Friday, January 18, 2013

Does Pres. Obama Care About The Unemployed?; Why Does The Left Continue to Exploit Children?; Lance, Just One Of Many; Gun Stocks Shooting Up

"He should have done the whole thing on a stationary bike." A Tweet regarding Lance Armstrong's "confession" to Oprah

  • Does Pres. Obama care about the 22 million people in America either unemployed or underemployed? I ask that question because of the news that broke today. Obama's job council has not met in 1 year. In fact, the panel's charge is supposed to end at the end of this month unless Obama extends it. Politico is reporting it's "extremely" unlikely the panel with meet before January 31. 
  • Pres. Obama will officially start his second term next week. He has yet to get control of unemployment, the debt, the deficit, illegal immigration, banking reform, taxes and energy. In fact, one can argue, he made matters worse in the last 4 years. It'll be interesting to see what he sets for his agenda in the next four years. I suspect we will be hearing more about gun control.
  • Speaking of gun control, gun stocks have been shooting up (pun intended). Smith and Wesson reported shares gained .48 cents or 5.7%.  And Ruger is up 50% in their most recent reported quarter. USA Today

  • It's clear the gun control crowd does not understand the basic principle inherent in human nature: we not only have a right to defend ourselves but we have a duty to defend ourselves and our families. Even if the Second Amendment didn't exist, self-defense is basic to our human nature. Only an idiot would not defend him or herself in the face of some thug threatening a life.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama's Gun Control News Conference; At WACO: 25 Children Were Killed; Lance Armstrong: A First Class Prick

President Obama said nothing about keeping guns out of the hands of Eric Tweet during his press conference today

  • Pres. Obama just completed his news conference surrounded by several children.  He plans on signing 23 "executive actions." Those have not been outlined yet. He did say he wants an universal background check. Personally, I have no problem with that measure. He wants military style assault weapons banned. I believe that will need Congressional action as well as a definition of "assault" weapons. He wants to limit capacity to 10 rounds. Finally, he wants law enforcement to enforce existing gun laws. I doubt anyone will argue with that point. 
  • He didn't mention a word about Hollywood's violent films or violent video games.
  • After having listened to the news conference, I asked myself this question: Slo Joe Biden worked on this for over a month?
  • I have a sense progressive will complain Obama did not go far enough.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who Is The Biggest Liar In History?; LiesStrong; Obama To Announce 19 Executive Orders On Gun Control; Mayor Bloomberg: America's Little Dictator; Obama Leading From Behind

Pres. Obama recently came under fire for lack of diversity in his administration.  Then Obama said, "You guys know I'll be there too, right?"...Fallon

  • The NY Post had an interesting voter poll today. It listed about 10 popular names of well-known liars. Voters were asked who they think is the biggest liar in history (readers can cast their ballots on line). Some of those listed included: Richard Nixon, Bernie Madoff, Tawana Brawley (they skipped Al Sharpton), Milli Vinilli, Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong and Pinocchio. Pres. Obama was not listed.  That's right. Obama just changed positions. It was Bush who lied. My bad.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Memo To Gun Control Activists: What About Criminal Control?; Pres. Obama's Press Conference: Same Ol', Same Ol' Crap

Pres. Obama recently came under fire for lack of diversity in his administration.  Then Obama said, "You guys know I'll be there too, right?"...Fallon

  • The NY Post had an interesting voter poll today. It listed about 10 popular names of well-known liars. Voters were asked who they think is the biggest liar in history (readers can cast their ballots on line). Some of those listed included: Richard Nixon, Bernie Madoff, Tawana Brawley (they skipped Al Sharpton), Milli Vinilli, Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong and Pinocchio. Pres. Obama was not listed.  That's right. Obama just changed positions. It was Bush who lied. My bad.