Friday, June 1, 2012

Obama Campaign Going Off A Cliff?; Dismal Unemployment & Employment Numbers; Romney's Speech At Solyndra Site; Edwards Joins The Slimeball Club; CNN Tanks

President Obama will begin a three state bus tour. I believe the three states are confusion, delusion and desperation...Leno

  • There can be no doubt now that the Obama campaign handlers are panicking. It appears the campaign is going off a cliff. As many know by now, unemployment ticked up to 8.2%, the weakest in a year. On top of that data, only 68,000 jobs were created. Do the math. There are 50 states (unless you believe the president who said there were 57, but I'm counting the stars on our great flag). Divide 50 into 68,000 and you come up with just an average per state of just over 1,300 jobs per state. That's not bad. That's dismal.
  • Those numbers were on the tail of horrible economic numbers yesterday with first-time unemployment claims bumping up AGAIN. The GNP came in at a paltry 1.9%.
  • On top of all this, the stock market posted its worse day since last May.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yo Mitt! Choose Allen West: A Leader and Genuine Badass; That Pesky Kill List; Economic News Still Horrible; Sayonara Charles Taylor You Murdering Prick; Cherokee Nation Takes Warren To Task

The Onion's "American Voices " regarding Obama's kill list: "That's smart. Making a kill list increases the likelihood you'll get those people killed." Frank Spinell, Sewer Pipe Offbearer

  • Memo to Mitt Romney: Choose Allen West as your running mate. I know it's a long-shot you would, but let's look at the upside here. He's a black congressman from Florida, a state you really, really need. He's a retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. He served in Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. He's received several service awards including the Bronze Star. He's from a family of veterans. His father served in WWII and his brother in Vietnam. He's NOT an attorney.

  •  He's also a badass and proven leader. While serving in Iraq, he got himself in a little bit of trouble. During an interrogation of a scumbag turncoat Iraqi police officer who was not giving any information, the officer reached for his weapon and was immediately subdued by other officers. West took out his service pistol and fired next to the scumbag's head. The Iraqi turncoat then immediately started blabbing. West received an Article 15 and was fined $5000. Asked if he would act differently in the future, he said proudly: "If it's about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can." That's the kind of person I believe most Americans would be proud of as Vice President or President. 
  • Regarding the president's "Kill List." Let me say this on the front end. I'm glad Obama has one. The more scumbags on the kill list, the better. However, can you imagine the uproar there would be in the knee-pad media and among Democrats if Bush or any other Republican had such a list? We would be hearing never-ending outcries for impeachment from those fake, phonies and frauds. And recall, it was Sen. Obama who excoriated then Pres. Bush for his War on Terror strategy. In fact, it was Sen. Obama who advocated that terrorists be read their Miranda rights. Well, you can't read Miranda rights to people who have on a "kill list" now can you?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obama's Latest Diversion: Trump; Mark Levin to Sharpton: Your An Ahole; Obama Insults Poles; Private Equity Risk Their Own Money Not Ours As Obama Does Every Single Day

This week a solar-powered airplane attempted to fly more than 1,500 miles. It was going great until the plane encountered one technical problem---night. Fallon

  • The Obama campaign and the knee-pad media's latest diversion is the flap over Romney and Trump appearing together. While I've never been a big Trump fan (although I do like him taking it to the knee-pad media. In response to CNN's Wolf Blitzer this week, Trump managed to get in a shot highlighting CNN's dismal ratings. How bad are their ratings? According to TV Newser, a daily TV ratings web site, Fox News hammers CNN. Fox also puts MSNBC and the other outlets to shame. For example, The Five on Fox has almost 4 times the audience of Chris Mathews and three times the viewers of Wolf Blitzer's show. And O'Reilly and Hannity bury their competition each and every evening. At the rate CNN is losing viewers, Current TV might end up beating them in the ratings wars. The real embarrassment for CNN is that Sharpie Sharpton actually gets higher ratings. And Sharpton's ratings are in the toilet too).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Obama: Is The Magic Gone?; The Big Lie; Who Is MSNBC's Chris Hayes?; Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign; ObamaCare Strikes Again; Another Socialist Country is Failing

Facebook is worth $100 billion. Today it was friended by Greece." Letterman

  • About two weeks ago, I wrote that the president's campaign strategy is very much like 3 Card Monty. The campaign views voters are "marks" so they can divert our attention away from the money card. It's a con, and it can also be likened to a magic trick. Magicians also divert our attention the same way. But I sense Obama's magic is gone. In the last two weeks, the Bain Capital hits upon Romney have backfired. The strategy was so bad, many Democrats criticized it. In addition,  Obama did poorly in the last several primaries. In one, he almost lost to a felon locked up in jail. His once grandiose speeches are now falling on deaf ears (with lackluster attendance).  More Americans see very clearly many of his policies are failures. And I believe many Americans are asking themselves this very important question: Does anyone really think Pres. Obama would do better in a second term? And more are responding with a simple answer: NO!
  • Moreover, more proof the administration's fiscal policies are taking a toll, AP is now reporting that consumer confidence has plunged---its lowest in eight months.

  • Last week, Pres. Obama proclaimed that spending under his administration is the lowest in 60 years (okay, I'll give you a moment to stop laughing your ass off). But how did the administration come to make such an overt lie? Well, they did it with "magic" again. They assigned the spending in 2009 to none other than GEORGE W. BUSH. Gee, how convenient. In fact, The Washington Post (part of the knee-pad media) couldn't even go with the administration's false claim. They gave the White House 3 Pinocchio's for the whopper.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Remembering The Fallen; Yet MSNBC Chose To Dishonor Our Heroes; Most Vets Support Romney; Even Lady GaGa Wants To Keep Her Head; Biden's Continued Hypocrisy and Lies; From Valley Forge to Fallujah: Remember

"For love of country they accepted death." James A. Garfield

  • Before I begin the political news, let's take a moment to reflect on those brave and heroic men and women who died in service of this great nation. Please take a moment to visit Dedicated to Heroes at where we observed Memorial Day.

  • Lest we forget, we should also reflect on those who we will never know who gave their lives fighting in the War on Terror. I chose the image of the CIA Memorial above that best signifies those warriors who fought and died in the shadows.
  • How often is it said that we label so many individuals as "heroes" when they are so undeserving of that honor. I refer, of course, to the many times we've designated celebrities and athletes as heroes. Yet, several guests on MSNBC decided to question true heroism this past weekend. It should not come as any surprise with so many slugs on that network. But it appears many on MSNBC have no shame (Al Sharpton comes immediately to mind. Any network that gives a fake, phony and fraud like Sharpton his own show should be avoided at all costs). I refer to Chris Hayes. Fortunately, that name probably does not ring a bell to most Americans. Nevertheless, he is a spokesperson for that despicable network.  He said, "I feel uncomfortable, ah, uncomfortable about the word {heroes} because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war...maybe I'm wrong about that." No, Mr. Hayes, you're an asshole about that. You and your ilk are first-class yo-yo's. And you don't even recognize that so many shed their blood so you can go on national TV and make a complete ass out of yourself. For that, we should probably be thankful.