was a reason when there was no evidence in either case.

Just as disturbing,  the Black Lives Matter crowd always appears to be in the center of this agitation. Yet, these are the very same people Obama has invited to the White House for discussions about race. Hillary Clinton also met with their ringleaders. These are people who should be shunned by society but our progressive leadership meets with them.  In other words, progressives regularly embrace false narratives by race-baiting thugs.  We've seen that play out in NYC and Mayor De Blasio's  affection for Al Sharpton and his ilk.

It's become more clear over just the past year or more,  BLM spews file rhetoric and are race-baiting bullies. They often even refuse to acknowledge that All Lives Matter (yes, including their own). These are the same folks who regularly chant: "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon."  And then we wonder why police officers are ambushed and murdered including two NYPD officers immediately following the riots in Ferguson.

Last year I noted that Martin Luther King, Jr., would have many reasons to smile and many to cry.  These BLM misguided bullies and knuckleheads would give MLK many reasons to cry.

But, the again, they don't care. They don't want any of these race problems solved anyway even as more blacks keep killing each other at alarming rates.