"Good news. Obama has found a successor to Susan Rice and it's another photogenic incompetent liar." Tweet by Burge.
- Weeks ago, I wrote a piece about how the Obama administration keeps flipping us the bird. I wrote that shortly after the news broke that the administration actually put Sarah Ingram in charge of ObamaCare for the IRS. Mind you, this is the same person who served as commissioner for the tax-exempt office of the IRS, the very office now in the middle of the IRS scandal.
- Well, now comes word that Susan Rice has been PROMOTED to national security advisor. This is the same Susan Rice who went on all of those Sunday talk shows peddling the bogus story about the attack on the consulate in Benghazi.
- Now, if you think you can't make up more, consider this. The administration also promoted Samantha Power to take Susan Rice's place as Ambassador to the UN. Power is a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel activist. In 2002, she actually recommended we invade Israel to protect Palestinians. She's also worked for a George Soros think tank, the International Crisis Group.
- In short, no matter how many scandals surround this administration, it will continue to poke its finger in our faces. Or, to use an old cowboy metaphor, it will continue to poke us.
- It's mob-style Chicago politics. You reward loyalty not competence.
- You also see by this that the war on conservative women is okay by this administration but progressive women get promoted no matter how bad their performance is.
- If you have not been following this story perhaps you should. Sarah Murnagham, 10, of the Philadelphia area needs a lung transplant. Her parents say she has only several weeks to live. However, under current policy, children younger than 12 are not eligible for a lung transplant. They have asked for HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius to intervene and change the policy to save Sarah's life. Rep. Pat Meehan (R-PA) sent a letter to Sebilus that said doctors are confident they can perform a successful transplant on her. Sarah is currently at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. So will we witness a child dying because of some stinking bureaucratic rules or will we save her life? There should be no ethical dilemma here. If she was your child, what would you DEMAND? It's clear. Save Sarah's life or welcome to the new world of ObamaCare's death panels where bureaucrats will determine if you live or die not your physician.