Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Committee's Hypocrisy; New #'s Show Economy Still Weak; More Disturbing News About ObamaCare; Even ACLU Comes To Defense of Chick fil A; Madonna Booed and Called "Slut" in France

Olympics can inspire American kids to get active. Or it can inspire the kids to sit on the couch and watch the Olympics...Conan

  • The International Olympic Committee's overt hypocrisy knows no bounds, and must be taken to task. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against the athletes. God bless 'em. When I was a young guy, I actually wanted to be an Olympian like many other guys and gals. I actually bought a used javelin and started throwing it around. That lasted about two weeks when I said to myself, "Why the f%$k am I throwing this spear up and down a football field? It's 1967 for God's sake, not the 15th Century. This is stupid. I'm going back to playing real sports."

  • As many of you know by now, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) continued to refuse to hold a moment of silence for the 11 Israeli athletes murdered by the Black September terrorists (a Palestinian terrorist organization at the time).

  • There are several reasons for their idiotic decision. They openly say the Olympics should not be political. Excuse me! Do they forget where the 1936 Olympics were held? (in Nazi Germany). Do they forget Juan Carlos and Tommy Smith of USA raising their clenched fist in protest at the 1968 Games? No, this is solely about not offending Arab countries, especially Palestinians.  Does anyone think the IOC would take this posture if Israeli athletes had not been murdered? The IOC, like the U.N., are hypocrites. Shameful
  • Romney was taken to task by the Brits because he reminded everyone about the lack of security and the proposed strikes planned during the Olympics. There's only one problem with this criticism: if you read the European papers, including British tabloids,  in the last several months...they were all taking shots at the problems the British were having in hiring enough private security for the Olympics. In fact, the problems were so bad, the Brits called up their own military for security duty. So Mitt just told the truth.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

80% of Obama Campaign Bundlers Received Political Appointments; Gun Sales Skyrocket; Bloomberg Is A Blooming Idiot; Support Chick-fil-A; Hot Greek Olympian Outsted For Her Tweets; USA Women's Beach Volleyball Players Will Play In Their Bikinis

Sandusky Meets Another Inmate With The Nickname Tickle Monster...The Onion's Sports News

  • Huge donors to political campaigns have long been receiving plumb jobs in government. However, the Obama administration has raised that cronyism to an art form---an art form reeking of corruption.  The Center for Public Integrity reported recently that almost 80% of bundlers who raised $500,000 or more for Obama were appointed to posts in the administration. But even more disturbing, the administration has given huge amounts of taxpayer money to failed companies, the most publicized have been in the solar and green industries. "There's never been more money shoved out of the government's door in world history," said George Kaiser who was a major stakehoder in Solyndra. In fact, in 2009, this creep bragged about all the "face time" he secured with White House officials in the West Wing. Emails uncovered by Congressional investigators reveal Solyndra helped secure its $535 million loan gurantee with the help of Steve Spinner, another prominent Obama donor. In fact, Spinner was later appointed to the White House transition team and later served as "chief strategic operations officer" of the Department of Energy. Now keep this in mind folks. Solyndra went bankrupt; yet these crony scumbags still received cushy government appointments.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pres. Obama's Biggest Blunders

The apartment in NYC that Obama used to live in is now up for rent at $2,400.00 a month. Coincidentally, Obama was only there for one-four year term. Leno

  • It's now undeniable (although those still in support of Pres. Obama's supporters are in denial) that he's made some whoppers when it comes to presidential blunders. In fact, with the exception of Jimmy Carter, Obama's blunders are high on the hit blunder list.
  • His most recent blunder was insulting every business person in America (by the way, his campaign knows it, because campaign ads are coming out left and right proclaiming he was taken out of context. He wasn't).
  • His most serious blunder, in my opinion and in the opinion of most rational Americans, was jamming thru ObamaCare. While unemployment was over 10% and the economy was tanking quickly, his administration spent over one year on ObamaCare.

  • Another major blunder has been not targeting the growing debt and deficit. Our national debt is now approaching $16 trillion.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

After Massacres Like Aurora Media Always Blames Conservatives First; Solyndra Execs Attend Obama Fundraiser, Defense Cuts Could Result In Over A Million Jobs Lost; Poll Reports Romney Trusted More On Economy; NCAA Sanctions Against Penn State

For the first time ever, women are scoring higher than men in IQ tests. Scientists say it has something to do with breast implants. Not that it makes women smarter, it just makes men dumber...Leno

  • Have you noticed a disturbing trend in the last few years? After massacres similar to the one in Aurora, the knee-pad media's first inclination is to blame the Right. Examples abound. Immediately after the Tuscon shooting, the media blamed the Tea Party. Later we found out the shooter (I refuse to name these scumbags) was apolitical. In 2010, another scumbag flew his small plane into an IRS building in Austin, TX. What was the media's initial response? He had to be an anti-tax, Tea Party member.  In fact, in the prick's own suicide note, he quoted from the Commie Manifesto. In 2010, another scumbucket shot two Pentagon security officers. The media speculated it had to be some right-wing nut job. The shooter, in fact, was a registered Democrat and 9/11 Truther. I can give you many more similar examples. But I'm confident these incidents support my claim about the knee-pad media's DNA where their first reaction is to always blame the Right first.
  • A pickup truck crash killed 14 people in South Texas yesterday. Where is the call to ban pickup trucks?
  • "Thus an administration {Obama's} loaded with people who have never run any business is gung-ho to tell businesses what to do, as well as gung-ho to tell the medical profession what to do, lenders to whom to lend and the military how to fight wars." Thomas Sowell, one of the brightest black political writers in America today

Monday, July 23, 2012

Journalism's Failures Need Immediate Attention; They Always Want To Take Guns Away From People Who Don't Do The Crimes; Poverty In U.S. On Course To Be Highest Since 1965; Obama Can't Blame Bush Anymore; Romney Gets A Majority of Veteran Support; Reasons To Dislike Romney; NCAA Sanctions Against Penn State

Jobless claims rose by 35,000 last week. But it does show you if you're unsuccessful in this country, you didn't do it on your own. You had help. Thank you, Pres. Obama...Leno

  • The conspicuous bias and poor reporting in today's media appears to need immediate attention. Of course, it's no secret most of the media leans Left. The evidence is overwhelming. But something has to be done about it.

  • As many know by now, ABC News and Brian Ross, immediately implied a Tea Party member may have been responsible for the Aurora theatre shooting. But this was not the first time a major news agency made such a outrageous and slimy claim. If you recall, Dan Rather of CBS news and 60 Minutes aired bogus claims about the military service of George W. Bush in 2004, two months before the election (Bush was a pilot in the Texas Air Guard. The bogus reporting claimed Bush failed to fulfil his obligation to the Guard. And independent investigation headed by former PA Governor Dick Thornburgh found significant "failures" in the network's reporting regarding Bush's military service). As a result of these failures in reporting, Dan Rather resigned. Several other executives were terminated.

  • In addition, this was not an isolated error made by Brian Ross. He's been criticized for other reports in the past. But this goes beyond what Ross did. And I'm not referring to "honest" errors on the part of the media. This poor reporting is about collusion and an intent to mis-report or misrepresent the facts.  It goes to the heart of how often so many in the media are willing to compromise their journalistic principles to find fault with conservatives.