Monday, August 25, 2014

America: How Did We Get To This Point?

Whenever I ask for a day of racial peace for a funeral, I have Al Sharpton deliver the eulogy, don't you? WH Press Secretary Tweet

America, how did we get to this point..

  • When a major network (CNN) does pretentious international coverage of the funeral of a young man who robbed a convenience store over the 100 and more children killed in Chicago each year due to violence...
  • When a major network covers this funeral and not the same coverage of the funerals of our troops killed in combat...
  • When a eulogy is given by a known race-baiting thug...
  • When an anti-police march (in this case, against the NYPD) is led by the same race-baiting, hoaxer thug on the same day seven people are shot and given aid by the NYPD. Point of Fact: The NYPD has 35,000 officers in a city of almost 9 million people. It has over 23 million interactions with the public each year. It's a police department that has lost almost 700 police officers in the line of duty, more than any department in the United States. Nationally, over 100 officers lose their lives in the line of duty in the last decade. Each year, there have been almost 60,000 assaults against officers resulting in more than 15,000 injuries to those officers.
  • When a major network fails to cover the funerals of those 100 or more officers killed in the line of duty each year...
  • When the president and Commander in Chief failed to attend the funeral of Major General Harold Greene---killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan---but sends three White House officials to the funeral of Michael Brown...(Now being reported the WH sent more officials to this funeral than to Thatchers).
  • When we have millions of African-Americans who've forgotten the overall message of Martin Luther King, Jr...
  • When a president delivers a five minute presser regarding the beheading of an American by vicious, homicidal maniacs and returns to the golf course within 10 minutes of that news conference...
  • When Americans show support for Hamas that uses their own children as human shields (why don't they send their children to Gaza to serve as human shields?)...
  • When we have a media who would make Joseph Goebbels proud of their coverage of Israel...
  • When we have a president who is a bully at home but a Chamberlain abroad when it comes to dealing with our enemies and known threats to our nation...
  • When we have an administration that believes releasing known terrorists is good for the nation...
  • When a nation has the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and others of their ilk unfit to hold any public office...
  • When we have a former Secretary of State---Hillary Clinton---whose total accomplishments in foreign policy are conspicuous by their absence yet she's still considered a serious contender for the U.S. presidency...
  • When we have a current Secretary of State---J.F.Kerry---who managed to malign two generations of our military and veterans and has a knack for turning anything he touches into crap...
  • When we have about 40% of the American people who still support the failed policies of this administration as it continues to spread misery across the nation...
  • When we have an administration and Congress in Washington D.C. that provides nothing inspirational and nothing hopeful...
  • When we now have a political class (progressive) that relies solely on identity politics, lies, intolerance, bigotry and arrogance...
  • When we have another political party (Republicans) who appear to only be a mirage...
  • When we have a political class that actually believes a nation's borders should remain porous...?
  • When we have a political class (progressives) whose ideology trumps the welfare of the nation...
  • When we have an administration openly hostile to Israel...
  • When we have an administration who appears to cradle our enemies but bashes our allies...
  • And when we have a president who appears to only care about HIMSELF?
Postscript: When we have an administration whose own consultant, Gruber, vindicated all the Obamacare critics proving it's based on lies. And when we have an administration that circumvented Congress again with immigration.