Friday, September 2, 2016

Open Letter To Colin Kaepernick

So Colin Kaepernick can wear socks with police as pigs,  but the Dallas Cowboys can't wear stickers honoring their city's slain officers ....Razor's Tweet

So where to start?  Allow me to cover one issue at a time.

it's now been said on countless occasions you have every right to remain seated during the national anthem.  After all, many have died giving you the freedom to do that even though your gesture is both disturbing and insulting.  But more importantly, your rationale for remaining seated is flawed and wrong.  You maintain your action is to get attention to the oppression of blacks.  While it would be patently absurd to suggest that racism does not exist, it's just as absurd to proclaim we haven't made great strides in human dignity---whether it has to do with the treatment of blacks (and other minorities) or even people with disabilities. The fact is America is better today than it was decades ago.  It's better than it was yesterday. Today we have a black president, a black First-Lady and some of the richest and well-off people in America are black----including you.  Today we live in a nation where every minority is well represented throughout our culture.

The realty today is that most of the oppression in American today comes from blacks oppressing other blacks.  In addition,  the exploitation by the progressive political class, race-baiting thugs like Al Sharpton and the media should be your targets.   Your targets should also be the political class that has left nothing but devastation in black communities in many major urban areas in America.  Your support of the Black Lives Matter movement is also misguided.  Most of that crowd uses vile rhetoric, race-baiting bully tactics and act more like petulant children.  

But as troublesome as all of that is, the most disturbing aspect of your stance was the wearing of socks depicting police as pigs.  Again, while you have every right to wear those socks (although I have to question why the NFL allowed it while you practiced), it's an action that crossed the line.  Are there bad cops?  Absolutely.  Just as there are bad teachers, bad priests, bad politicians and yes----even bad professional athletes.

Yes, oppression does exist. And Black Lives--- as all lives--- do matter. The difference is blacks need to stop killing each other.  That should be your cause.  And that has nothing to do with our national anthem.  One more piece of advice---Grow up!!!


The Political War Zone 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Weiner Tried Hard But No Cigar

Huma Cuts Off Weiner ... NY Post Headline Today


Over the last few years, many of us had a good time playing off Anthony Weiner's shortcoming and kinky behavior.  This was a former congressman that had it all---except for brains and restraint.  Nevertheless, with his often impulsive and inappropriate behavior of sexting to women via  social media, the careless nitwit was still rather well connected to the progressive political class.

Consider this for a moment.  Two years subsequent to the first time he got caught and thoroughly disgraced his  Office and his family, he decided to run for mayor of NYC in 2013.  One would think only a handful of democrats would even consider him as a viable candidate. You would be wrong.  He was leading in the Democrat primary polls at the time. Until---well until---he got caught again.  This time he was sexting under the name "Carlos Danger."

And if that wasn't enough, his wife, Human Abedin (confidant to Hillary Clinton), still stuck it out with this  purveyor of shameless debauchery. Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised considering Hillary's relationship to Bubba.

Then comes the headlines this week.  But worse. He was caught sexting another woman. This time he sext her with a crotch shot of himself while his young son was next to him.  This, of course, crosses all kinds of degenerate lines.  Huma finally had enough, She sent out a statement saying she made a decision "to separate from my husband."  The next question to her should be:  WTF took you so long?

This entire perverted episode begs several more questions and concerns.  If Weiner had not been caught again and Hillary won the presidency,  this sick puppy would have been one degree away from the Oval Office.  There is no doubt that Huma will get a high-level position in the event Clinton becomes president. (By the way, to find out what Human was up to in an earlier life, check out my previous post).  In fact, Trump was correct when he said: "I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information."  The Russian hackers would have had a field day with that one.

Kyle Smith of the NY Post, added this:  "Since Bill Clinton's transgressions were far worse than Weiner's, why on earth has Hillary continued to stand by her man?"   And I'm inclined to ask why are so many Americans still supporting this enabler?

Why indeed!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton: A Hollow And Phony Feminist

Hillary's complete list of accomplishments 1979-2016:
1. Opened a "pre-opened" pickle jar on a late night TV show...WH Press Secretary Tweet (parody)

I'll tell you what really gets under my skin.  Whenever I'm out and about and I see a "Hillary" bumper sticker especially on a car being driven by a woman.   And no, not for the reason  you might think either (regular readers know I despise her).  It's  for one conspicuous and glaring fact:  Hillary Clinton is a hollow and phony feminist.

Last week, the news broke that her most trusted aid---Human Abedin (the wife of the disgraced former congressman, Anthony Weiner)----was editor of a journal that smeared and besmirched Jews, Israel and the U.S.  In fact,  the journal ( Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs) also suggested America was responsible for 9/11.

But that's only half of it.  The journal also supported Sharia Law and was opposed to the rights of women.  Paul Sperry, author of "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington," reported that Saleha Abedin, Huma's mother, edited a book entitled, "Women in Islam: A Discourse in Rights and Obligations." In short, the book explains that the whipping and stoning of adulterers, sexual submissiveness and GENITAL mutilation are all permissible under Sharia Law.  Moreover, the book also states: "Women can also participate in fighting when JIHAD becomes an individual duty."

Now bear in mind. Huma Abedin is Hillary Clinton's closest aid and advisor.  If Clinton is elected president,  Abedin will certainly continue her role as an adviser or perhaps even a Chief of Staff.

Oh, one more fact. In 2010, Abedin arranged for then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, to meet with her mother and to speak at a school for girls---the same mother who believes in the subservience, exploitation and suppression of the rights of women.

All of this is on the heels of massive amounts of money the Clintons received from countries that treat women like dirt----literally.

If, as a woman, you support Hillary Clinton----hang your head in shame.  In fact, that goes for the rest of you who support her.